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Writing Sample first pages

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Would anyone be willing to swap the first few pages of your writing sample with me? I am very worried my writing sample is not that good, since I'm using the paper that corresponds to my stated interests. My 'best' paper is completely unrelated, and I've been advised to use the one that fits with my sop.

I just want to know if the first few pages catch the reader's attention, and if it seems theoretically sophisticated enough...of course I'm willing to read anything of yours if you are kind enough to look at mine!

I hope this isn't a silly question unsure.gif

Thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...


Would anyone be willing to swap the first few pages of your writing sample with me? I am very worried my writing sample is not that good, since I'm using the paper that corresponds to my stated interests. My 'best' paper is completely unrelated, and I've been advised to use the one that fits with my sop.

I just want to know if the first few pages catch the reader's attention, and if it seems theoretically sophisticated enough...of course I'm willing to read anything of yours if you are kind enough to look at mine!

I hope this isn't a silly question unsure.gif

Thank you!

I'd be willing to swap, I was having the exact same reservations. PM me your first few if you're still interested.

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I'm having the exact same reservations. I'd be willing to jump into sharing the first three or four pages as well. Send me a PM if either of you (or anyone else for that matter) is interested.

I'd rather not share mine because I still am in the revision process (thankfully I have time to do so now, since the GRE Lit is done), but I'd look at either of your starts if you want to PM me. I'm curious to see how other people have started their sample. My start feels a little informal, currently.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I am also about to send in my writing sample, and I would happy to swap the first couple pages with someone. Mine is on medieval literature, so it would be a bonus if any medievalists would take a look. ;) PM me if you're interested, thanks!

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