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UCSD Biomedical Pre-app form


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So UCSD required international students to send in a pre-app form and the deadline was 5th November. Anyone heard back yet?

UC Santa Barbara had a similar requirement - I did mine ages ago, and they got back to me within a few days just to say "you may proceed with an application" or something similar.

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UC Santa Barbara had a similar requirement - I did mine ages ago, and they got back to me within a few days just to say "you may proceed with an application" or something similar.

Well they said they would start reviewing them after the deadline so I'm not sure whether to send them and email maybe sometime next week and ask if they've made any decisions. I too sent mine in ages ago-probably one of the first ones in

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Hi alleycat393,

I also sent the biomedical pre-app form for UCSD some time in mid-October, and haven't heard anything yet.. I don't know if this is a good sign.. the deadline is coming closer, and if they let us proceed with the application, there is not much time to send all scores and transcripts so that they arrive in time.

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I also submitted a pre-application and have not heard back yet. The program administrators told me that only the official application needs to be submitted by the Dec 5 deadline. They will continue to accept scores and transcripts after Dec 5. Perhaps the review process at UCSD occurs a little later compared to most of the other schools.

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I'm hoping they get in touch next week. We should take it in turns to email them to find out what's going on! Plan to email mid- next week to add some information to my pre-app if they haven't made a decision by then and will probably ask again ;)

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Thanks for sharing guys. Could you please post when you do hear back-the wait is driving me nuts and it would be nice to know!

not UCSD, and not biomed, but too i had to do this pre-app stuff for another school. they replied around 5 weeks after and said i could now apply. but no explanation as to why the pre-app was required. i think it completely bull. all nothing but for their stupid surveys and data collection.

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not UCSD, and not biomed, but too i had to do this pre-app stuff for another school. they replied around 5 weeks after and said i could now apply. but no explanation as to why the pre-app was required. i think it completely bull. all nothing but for their stupid surveys and data collection.

I actually quite like the concept of a pre-app coz it would be nice to know if I'm not competitive enough to apply so I can go away and fix that before spending so much money. What I do disagree with is that they only started reviewing after the deadline (5th Nov) when the application deadline is 5th Dec and are taking so long so when and if they do approve the pre-app we have so little time to fill in the application and send it off. Then there is all the supplemental stuff and of course recommendations on such short notice when they know too well what academics like themselves are like with deadlines!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Wow it is simply amazing how they have not received (supposedly) so many of my materials yet! Their application website was updated today and I have a bunch of RED non received items, which is simply crazy since I sent out my things in groups and all the other schools have received them long ago. I sent these things out October and November... stresssssss!

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