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LOR problem- Professor hasn't responded

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Over the weekend, I emailed two professors to ask for a letter of recommendation. The first got back to me right away and agreed to write me one. The second professor hasn't responded to me at all. It has now been three days. How long should I be expected to wait for a response? Should I email her again and ask if she got the email? I don't want to be pushy but I do need to know either way if she'll write me a letter. I don't really know who else to ask at this point.

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Over the weekend, I emailed two professors to ask for a letter of recommendation. The first got back to me right away and agreed to write me one. The second professor hasn't responded to me at all. It has now been three days. How long should I be expected to wait for a response? Should I email her again and ask if she got the email? I don't want to be pushy but I do need to know either way if she'll write me a letter. I don't really know who else to ask at this point.

Are you close enough to drop by in person? If you can, do so, offering the excuse that you were afraid the email might have ended up in her spam box (which is a valid concern...)

If not, I would wait a couple more days, and then call her. (If the first email didn't get through, after all, the second isn't likely to either.)

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Over the weekend, I emailed two professors to ask for a letter of recommendation. The first got back to me right away and agreed to write me one. The second professor hasn't responded to me at all. It has now been three days. How long should I be expected to wait for a response? Should I email her again and ask if she got the email? I don't want to be pushy but I do need to know either way if she'll write me a letter. I don't really know who else to ask at this point.

does this professor teach in your dept? school? elsewhere? if she's someone you can meet in person, i suggest that you go and ask her nicely 'hi, just checking if you got my email about the LoRs? would you be willing?' if yes, then 'the deadlines are such and such'.. and so on.

also, try to be patient, as they might have been really busy. two of my LoR writers were long distance fellas, and i emailed them.. one prof emailed me back the same night, and other prof took about a week. but both agreed, and submitted the letters in time.

EDIT: unlike what above poster says, i would only call them as the last resort. pestering them is the absolutely last thing you'd want to do. but that's just my opinion.

Edited by bhikhaari
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