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GRE Search Service


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I registered for the GRE Search Service ETS offers after taking the GRE. Oops. I've been inundated with emails and increasingly-better-looking mailers from various schools, much of which is irrelevant, or downright creepy (Purdue even sent over a pamphlet with a tear-off postcard, apparently preprinted with all the information ETS gave them (i.e. name, address, undergrad institution, major, intended field of graduate study, intended degree)--all I have to do to get more information :rolleyes: is drop the postcard in a USPS drop box somewhere. Best part of the mailer: a map of the Great Lakes states, showing where Lafayette, IN was. :lol:) Man, what a waste of paper. I haven't had anything useful come my way yet, but anyone had anything good come from using the service? I'm probably going to un-register myself soon to save these schools some outreach costs if this keeps up.

Edited by waddle
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Yeah, the GRE search service is pretty much worthless... When I registered for it I was mostly solicited by places of a lower calibar than I was looking for despite my high scores. A lot of the solicitations were even for diferent fields than the one I wanted to study! If I did it over I wouldn't bother with the GRE search service.

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