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Political Science - Fall 2011 Cycle


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A bunch of acceptances of Wisconsin were posted last week. I'm not sure if Wisconsin's acceptances are all sent out. Still have some hope in mind.

I guess it's possible. Definitely good luck to you! I know how much waiting sucks...

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Any other Northwestern applicants who STILL haven't heard anything either way? I'm very surprised to find myself still in limbo, and from the looks of it I'll be here all weekend so I'm curious to see if I have any comrades..

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Any other Northwestern applicants who STILL haven't heard anything either way? I'm very surprised to find myself still in limbo, and from the looks of it I'll be here all weekend so I'm curious to see if I have any comrades..

Yep, that would be me as well! I haven't heard anything from Northwestern yet either, positive or negative...

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Has anyone ever judged a department and your inclination to accept an offer based upon their friendliness on the phone? There's a department that I keep trying to contact and every interaction I've had with them (mind you, administrative staff, but still) has been extremely unpleasant and borderline rude. Hmmm.

No, this happened to me. There's a particular program, which shall go unnamed, that has the rudest admin staff I've ever encountered. Really makes me wonder what's going on over there...

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No, this happened to me. There's a particular program, which shall go unnamed, that has the rudest admin staff I've ever encountered. Really makes me wonder what's going on over there...

I called initially because I was utterly confused by something on their website that was contradictory and was basically told that it was my problem, solve it. It was like being told that my graduate career depended upon solving a Zen koan.

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That's great news! Glad to hear another area studies person getting in.

So far I am in limbo. My current program is on hold with the situation in Cairo. Haven't heard yes or no on any applications. But I was glad to hear what happened in Egypt today.

Edited by wannabee
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That's certainly odd timing. If you don't mind me asking, did it come from Mrs. LaRoche? And what (besides the late hour) made the email bizarre?


thanks! it actually came from aurelian craiutu, an associate prof and "director of recruitment." it does mention sharon laroche as someone who will be working with him to handle things from here on out.

in terms of weirdness: the email came in 3 different font sizes and colors! and it had links to slideshows and powerpoints about the program and touted accomplishments of faculty, none of which were in my subfield. which isn't weird per se, but it was just oddly specific in those areas although there was no mention of funding. but i think mostly the fact that all of this happened so late tonight is what's strange. :)

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thanks! it actually came from aurelian craiutu, an associate prof and "director of recruitment." it does mention sharon laroche as someone who will be working with him to handle things from here on out.

in terms of weirdness: the email came in 3 different font sizes and colors! and it had links to slideshows and powerpoints about the program and touted accomplishments of faculty, none of which were in my subfield. which isn't weird per se, but it was just oddly specific in those areas although there was no mention of funding. but i think mostly the fact that all of this happened so late tonight is what's strange. :)

Well, I guess as long as it's not switching between Comic Sans and Wingdings it's alright? Haha. You're right, everything about that is weird. Thanks for the info! I had just started to think "Well, there's no way they'll send anything out this weekend...breathe easy for a day, old chap" and am shifting to "oh no, why haven't I received a mysterious email from an associate prof with unrelated powerpoints?"

Seriously though, congrats on the acceptance and thanks for filling me in on the details. This...is the....longest....month....ever.

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Any other Northwestern applicants who STILL haven't heard anything either way? I'm very surprised to find myself still in limbo, and from the looks of it I'll be here all weekend so I'm curious to see if I have any comrades..

Still in limbo as well. Nothing on ApplyYourself or the grad status thing.

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UCLA, Wisconsin, and Ohio State all sent their acceptances out first last years before their rejections. So since I have not heard from these schools yet, I think I can assume that I will not receive admission. I guess I gotta hope on Maryland, Minnesota, Kentucky, and Georgia State.

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That's great news! Glad to hear another area studies person getting in.

So far I am in limbo. My current program is on hold with the situation in Cairo. Haven't heard yes or no on any applications. But I was glad to hear what happened in Egypt today.

Thanks! And: صباح الحرية لمصر

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No one can be sure...it's too early to give up hope!!!i'm also an applicant for OSU who have't heard anything yet..let's hope for the best!

UCLA, Wisconsin, and Ohio State all sent their acceptances out first last years before their rejections. So since I have not heard from these schools yet, I think I can assume that I will not receive admission. I guess I gotta hope on Maryland, Minnesota, Kentucky, and Georgia State.

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