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Political Science - Fall 2011 Cycle


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Wow. That's almost as much as NYU.

I'm always curious what people say in these e-mails ... I'm not sure if I have the guts to just ask point-black about my status.

I'm beginning to think whether this is a trend of higher number of applications this year everywhere or just a Brown thing? Going by application numbers one wouldn't guess they are Top 50 department (but more like Top 25 in Comparative).

Edited by mormegil
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Is the person who posted their Vanderbilt rejection here? If so, can I ask, did you receive the previous e-mails from the school? I think there was a 'happy holidays' one and the one about notifications a week or two ago. Since I received those, I presume my address is on the contact list, but I haven't heard anything.

And congrats also to the MA accept at Western; perhaps we'll be seeing each other in the near future...

Hi, long time reader, 1st time poster. I claim the Vanderbilt rejection. I did NOT receive other emails. Here is the email from Jonathan Hiskey: "I am sorry that you have not been notified yet of our admission decisions. I had sent out personal emails to the list I had, but apparently your email was missing. I am sorry to say that you were not among the very few applicants that we extended an offer of admission to. With over 230 applicants we had to turn down many very qualified applicants."

If you haven't received anything yet, I hate to say it, but outlook might not be good. Email Jonathan.

Edited by charleet83
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Hi, long time reader, 1st time poster. I claim the Vanderbilt rejection. I did NOT receive other emails. Here is the email from Jonathan Hiskey: "I am sorry that you have not been notified yet of our admission decisions. I had sent out personal emails to the list I had, but apparently your email was missing. I am sorry to say that you were not among the very few applicants that we extended an offer of admission to. With over 230 applicants we had to turn down many very qualified applicants."

If you haven't received anything yet, I hate to say it, but outlook might not be good. Email Jonathan.

OK, thanks. I had already assumed a rejection but I'll probably e-mail tomorrow about my status.

EDIT: Oh, and welcome to (posting on) the forums!

Edited by wtncffts
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My professor told me to go to Maryland if I get accepted regardless of funding. My question is how does one pay for school and living with no funding?


Don't do it. You can't even comprehend how much happier you will be as mid-level administrator for Hibbing County than a perpetual lecturer at East Southeast New Hampshire state with a $200k sword of Damocles nicking your jugular. It almost never makes sense to leverage your future sense of mobility and freedom for that kind of dough.

One day, your Future Self will look lovingly at your three-year-old son, then your doting spouse and think "Thank the Good Baby Christ Child I can ditch that whiny little bastard with Grandma and take a week in Honolulu to finally be a sexual creature again". Then Future Self will realize that such a vacation would be impossible with a $2k/month loan payment and Future Self will thank Present Self and GopherGrad (the wizened, but oddly still totally hot Phantom of the GradCafe) because were it not for that very moment on the Internet you would be looping the leaf blower's electric cord over a garage rafter instead of planning a vacation.

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Anyone knows what's up with Brown? They're running late this year although I expect them to come out this week.

Edit: okay, I see one acceptance up in the results page.

I just woke up to an unofficial email acceptance from a POI at Brown. They apparently tried to call but either couldn't get through or thought better of it because of the time difference.

Edited by humanprovince
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Don't do it. You can't even comprehend how much happier you will be as mid-level administrator for Hibbing County than a perpetual lecturer at East Southeast New Hampshire state with a $200k sword of Damocles nicking your jugular. It almost never makes sense to leverage your future sense of mobility and freedom for that kind of dough.

One day, your Future Self will look lovingly at your three-year-old son, then your doting spouse and think "Thank the Good Baby Christ Child I can ditch that whiny little bastard with Grandma and take a week in Honolulu to finally be a sexual creature again". Then Future Self will realize that such a vacation would be impossible with a $2k/month loan payment and Future Self will thank Present Self and GopherGrad (the wizened, but oddly still totally hot Phantom of the GradCafe) because were it not for that very moment on the Internet you would be looping the leaf blower's electric cord over a garage rafter instead of planning a vacation.

You, my friend, are amazing.

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Well, yes, but I hope he's exaggerating a bit :) Hard to imagine turning down a full ride to Harvard for having to pay for Maryland, IMHO.

Well Im wanting to study race and ethnicity in American politics particularly African American politics. He says that Maryland is the place to study race and ethnicity. He told me to trust him on that. But this is assuming I get in.

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I just woke up to an unofficial email acceptance from a POI at Brown. They apparently tried to call but either couldn't get through or thought better of it because of the time difference.

Congratulations mate!

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Don't do it. You can't even comprehend how much happier you will be as mid-level administrator for Hibbing County than a perpetual lecturer at East Southeast New Hampshire state with a $200k sword of Damocles nicking your jugular. It almost never makes sense to leverage your future sense of mobility and freedom for that kind of dough.

One day, your Future Self will look lovingly at your three-year-old son, then your doting spouse and think "Thank the Good Baby Christ Child I can ditch that whiny little bastard with Grandma and take a week in Honolulu to finally be a sexual creature again". Then Future Self will realize that such a vacation would be impossible with a $2k/month loan payment and Future Self will thank Present Self and GopherGrad (the wizened, but oddly still totally hot Phantom of the GradCafe) because were it not for that very moment on the Internet you would be looping the leaf blower's electric cord over a garage rafter instead of planning a vacation.

I think this needs to be stickied somewhere. Well said.

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I just woke up to an unofficial email acceptance from a POI at Brown. They apparently tried to call but either couldn't get through or thought better of it because of the time difference.

Congratulations! Melani Cammett seems like she would be a great advisor.

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comparative, working on conflict and sectarianism.

Hmm, a comparativist doing conflict? You're rare. One of my IR profs is always talking about how comparativists have kind of given up civil conflict to us IR people (and one of the CP profs also articulated this). We do a lot of civil conflict at my school.

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Hey, congrats humanprovince!

fsmn36 - I don't think there's a shortage of comparativists studying conflict - Scott Straus, Chris Cramer, and Kevin Dunn are just a few that stand out from recent readings, but I'm sure there are others. I think the problem is rather that when we're dealing with situations like Taylor's Greater Liberia, borders break down to the point that distinguishing IR and CP is largely spurious.

Anyway, I wish Columbia/Chicago would just send out the rejections so that I can finish up my cycle.

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