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SLP/Communication Disorders Masters Applicants


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Probably not. I'm going to go visit, but it's just so expensive that I don't think it's feasible or worth it.

Congratulations on your acceptance! It sounds like USPS made a mistake and you should have received an invite. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions about the open house. :)

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No, they have yet to make/send decisions. I know in past years they've emailed all decisions (acceptances, waitlists, denials), but it actually wouldn't surprise me if they mail them this year. I'm not really sure what the full story is, but I know they've been debating how to send even acceptances into the undergrad major out for the past couple years (we have to apply to the upper division before our junior year). They have to get approval to be able to email it out...something to do with privacy I think. Maybe the higher-ups told them they had to mail decisions out this year? Like I said, I'm not really sure about all the details, but I have at least heard about this whole mail vs. email debate going on in the department.

I was actually thinking about going down there in person tmrw if I have time between my classes and seeing if I can get any more information, so I'll post anything I find out if I do make it over!

Thank you! I am wondering the same thing!! Any other information would be greatly appreciated!! :D

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No, they have yet to make/send decisions. I know in past years they've emailed all decisions (acceptances, waitlists, denials), but it actually wouldn't surprise me if they mail them this year. I'm not really sure what the full story is, but I know they've been debating how to send even acceptances into the undergrad major out for the past couple years (we have to apply to the upper division before our junior year). They have to get approval to be able to email it out...something to do with privacy I think. Maybe the higher-ups told them they had to mail decisions out this year? Like I said, I'm not really sure about all the details, but I have at least heard about this whole mail vs. email debate going on in the department.

I was actually thinking about going down there in person tmrw if I have time between my classes and seeing if I can get any more information, so I'll post anything I find out if I do make it over!

Thanks, I would really appreciate anymore information because me and another girl are both waiting on UF and any information you could get would be nice (since neither of us are at UF, I graduated in Aug 2011)!

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I've applied to 4 California State schools:


CSU Fullerton


San Jose State

I am anxiously waiting to hear back from any of these schools. My feeling is that it won't be for another month or so.

Has anyone heard from these school thus far?


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I've applied to 4 California State schools:


CSU Fullerton


San Jose State

I am anxiously waiting to hear back from any of these schools. My feeling is that it won't be for another month or so.

Has anyone heard from these school thus far?


As Fullerton extended their deadline to March 1st, I doubt we'd be hearing back from them until mid-April. LA said they'd start mailing out their decisions around mid-April as well. I didn't apply to SJSU and and East Bay so I'm not sure about those... Good luck to you!

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so.. i was a little bored, and decided to call the graduate secretary at Saint Xavier to ask about decisions. she said that we would probably hear something at the end of next week hopefully. apparently, they have over 400 applicants, and it's taking them some time to go through all of it.

Edited by trina
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I also liked U of I when I visited, but I am leaning towards Indiana because the STEPS program is specifically for Spanish-English bilinguals and includes enough funding to compensate for the out-of-state tuition, but I'd like to get my aid package from Temple's bilingual program and visit both schools before deciding. I'm trying to strike a balance between cost, program focus, and location. It's tough to make a decision, but I feel a lot better than when I was waiting for decisions!

I bet you will get a free ride from a smaller school! Northern Illinois would be a nice place to go...

The STEPS program at IU is great, plus bilingualism is a really needed part of the field. I really don't think you can make a wrong decision education-wise with the schools you applied to. Are you going to go to IU's open house?

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so.. i was a little bored, and decided to call the graduate secretary at Saint Xavier to ask about decisions. she said that we would probably hear something at the end of next week hopefully. apparently, they have over 400 applicants, and it's taking them some time to go through all of it.

Thanks for the update :) Ahh more than 400 applicants, that makes me really nervous! I reeeally want to be accepted there. Did you happen to ask her about how we will be notified?

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Anyone thinking about MGH versus BU? I received more funding from BU, but I really like MGH... does anyone have thoughts or experiences?

I chose to apply to BU over MGH because of the difference in program size. I've heard good things about both programs, but BU is a much smaller program so you get a lot more one on one interaction and attention, while MGH has much larger class sizes. Personally, if I were going to spend that much money on a program, I would want to know I'm going to get lots of interaction with professors and more small group interactions.

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The STEPS program at IU is great, plus bilingualism is a really needed part of the field. I really don't think you can make a wrong decision education-wise with the schools you applied to. Are you going to go to IU's open house?

I am dying to go to the open house, but I have a work commitment that is impossible to reschedule. I'll be visiting in early April, though. Are you going? If you (or anyone) goes, I'd love to hear your reactions. I'm also curious about Bloomington--I've heard great things, but I've never lived in a city that small...

Btw, I hope it's not rude to bring it up, but I see in your signature that you didn't get in to Eastern Illinois, and I am shocked! Another weird twist to your application season. Maybe it has to do with the ideas about "safety" schools floated on this thread a few days ago, that schools will reject you if they know you have better options and would turn them down.

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I chose to apply to BU over MGH because of the difference in program size. I've heard good things about both programs, but BU is a much smaller program so you get a lot more one on one interaction and attention, while MGH has much larger class sizes. Personally, if I were going to spend that much money on a program, I would want to know I'm going to get lots of interaction with professors and more small group interactions.

Thanks for the feedback, SLP Allie! I definitely agree that I would prefer a smaller class size. I did visit both MGH and BU, though, and the impression that current students at MGH gave me is that because their professors don't have undergraduates to focus on, they do give a lot of attention to the graduate students, which is definitely really important to me. The professors actually seemed really interested and invested in their students. There are certainly benefits and drawbacks to both programs; I just have to weigh what's most important to me. Hmm. I'm really grateful to be in the position of making a decision, though :-)

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Thanks for the feedback, SLP Allie! I definitely agree that I would prefer a smaller class size. I did visit both MGH and BU, though, and the impression that current students at MGH gave me is that because their professors don't have undergraduates to focus on, they do give a lot of attention to the graduate students, which is definitely really important to me. The professors actually seemed really interested and invested in their students. There are certainly benefits and drawbacks to both programs; I just have to weigh what's most important to me. Hmm. I'm really grateful to be in the position of making a decision, though :-)

I don't think you can go wrong, like I said I've heard great things about both programs! Have you narrowed your choice down to just those two?

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I am dying to go to the open house, but I have a work commitment that is impossible to reschedule. I'll be visiting in early April, though. Are you going? If you (or anyone) goes, I'd love to hear your reactions. I'm also curious about Bloomington--I've heard great things, but I've never lived in a city that small...

Btw, I hope it's not rude to bring it up, but I see in your signature that you didn't get in to Eastern Illinois, and I am shocked! Another weird twist to your application season. Maybe it has to do with the ideas about "safety" schools floated on this thread a few days ago, that schools will reject you if they know you have better options and would turn them down.

I PMed you about the open house.

Yeahh, I laughed when I opened the rejection letter. It came as the same day I heard from Northwestern. My theory is I was either overqualified or didn't have enough prerequisites for their program since it's smaller (I'm a non-major).

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At my interview on 2/24 Chapman said they would have their decision by today...so far nothing...my admission status still says decision pending. Anyone hear anything?

Anxiously awaiting their decision as well. My status says "decision mailed" on 3/12 but still nothing! I live about half an hour away from Chapman so I thought it would be here by today... Hoping it'll come tomorrow.

On another note, wasn't Teachers College supposed to have their decisions by today? Dahhh :(

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Hey, as a fellow person from Georgia, I'd say definitely go to Georgia State. That program is super competitive - I got an interview last year, but ultimately did not get accepted. The program at my undergrad (UGA) said that it's an excellent program. Just my two cents!

Hey, as a fellow person from Georgia, I'd say definitely go to Georgia State. That program is super competitive - I got an interview last year, but ultimately did not get accepted. The program at my undergrad (UGA) said that it's an excellent program. Just my two cents!

yeah I was shocked that I was accepted bc they interviewed 75 people all on one day..I'm just over GSU bc I've been there so long but I'm not 100% sold on how well the program is at UWG...I really wanted to go to UGA but I missed the application deadline because of my procrastination...sigh

Edited by amberau2
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As a non-Georgian I have to ask what are peoples thoughts on GSU vs. Northeastern? I applied to GSU kinda on a whim (it was always on the long list but took awhile to make it to the sort list) and didn't expect to get in. I have mixed feelings about their approach to the clinical side of the program. On the one hand I love that they fully prepare you to enter the world of being a clinician and on the other I don't like that it adds a summer to the program. Northeastern is located in a city I have wanted to move to (at least for a few years) since I was 15 but Boston is really expensive and it seems like it is a little harder to live away from the hustle and bustle without being way out from school. On the other hand I don't like how much I would have to drive in Atlanta. The students I met at GSU seemed really nice but I feel like I would be an outsider coming from northern CA. The student I spoke to at NEU (who, granted was an undergrad in their accelerated undergrad/masters program) said that students within the grad school could be a little competitive (which is something I wouldn't do well with, at that point we are all going to get jobs, why bother being competitive?) but considering the source wasn't a true masters student I am taking it with a grain of salt. I am leaning towards NEU because it was one of my top choices while applying and GSU did not blow me away when I went on my interview, but I am interested in what others think about these two vastly different programs.

I went to GSU for undergrad and I can personally say that the grad students there are VERY competitive...I really didnt like any of them, I didnt see the need for them to be competitive with me because they were already in the program. Atlanta is a great city and there is an abundance of places to work for SLPs. But I'm not blown away by their facilities either so hope that helps...

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I am dying to go to the open house, but I have a work commitment that is impossible to reschedule. I'll be visiting in early April, though. Are you going? If you (or anyone) goes, I'd love to hear your reactions. I'm also curious about Bloomington--I've heard great things, but I've never lived in a city that small...

Btw, I hope it's not rude to bring it up, but I see in your signature that you didn't get in to Eastern Illinois, and I am shocked! Another weird twist to your application season. Maybe it has to do with the ideas about "safety" schools floated on this thread a few days ago, that schools will reject you if they know you have better options and would turn them down.

I am going to the open house next week! I am from Florida and really like the look of IU's program. I am not looking at the STEPS program, but it looks unique :) I'll post my thoughts after I attend.

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Hi! Congrats to everyone on acceptances thus far. I was accepted to Indiana University and I am really excited to visit Bloomington next week. Does anyone know anything about their ASL assistanships? Was anyone offered one? Anyone attending the open house next week? Also, anyone from Indiana Univ. have any reccommendations on apartments in the area? I plan to just look while I am out there in case I decide to attend IU!

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I am going to the open house next week! I am from Florida and really like the look of IU's program. I am not looking at the STEPS program, but it looks unique :) I'll post my thoughts after I attend.

Thanks so much! I wish I could go to IU's Open House but I won't be able to make it. Let us know what you think! :D

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