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@caitlin5661 @Chrysanthemum I also applied to UPacific, I emailed them last week regarding the status of my application. They sent a reply with my Pacific ID number which you can use to check the status of your application through the "Graduate Application Checker". You can check this just to make sure they have all of your documents but nothing yet regarding decisions, it just says "complete and ready for review".

casey, thank you for the info! out of curiosity, who did you email? maybe i'm overlooking it, but i can't find a contact email address on the website?


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casey, thank you for the info! out of curiosity, who did you email? maybe i'm overlooking it, but i can't find a contact email address on the website?


of course! I sent an email to gradschool@pacific.edu since i, as well, could not find a contact email adress. I just told them which department I had applied to and asked what the status of my application was.

Here's a link the the application check if/when they send you a number! http://www.pacific.edu/Academics/Schools-and-Colleges/Office-of-Research-and-Graduate-Studies/Prospective-Students/Graduate-Application-Checker.html

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Well I looked back at past forums and say that people started receiving decisions last year on March 4th lol....I'm so nervous...fingers-crossed though :)

I'm thinking we'll hear back from UW either this Friday or next Monday. Definitely hoping for Friday! I've started dreading weekends because I know I'm less likely to hear anything over the weekend compared to during the work week...never thought I'd be wishing for Monday's to come faster!!

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I'm thinking we'll hear back from UW either this Friday or next Monday. Definitely hoping for Friday! I've started dreading weekends because I know I'm less likely to hear anything over the weekend compared to during the work week...never thought I'd be wishing for Monday's to come faster!!

Weekends feel so long this month, I never thought I would want Mondays to come faster either! Hopefully I get some good news this time around!

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of course! I sent an email to gradschool@pacific.edu since i, as well, could not find a contact email adress. I just told them which department I had applied to and asked what the status of my application was.

Here's a link the the application check if/when they send you a number! http://www.pacific.e...on-Checker.html

Thank you!! Here's hoping we both get some good news soon.

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@coffeelover: Congrats, that's wonderful!! Is this your first acceptance? Either way you must be so excited


I applied there too, but I did not receive an e-mail and my application is still the same... I wonder how they're notifying. If only schools sent out all notifications at once haha. That would be too much to ask though.

I also applied to UNC and didn't get an email. I feel like this is all I ever post but...don't worry, you're not the only one! I'll be anxiously waiting for that email right along with you. The website does say though that all applicants should hear in early March so not much longer

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@coffeelover: Congrats, that's wonderful!! Is this your first acceptance? Either way you must be so excited

I also applied to UNC and didn't get an email. I feel like this is all I ever post but...don't worry, you're not the only one! I'll be anxiously waiting for that email right along with you. The website does say though that all applicants should hear in early March so not much longer

Someone else on here heard a few weeks back that they got in.. I'm not sure how exactly they're notifying but I doubt they have notified everyone that has been accepted!! Hang in there, I'm sure you'll get good news soon!!!

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okay for people that applied to Marquette... I am probably completely overanalyzing this but I signed on to Checkmarq and there was a link to the right called "Next Step Forms". I clicked it and it says "Next Step Forms for Admitted Students" and it's a bunch of healthcare forms and whatnot. I don't know if this link has been here the whole time and I'm just seeing it for the first time today or if it just popped up today? According to Marquette's website FAQs and email they sent when I submitted my app, the official decision will definitely come through postal mail. So I'm trying not to get my hopes up because I don't have a letter yet, but I was just wondering if anyone else noticed this link today or if I'm just dumb and it's been there since the first time anyone could log into Checkmarq. help!

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Anyone hear anything from Columbia University-Teacher's College. I know last year they didn't start sending out decisions until mid to late March but I was hoping maybe we would hear earlier. Has anyone called and asked?

I've heard nothing :-( Based on the past, I'm not expecting to hear anything for awhile...
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@trevs326, i didn't apply to Marquette, but you might be on to something. it's all pointing in the right direction. :) i'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!

btw, i think we might hear from Purdue this Thursday, judging from the posts on the results survey regarding when results were sent out last year and the year before (i.e. first Thursday of March). and i'm pretty sure Purdue doesn't do rolling admissions -- they notify everyone on the same day.

i am so nervous. i cannot wait for the end of this week, and next week. i'll stop freaking out so much if i get just one acceptance.. i'm this close to going insane!

Edited by trina
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Has anyone had an interview for Texas Tech? I have one this week and don't know really anything about the program or the interview process. They had a very different application, no letters of rec, SOP or resume. Their website is really lacking in information about the program as well. Any info would be appreciated!

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@trevs326, i didn't apply to Marquette, but you might be on to something. it's all pointing in the right direction. :) i'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!

btw, i think we might hear from Purdue this Thursday, judging from the posts on the results survey regarding when results were sent out last year and the year before (i.e. first Thursday of March). and i'm pretty sure Purdue doesn't do rolling admissions -- they notify everyone on the same day.

i am so nervous. i cannot wait for the end of this week, and next week. i'll stop freaking out so much if i get just one acceptance.. i'm this close to going insane!

I thought that too and while getting acceptances does take a lot of the pressure off, it doesn't make waiting for the other results much easier, at least in my experience :) I'm sure you'll get great news soon!

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okay for people that applied to Marquette... I am probably completely overanalyzing this but I signed on to Checkmarq and there was a link to the right called "Next Step Forms". I clicked it and it says "Next Step Forms for Admitted Students" and it's a bunch of healthcare forms and whatnot. I don't know if this link has been here the whole time and I'm just seeing it for the first time today or if it just popped up today? According to Marquette's website FAQs and email they sent when I submitted my app, the official decision will definitely come through postal mail. So I'm trying not to get my hopes up because I don't have a letter yet, but I was just wondering if anyone else noticed this link today or if I'm just dumb and it's been there since the first time anyone could log into Checkmarq. help!

I'm not seeing that on my checkmarq so it looks like it is good news for you!! congrats!!!

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okay for people that applied to Marquette... I am probably completely overanalyzing this but I signed on to Checkmarq and there was a link to the right called "Next Step Forms". I clicked it and it says "Next Step Forms for Admitted Students" and it's a bunch of healthcare forms and whatnot. I don't know if this link has been here the whole time and I'm just seeing it for the first time today or if it just popped up today? According to Marquette's website FAQs and email they sent when I submitted my app, the official decision will definitely come through postal mail. So I'm trying not to get my hopes up because I don't have a letter yet, but I was just wondering if anyone else noticed this link today or if I'm just dumb and it's been there since the first time anyone could log into Checkmarq. help!

When I go on checkmarq it has a link that says Marquette Extensions and then under that it has Next Step and a link for direct deposit but no forms. Does everyone have that? I am guessing probably haha I just never saw it before.

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When I go on checkmarq it has a link that says Marquette Extensions and then under that it has Next Step and a link for direct deposit but no forms. Does everyone have that? I am guessing probably haha I just never saw it before.

Yep I see the Extensions part too. and thanks but I'm still not getting my hopes up! It would be just my luck to think all was well and then not get in haha

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okay for people that applied to Marquette... I am probably completely overanalyzing this but I signed on to Checkmarq and there was a link to the right called "Next Step Forms". I clicked it and it says "Next Step Forms for Admitted Students" and it's a bunch of healthcare forms and whatnot. I don't know if this link has been here the whole time and I'm just seeing it for the first time today or if it just popped up today? According to Marquette's website FAQs and email they sent when I submitted my app, the official decision will definitely come through postal mail. So I'm trying not to get my hopes up because I don't have a letter yet, but I was just wondering if anyone else noticed this link today or if I'm just dumb and it's been there since the first time anyone could log into Checkmarq. help!

I just looked on my Checkmarq account, and I also have the next step forms for admitted students...

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eeee exciting! So you think that link is new too, and wasn't always there right? Let's hope we get some good news today!

I'm not sure, maybe! I honestly haven't checked that account since I first went on to confirm that all of the materials were in, so I don't really remember.

Hopefully we do hear something, good luck to you! (and everyone else here who applied there)

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I am so anxious to hear back from UW-Madison! I'll be attending the Northwestern open house this weekend and my parents want to stop in Madison afterwards. It'll be my first time visiting Madison and I'm scared I'll love it and won't be accepted.

I'm hoping that the admissions timeline this year is consistent with last year's. I received my acceptance from IU on Monday (so excited!) and UW sent out several decisions a few days after that. Fingers crossed!

Congratulations to everyone who has received acceptances! Hang in there everyone!

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