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SLP/Communication Disorders Masters Applicants


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Well, first letter was a disappointment...grrr.. first rejection from the College of Saint Rose. It wasn't super high on my list BUT it's still depressing to get that letter that says "we regret to inform you..." What I'm beyond anxious about is hearing from Uconn or Southern, because they're instate for me..has anyone applied to either/heard anything?

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I know it doesn't make the situation sound any better, but my boyfriend and I will be doing long-distance for the two years and all three of my bosses (who are SLPs) did long distance during grad school as well (one was with her then boyfriend, now husband, one was engaged, the other was married). It sucks but it can definitely be done. Hang in there!

I need to keep reminding myself two years isn't that long. My husband and I are both older though (I'm almost 30 and he's almost 32) so we were kinda planning on having a baby while I was in grad school. Not going to happen if we don't live together! Oh well.

Any idea when we will be hearing from Columbia? For having such an early deadline you think we would be hearing back soon! Then again, they do get about 600-700 applicants a year :-(

End of March is my best guess. On the Next Step TC page it says mid-March but I think that is just a general Teacher's College thing. My husband and I actually live basically on Columbia's campus (he's in his last year of law school there) so I could march myself down there and ask, but I don't want to appear pushy.

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Ok, I'm hestitant in writing this because I'm afraid to jinx anything, but I received a somewhat cryptic email from one of my schools over a week ago and need help deciphering it. I first thought it was a generic letter because it starts out talking about a delay in their admission process, etc., but the last paragraph goes on to state that "a review of our applications is underway and you are one of our top applicants." ??? "Please be patient and we will be in touch as soon as possible." It was also sent individually to my email (not a mass email) and states my name in the introduction. In the signature was the chair of the search commitee, not some admin or grad student.

What does this mean? Has anyone received something like this from any school they've applied to? I'd hate to get my hopes up, but it's way too late for that now. My hopes are wayyyyy up. Should I respond and say "thanks" or should I just wait it out without saying a thing?


On a completely different note, it's so exciting to read through the comment board and results survey and see all the acceptances so far! I'm so happy for everyone on here. This process is so high anxiety just because of the longgggg drawn out wait, but I'm confident that whatever happens, it will all work out in the end. I keep trying to calm myself down because I've already got a pretty good plan B going for me at the moment, but the thought of going through the application and waiting process again does make me a bit squeamish. Oh well!

Continued good thoughts for everyone on here!

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Ok, I'm hestitant in writing this because I'm afraid to jinx anything, but I received a somewhat cryptic email from one of my schools over a week ago and need help deciphering it. I first thought it was a generic letter because it starts out talking about a delay in their admission process, etc., but the last paragraph goes on to state that "a review of our applications is underway and you are one of our top applicants." ??? "Please be patient and we will be in touch as soon as possible." It was also sent individually to my email (not a mass email) and states my name in the introduction. In the signature was the chair of the search commitee, not some admin or grad student.

What does this mean? Has anyone received something like this from any school they've applied to? I'd hate to get my hopes up, but it's way too late for that now. My hopes are wayyyyy up. Should I respond and say "thanks" or should I just wait it out without saying a thing?

That sounds like a good sign to me! I would probably just respond saying you appreciate the update and look forward to receiving their decision soon or something generic but polite like that. Which school sent that?

I see you're applying to my undergrad school CU-Boulder, feel free to ask if you have any questions about their program! Just a heads up, they're typically pretty late in responding, I wouldn't expect anything from them until the end of the month.

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Oh man, I've been handling the waiting pretty well until this morning. I keep checking my inbox expecting there to be two or three decisions posted at any minute. JUST GIVE ME SOMETHING, DAMNIT! I hope everyone starts really hearing back today.

SLP-Allie, can I ask why you didnt apply to the UC Boulder program? I'm familiar with the Boulder/Denver area, but would be interested to hear your thoughts on the faculty and facilities at the school.

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Oh man, I've been handling the waiting pretty well until this morning. I keep checking my inbox expecting there to be two or three decisions posted at any minute. JUST GIVE ME SOMETHING, DAMNIT! I hope everyone starts really hearing back today.

I hear you! It feels so close. I can't wait any longer.

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Oh man, I've been handling the waiting pretty well until this morning. I keep checking my inbox expecting there to be two or three decisions posted at any minute. JUST GIVE ME SOMETHING, DAMNIT! I hope everyone starts really hearing back today.

No joke!!! Just rip off the bandaid already.

Also, I did my undergrad at UT Austin and although I'm non-major and don't know much about the program, I can give some tips on where to live, the campus, etc. if you find yourself attending.

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No joke!!! Just rip off the bandaid already.

Also, I did my undergrad at UT Austin and although I'm non-major and don't know much about the program, I can give some tips on where to live, the campus, etc. if you find yourself attending.

Awesome thank you!! My lady friend is from Texas, so knows the area pretty well, but if UTA ends up being the lucky winner I'd definitely be interested in chatting about your experience from the school. Did you like the Austin area while you were there?

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Came home today to an acceptance letter from South Carolina! I feel super blessed to suddenly have a choice in where I go, and hope that everyone else runs into that problem very, very soon! Hang tight; we're in the home stretch!

P.S. Has anyone else applied to/heard from USC? Per my letter, the response deadline is Mar. 19th. I know I have to take a final pre-req course over the summer, but I feel like this date is pretty early, especially b/c I won't have heard from all of my schools by then. Just makes the "non-refundable" $500 deposit seem extra steep. :huh:


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Did you get your letter at your permanent address then? I was worried about that...ergh, more waiting

I really don't like how South Carolina has things set up - it sounds like they do rolling admissions and make you commit to their program quickly - as per this document http://www.sph.sc.edu/comd/pdf/faq_msp.pdf "You will be given a period of approximately ten days to send us a signed “Letter of Intent” (included in your acceptance materials) along with a non-refundable check for $500."

I'm kinda hoping that if I'm accepted there I won't hear for a little while, so I have more time to get possible acceptances from other schools...

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That sounds like a good sign to me! I would probably just respond saying you appreciate the update and look forward to receiving their decision soon or something generic but polite like that. Which school sent that?

I see you're applying to my undergrad school CU-Boulder, feel free to ask if you have any questions about their program! Just a heads up, they're typically pretty late in responding, I wouldn't expect anything from them until the end of the month.

Hi! The school I heard from was your undergrad. I reallllly hope it turns out to be good news. If it is, you'll definitely be hearing more from me :) Fingers crossed..


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Awesome thank you!! My lady friend is from Texas, so knows the area pretty well, but if UTA ends up being the lucky winner I'd definitely be interested in chatting about your experience from the school. Did you like the Austin area while you were there?

There's nothing quite like Austin in my opinion. There's something for everyone in the city. UT is in the middle of everything, pretty close to downtown, and would definitely say it's in a safe area. There are a lot of great neighborhoods surrouding it. That being said, rent can be a little steep. However, there are campus buses all over the city and if I can remember correctly, you ride the city bus for free if you're a student. Also, it's very bike friendly. Campus is vast but not unbearable. It has some of the best libraries and campus resources around in my opinion. Also, everyone is super friendly, but that may just be Texas in general. I loved my time there and part of me wishes I could go back, but I'm always looking for something new and different. However, after writing this, I've gotten a little homesick.

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Did you get your letter at your permanent address then? I was worried about that...ergh, more waiting

I really don't like how South Carolina has things set up - it sounds like they do rolling admissions and make you commit to their program quickly - as per this document http://www.sph.sc.ed...pdf/faq_msp.pdf "You will be given a period of approximately ten days to send us a signed “Letter of Intent” (included in your acceptance materials) along with a non-refundable check for $500."

I'm kinda hoping that if I'm accepted there I won't hear for a little while, so I have more time to get possible acceptances from other schools...

My current and permanent addresses are one and the same. I went back to school after realizing that I couldn't get anywhere (I wanted to be) with my English BA (warn your friends!).

Their response policy is even more frustrating because I'm married and while my husband can probably find a job in the area, I don't want to put down $500 before we have some idea of where he could work. If I'm lucky I'll have heard back from two more schools by that time. I don't expect to get funding anywhere (my 1st degree GPA isn't doing me any favors), so it's vital that he have some leads on employment.

I know I shouldn't be complaining, but I was hoping that they would better accommodate out-of-state students. I so wish I had my ducks a row sooner and could have finished school while I was single! Much easier moving one person than two.

How's everyone else faring today? jbw2815's right, it's pretty quiet.

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Maybe it's quiet because mail hasn't arrived yet?? I was looking at the GradCafe listings for acceptances and rejections, and saw somebody heard from a school I applied to. Panic mode is setting in! I have to leave for work and have all my roommates on high mail patrol! (They are probably so sick of waiting for the mailman...) :)

Hope everybody gets great news today!!

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Well, first letter was a disappointment...grrr.. first rejection from the College of Saint Rose. It wasn't super high on my list BUT it's still depressing to get that letter that says "we regret to inform you..." What I'm beyond anxious about is hearing from Uconn or Southern, because they're instate for me..has anyone applied to either/heard anything?

I received an email from UConn saying they had made a decision on my application a few days back. I checked the application and it still said "complete" and "submitted" and there didn't appear to have been any change. I emailed grad admissions to inquire and was told (informally) that I was admitted. When I went to post my "acceptance" on the results, I noticed another poster had been admitted via the postal service. Perhaps something is in the mail for us? :) I am from SF CA but visited CT and would love acceptance to both UConn and Southern CT state. Here's to hoping we will be classmates come fall!

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Oh man, I've been handling the waiting pretty well until this morning. I keep checking my inbox expecting there to be two or three decisions posted at any minute. JUST GIVE ME SOMETHING, DAMNIT! I hope everyone starts really hearing back today.

SLP-Allie, can I ask why you didnt apply to the UC Boulder program? I'm familiar with the Boulder/Denver area, but would be interested to hear your thoughts on the faculty and facilities at the school.

Definitely! I loved Boulder's program, so it was nothing against it. One small reason I didn't apply was that it's hard to get in as an undergrad in their program (they like a diverse cohort, so usually only 1-2 CU SLHS undergrads per year seem to be accepted. I think I probably would have had a good shot since I'm super involved in research there, but still didn't like those odds. The biggest reason though was just that I really want to get a change of scenery and do something new during grad school. I've lived in CO since I was 9 and in Boulder the last 4+ years so I'm ready to get out. Though I do see myself moving back to CO after, I love it here :)

The facilities definitely leave much to be desired but they aren't awful I guess. It's just an old building. The professors are great! There's amazing research going on, when I think about the amount of research experience I attained as an undergrad there, it makes me really grateful to have gone somewhere with such awesome opportunities. If you (or anyone else) decide to go there and are interested in research, let me know and I can point you in the best direction for your interests. I also know the area really well and can give housing tips if you need them! Good luck, it's insanely competitive to get in there, but an awesome place if you do get the opportunity to go!

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Came home today to an acceptance letter from South Carolina! I feel super blessed to suddenly have a choice in where I go, and hope that everyone else runs into that problem very, very soon! Hang tight; we're in the home stretch! P.S. Has anyone else applied to/heard from USC? Per my letter, the response deadline is Mar. 19th. I know I have to take a final pre-req course over the summer, but I feel like this date is pretty early, especially b/c I won't have heard from all of my schools by then. Just makes the "non-refundable" $500 deposit seem extra steep. :huh: Insight?

UMD gave us like 2 weeks to make a decision. I've found if you just call them and ask for an extension, almost every program will give you until April 15th to decide. Definitely worth a try! Congrats on your acceptance!!!!

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Hi! The school I heard from was your undergrad. I reallllly hope it turns out to be good news. If it is, you'll definitely be hearing more from me :) Fingers crossed.. Thanks!

I've never heard of them doing that before, so I would still say it sounds like it's a good sign! Definitely, feel free to message me whenever! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you :)

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My current and permanent addresses are one and the same. I went back to school after realizing that I couldn't get anywhere (I wanted to be) with my English BA (warn your friends!).

Their response policy is even more frustrating because I'm married and while my husband can probably find a job in the area, I don't want to put down $500 before we have some idea of where he could work. If I'm lucky I'll have heard back from two more schools by that time. I don't expect to get funding anywhere (my 1st degree GPA isn't doing me any favors), so it's vital that he have some leads on employment.

I know I shouldn't be complaining, but I was hoping that they would better accommodate out-of-state students. I so wish I had my ducks a row sooner and could have finished school while I was single! Much easier moving one person than two.

How's everyone else faring today? jbw2815's right, it's pretty quiet.

Well, got an acceptance in the mail, with the same due date as you. Fairly certain I won't be able to make a decision by that date...I was offered an assistantship though, and it's my understanding that under the "Resolution Regarding Graduate Scholars" from the Council of Graduate Schools (of which South Carolina is a member), they can't obligate me to make a decision regarding accepting funding any earlier than the 15th of April - is anyone familiar with this resolution??

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Well, got an acceptance in the mail, with the same due date as you. Fairly certain I won't be able to make a decision by that date...I was offered an assistantship though, and it's my understanding that under the "Resolution Regarding Graduate Scholars" from the Council of Graduate Schools (of which South Carolina is a member), they can't obligate me to make a decision regarding accepting funding any earlier than the 15th of April - is anyone familiar with this resolution??

Why not just email them and ask for an extension? I wouldn't find it necessary to mention the Resolution but just mention that you don't think you can make a decision before April 15th (or until you hear from schools whichever comes first) and that you financially can't afford a deposit that you may end up loosing. If they refuse then you probably didn't want to go there anyways because it will be a reflection on how they would treat you as a student.

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Why not just email them and ask for an extension? I wouldn't find it necessary to mention the Resolution but just mention that you don't think you can make a decision before April 15th (or until you hear from schools whichever comes first) and that you financially can't afford a deposit that you may end up loosing. If they refuse then you probably didn't want to go there anyways because it will be a reflection on how they would treat you as a student.

Agreed. Plus the resolution is more of an honor code system than anything, it's not legally binding and they aren't required to give you that much time, they just kind of should. I would just ask for an extension, I'd be really surprised if they told you no.

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Why not just email them and ask for an extension? I wouldn't find it necessary to mention the Resolution but just mention that you don't think you can make a decision before April 15th (or until you hear from schools whichever comes first) and that you financially can't afford a deposit that you may end up loosing. If they refuse then you probably didn't want to go there anyways because it will be a reflection on how they would treat you as a student.

Agreed. Plus the resolution is more of an honor code system than anything, it's not legally binding and they aren't required to give you that much time, they just kind of should. I would just ask for an extension, I'd be really surprised if they told you no.

Yeah, I didn't think it was legally binding - wish it was :P. I kinda doubt I'll be able to get an extension - in their FAQs they say, "Because so many applicants are waiting to hear from us regarding their disposition, we are unable to grant additional time for receipt of your check." (aka my deposit/decision). The reason I'm hesitant to email them about an extension is the tone of their FAQ section...in another portion of it they say "It is quite disturbing when an applicant, upon being admitted, requests extra time stating, “Before I can make a commitment I need to come for a visit and learn more about your program.” That is the type of preparation that should have been done long before a student submits his/her application. Some students take advantage of the opportunity the internet provides by blindly applying online to a dozen or so programs, with the intention of investigating, after the fact, those programs in which they have been admitted. Our department is not interested in being participants in such a process." I guess the worst that can happen if I ask for one is to be scolded for not reading their website thoroughly, but I'm still scared to for some reason :P

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