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SLP/Communication Disorders Masters Applicants


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Does anyone know when Purdue or ETSU rejections will be sent? I can only assume I'm both of those lists, but it would just be nice to officially send those two applications to the grave. I noticed on the results board from last year, some people never heard anything back from ETSU. There was no waitlisting, rejecting...only those initial acceptances. I wonder why the hesitation to send rejections on the part of some schools. I just wish all accepting/waitlisting/rejecting would happen within the same day. Only in a perfect application world I guess....

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Penny Welch responded to my email just half an hour after I sent it, and it was a really friendly response! I get such a good vibe from the Vanderbilt department :)

Anyway, she basically said that they have a new DGS directing the office (Dr. Ricketts), so decisions haven't been made yet. She's hoping to have decisions next week but can't be certain (sounds like they might go out later than we're expecting). She said I can email again next Thursday and she'll tell me if there's a decision for me. Phew, it's a relief just to hear SOMETHING, even though it's not a decision!

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anyone know anything about Washington's waitlist? Like how many typically are accepted off of it, if it's ranked?

I don't think it's ranked. Last year I know a good number were accepted off the wait list (at least a good number of those in my post bacc cohort who were wait listed got off) but I don't specifically know if more people got off the core or med wait list (I want to say Med because it is more expensive). A friend of mine was accepted off the wait list in June so it moved into the summer. You could always email Dr. Spencer and ask.

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Did anyone's Washington acceptance email mention anything about funding?

Nope, it's just a very general acceptance email. Based on what people have said, I'm really not expecting anything :(

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Don't give up home, slpbk! I was recently freaking out on this forum about not hearing from Indiana after other people had heard almost two weeks earlier, and I ended up getting accepted. I don't think that we mere mortals can understand the logic of admissions offices. My acceptance from TC came this evening (yay!) and I turned my application in at the last minute, and my last name is in the middle of the alphabet. It could be the programs we applied to (mine was Bilingual Option: Initial Cert - Dual Certification), but I am inclined to believe that there is no rhyme or reason to it. Hang in there!

Did you get your acceptance via mail or email? I applied to TC but haven't heard anything yet! Just wanted to know how I will be receiving a decision.

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Penny Welch responded to my email just half an hour after I sent it, and it was a really friendly response! I get such a good vibe from the Vanderbilt department :)

Anyway, she basically said that they have a new DGS directing the office (Dr. Ricketts), so decisions haven't been made yet. She's hoping to have decisions next week but can't be certain (sounds like they might go out later than we're expecting). She said I can email again next Thursday and she'll tell me if there's a decision for me. Phew, it's a relief just to hear SOMETHING, even though it's not a decision!

Thank you SO much for the info. I can leave for my trip with some peace of mind. :-)

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just left my interview. Super nice faculty and grad students. Overall not bad. I am terrible at interviewing. I get all nervous and red... Not a good look. If I don't get in I have to attribute it to my terrible interviewing skills because they obviously liked me enough to give me an interview. Oh well.

I have my interview next Thursday I'm terrified!!!!! I already had one at new York medical college it went well but this is a group interview right? That's what's scaring me! Do you have any advice about the interview. What do they ask?

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Don't give up home, slpbk! I was recently freaking out on this forum about not hearing from Indiana after other people had heard almost two weeks earlier, and I ended up getting accepted. I don't think that we mere mortals can understand the logic of admissions offices. My acceptance from TC came this evening (yay!) and I turned my application in at the last minute, and my last name is in the middle of the alphabet. It could be the programs we applied to (mine was Bilingual Option: Initial Cert - Dual Certification), but I am inclined to believe that there is no rhyme or reason to it. Hang in there!

Mine was the (Bilingual Option: Initial Cert - Dual Certification) as well

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I can't speak for TC but to those who have not heard back from UW check your spam folder in your email. When I was accepted to the post bacc program two years ago (wow that feels like it was longer) I didn't even know I got in until I got a "we really need your decision" email because the original acceptance email either went to spam or was lost in cyber space. If no decision is up and you don't have an email you should contact Dr. Spencer. Last year all of the responses went out at the same time so it is likely a technical glitch.

On a related note...to all those accepted to UW congrats :D it is a wonderful program and the people that run it are fantastic. If you need any tips about living in Seattle or questions about the department please feel free to PM me. I did my postbacc there but (as you can see) did not apply there for my masters (long story but basically I wanted a more clinically based program). But I still love the school, city and department and would be happy to offer people help about where to live, what to expect (especially if you are an out of state-er as I was) etc.

To those wait listed, keep your head up the wait list moved quite a bit last year and continued to move at least through June (the quarter does not start till late Sep).

To those rejected don't take it personally. I know every program says this but they always receive far more qualified applicants than they have room to admit. Dr. Spencer is very careful and thoughtful in her decision making and I know she would love to admit everyone qualified. Plus with a postbacc class of 24 and the undergrads getting in from another school can be really tricky.

I sadly don't expect to hear from any more of my schools until next week but I am happy for everyone who got good news today, hopefully mine will come soon.

TC usually releases a couple at a time. When i applied last year I have friends who new weeks before i found out that i got in. No news is good news :)

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Wow just got into Rush as well. Have some really serious thinking to do over the next couple of weeks. Really wish more programs would inform on funding opportunities up-front. I think Im going to get in contact with UW and Rush tomorrow or next week and see what they say about the timeline for offering any type of funding/assistantships, although Im pretty sure opportunities are limited at both schools. UT Austin just emailed to say they wont make any decisions on assistantships or scholarships until after you submit your intent to enroll in the fall. Seems like lots of ya'll are getting good news. Makes me excited to start working with such driven people!

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I think Im going to get in contact with UW and Rush tomorrow or next week and see what they say about the timeline for offering any type of funding/assistantships, although Im pretty sure opportunities are limited at both schools.

Please keep us posted! I'd really like to go to Rush, but it's just way too expensive at this point. Rush costs twice as much as in-state tuition for Purdue. Plus, it seems like assistantships are easier to come by at bigger state schools. I'm just grateful for even having a choice at this point, though.

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Rush made a mistake... I'm in! Apparently they had two people with my last name. My eyes still burn from crying all day, but this is such a welcomed surprise!

Dear lord that's just cruel and unusual punishment. As if we're not all emotionally fragile enough right now. congrats!!

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SLPsoontobe, congrats on getting into UT! did you apply to any other Texas schools, and if so, have you heard back from any of them?

Hook em!

Thank you! Yes, I also applied to UTD. I was accepted there a couple of days ago. I've visited that program and really liked it. How about you? What are you thinking?

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Rush made a mistake... I'm in! Apparently they had two people with my last name. My eyes still burn from crying all day, but this is such a welcomed surprise!

Oh my gosh! Congratulations on your acceptance! I hope they apologized to you...that must have been so stressful.

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Dear lord that's just cruel and unusual punishment. As if we're not all emotionally fragile enough right now. congrats!!

thanks! and yes, 1pm-4:10pm were the worst hours of my life. I just walked around zombie crying. call me dramatic, but I've had my heart set on rush for two years. :wub: I forgive them already, ha ha.

Oh my gosh! Congratulations on your acceptance! I hope they apologized to you...that must have been so stressful.

she did apologize--and the first words out of my mouth were, "I don't even care anymore! Thank you!" Edited by Hopeful SLP
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thanks! and yes, 1pm-4:10pm were the worst hours of my life. I just walked around zombie crying. call me dramatic, but I've had my heart set on rush for two years. :wub: I forgive them already, ha ha.

she did apologize--and the first words out of my mouth were, "I don't even care anymore! Thank you!"

I think they should give you a scholarship for your pain and suffering!

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Rush made a mistake... I'm in! Apparently they had two people with my last name. My eyes still burn from crying all day, but this is such a welcomed surprise!

Wait... but does that mean the person with your last name thought they got in but now found out they were waitlisted??

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