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MFA 2011 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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hm. well, i'm holding on to a scrap of hope until i get a letter...i have three other slideroom apps and they're all open--but i suppose there's always a chance that 'eliminated' might mean that the application cycle is closed or something. (no, probably not, but here's to pathetic hoping...)

I just checked my status - Eliminated 2011. My other Slide Room application is still listed as open (Penn State), so it does seem we have been rejected from CMU. Sigh....

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When I got my first rejection I felt the same way evne though it wasnt the top of my list it still hurts a little. I'm sure you will get into just the right place.

Just got my first rejection letter, from Tyler. I was expecting it based on posts by other people, but still stings a bit. oh well! Good luck everyone! I'm sure we'll all end up just where we need to be.

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Just got my first rejection letter, from Tyler. I was expecting it based on posts by other people, but still stings a bit. oh well! Good luck everyone! I'm sure we'll all end up just where we need to be.

I'm waiting on Tyler too. Where are you located? Do you have any work posted on zee interwebs?

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I applied to Rinehart but havent heard from them, but I did hear they sent out interview invites back around the 10th of Feb. I think they were doing interviews this week

Any sculpture dewds hear from Rinehart or RISD?

Edited by wannaknow
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LOL I know I always see "pantyless"! at first I was like what is this girl thinking... then I realized what it said... I have no idea if you are a woman, but still pretty funny!

Hey paintymess,

For some reason, maybe dyslexia, when I read your name I was see pantymess. Then I laugh at myself.

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Cheer up babes, I felt the same way when I got my initial rejection even though it was my last of lasts choices! It isn't a sign of impending doom (if your dramatic like me at all-haha)

When I got my first rejection I felt the same way evne though it wasnt the top of my list it still hurts a little. I'm sure you will get into just the right place.

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I do think that it plays a role but subjectively....

If it comes down to you and another candidate who they like equally as much as you then they might be persuades. Same goes for interviews they might pick the person who they met in person over a phone interview should they like the work equally. It is just a small push, so yes but at the same time if your work is epic and no one comes close....then no.

My GPA was 3.8 but my major was completely un art related and so then there's that whole other angle.

Anywho my 2 cents.

ok here is a question: Do you think GPA plays a role with some of these top ranked schools.. for instance if you have a GPA between 3.0 and 3.3 does that become a factor, or if you have a high GPA liek 3.7-4.0 does that positively impact your aplication? I KNOW for us this is almost completely about the work and the statement, but still I wonder if GPA is a factor?

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I do think that it plays a role but subjectively....

If it comes down to you and another candidate who they like equally as much as you then they might be persuades. Same goes for interviews they might pick the person who they met in person over a phone interview should they like the work equally. It is just a small push, so yes but at the same time if your work is epic and no one comes close....then no.

My GPA was 3.8 but my major was completely un art related and so then there's that whole other angle.

Anywho my 2 cents.

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