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What are my chances of getting accepted for a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction?


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Hi! I am an Indian student who is interested in applying for the doctoral program on Curriculum and Instruction for Fall 2024.

I have a bachelor's and master's degree in Chemical Engineering from reputed institutes in India. 

However, I changed my field and decided to pursue education in 2018, and now have a rich experience of almost 5 years working with various education organizations. I have developed Math Curriculum for K-8 for various geographies, trained teachers, worked with various schools and NGOs, as well as taught students.

Considering I already have a master's, and given my professional experience and passion for education, I wanted to check if I would be eligible to apply for the Ph.D. program. What are the chances of being accepted into a good program?

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All your experiences seem like good ones, but acceptance is going to come down largely to research fit. You will want to apply somewhere with one or more faculty members studying something you are interested in and make a compelling case in your statement as to how you hope to extend/complement their research and how your prior experiences will benefit you in doing this.

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