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Hold it guys, am I missing something? The UTK waitlist on draft doesn’t seem long at all. Half the size of Bloomington. 
so, questions:

the 80 people long history; how do we know this?

the spreadsheet; we’re there early logs way up at the top?

the numbers (I mix things up in my head so forgive me); did someone say 100 applications, another 800? Where are we getting these numbers?

again, forgive me for all the questions and the confusion. Two hard r’s and a waitlist in my spam folder. I’m infoverloaded. 

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36 minutes ago, sunnysequoia said:

Guys I'm on the waitlist for Oregon State nonfiction. This is my 4th waitlist my freaking god. 

How do I say what I'm feeling right now. On one hand, I'm extremely grateful and shocked, because I went into this process thinking that I'll be really happy to get into one program, and I'll be ecstatic if I get into two and have the option of choosing. Knowing that all of these waitlists have a strong likelihood of turning into acceptances is crazy to me, and it also makes me want to beg my remaining schools for at least one rejection, because how am I supposed to make a decision?! Like I know this is a really good problem to have, better than the alternative. 

On the other hand, I'm finding myself in this extreme limbo stage that I wasn't expecting to be in. Being waitlisted means that I'm not invited to any open house they have for their currently accepted admits, so I have no way of sussing out what these programs are actually like in person, and I also don't know when the schools will update me. My one acceptance currently is at Miami University, which I visited and the professors and students there are incredible. However, I have reservations because the teaching load is pretty heavy and they also don't pay for health insurance and 67% of their graduate student fees, which knocks several thousand off their already insufficient stipend. While I think I would be very happy learning and working with the people there, I also think there's a good chance that I'd take any other program over them.

I don't feel good, though, about accepting an offer from a school that I haven't visited in person. I guess I'm anxious about not hearing back from my waitlists until close to April 15th and, if I receive one or more acceptances then, having to make a last-minute decision without having sufficient info about their program. Or, accepting my Miami offer, receiving acceptances after April 15th, and being put in the position of having to decide whether to renege on Miami for a different program. Either way, I'd be compelled to make a decision I'm not 100% confident in.

I empathize with all those who have yet to receive a single acceptance, and I know I'm in an extremely favorable position. There's just still a lot more uncertainty than I was ever expecting to experience.

Hey sunny! I just got a waitlist notification for Oregon State for nonfiction as well. Curious if yours was specific about how high up on the list you were because mine was vague. I applied to 12 schools and have had 4 rejections so far so this is my only good news. Oregon is my number one program. I’m trying really hard to stay positive but I don’t see any hope of moving off the waitlist 😭 it’s amazing that you have so many waitlist offers. I know it’s a difficult time but I would maybe wait a little bit longer to see if there’s movement. What’s your top program? Also- the offer from Miami sounds amazing so congrats. At this point I would be so glad to go anywhere. I  can’t stop crying myself to sleep lol. Fingers crossed for us both to get some more clarity soon!

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Just now, decayingballads21 said:

Hey sunny! I just got a waitlist notification for Oregon State for nonfiction as well. Curious if yours was specific about how high up on the list you were because mine was vague. I applied to 12 schools and have had 4 rejections so far so this is my only good news. Oregon is my number one program. I’m trying really hard to stay positive but I don’t see any hope of moving off the waitlist 😭 it’s amazing that you have so many waitlist offers. I know it’s a difficult time but I would maybe wait a little bit longer to see if there’s movement. What’s your top program? Also- the offer from Miami sounds amazing so congrats. At this point I would be so glad to go anywhere. I  can’t stop crying myself to sleep lol. Fingers crossed for us both to get some more clarity soon!

Hi!! My email was also really vague, just said, "If any of [our 4 initial offers] are declined, you’re among the group who will receive an offer." I emailed back to ask if the waitlist is ranked. I've gotten the sense that most waitlisted students eventually get off the list at most programs, like the probability that every single one of a program's initial admits chooses to accept is pretty low imo. I do hope you get off their waitlist! I think you need it more than I do haha. There is still time so I hope you hear back from more schools soon!!

My personal rankings have been shifting on a day-to-day basis, but I think my top choice currently is a tie between Ohio State and University of Arizona. Unless the program requirements are not a good fit for me, I would prefer any 3-year program over a 2-year program.

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8 minutes ago, Scribe said:

Hold it guys, am I missing something? The UTK waitlist on draft doesn’t seem long at all. Half the size of Bloomington. 
so, questions:

the 80 people long history; how do we know this?

the spreadsheet; we’re there early logs way up at the top?

the numbers (I mix things up in my head so forgive me); did someone say 100 applications, another 800? Where are we getting these numbers?

again, forgive me for all the questions and the confusion. Two hard r’s and a waitlist in my spam folder. I’m infoverloaded. 

I haven't heard anything about an 80 person waitlist. My rejection email said there were "over 104 applications." That's the only number I think anyone knows for sure.

And congratulations on your waitlist!!! I hope it turns into an acceptance. 

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Hey all long time lurker first time really sharing or posting. I’m at 0a/4R/1W/8 p

waitlisted at Oregon state today for nonfiction. It’s my dream program but I’m trying to be realistic here and not get my hopes up

What’s the likelihood of being moved off the waitlist, in general? Also for a small program of only 4 NF writers how likely is it one of the others will turn down their spot? 

looking for any advice support or insight trying to have some hope here. Ugh

sending love and support to those still waiting for results


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9 minutes ago, messindistress said:

Is anybody else feeling particularly dire (i.e. like death warmed up) about this whole process. Like, I just got an email from my single a and apparently there's a good chance that the program's going to be cancelled--haha. I don't think I can go through the whole process again so this was my first and last round and . . . yeah. It hurts. Bad.

Yup... You and I are on the same page. I've gotten so excited about UNR after more research, but then I've learned it's at-risk of cancellation.

I wouldn't say it's a good chance. I'd like to think it's more likely to still exist, than to be cancelled. I mean, if it gets cancelled, that presents a whole mess of issues... Who's going to teach English 101, if not the grad students? What will sponsors/funders think? How will the university handle the potential hit to their reputation for cancelling the program (people are very upset with Florida for doing the same thing earlier in the process, and UNR's program is relatively new)? Getting a teaching position as a CW professor is something that many, many people want to do, and is also something that people regularly migrate across the country for. Undoubtedly there are tons of candidates hoping to fill the position--it's just up to UNevada. 

The faculty seems amazing and I have no doubt they'll be trying their best to keep things working. 

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Just now, Rixor said:

Yup... You and I are on the same page. I've gotten so excited about UNR after more research, but then I've learned it's at-risk of cancellation.

I wouldn't say it's a good chance. I'd like to think it's more likely to still exist, than to be cancelled. I mean, if it gets cancelled, that presents a whole mess of issues... Who's going to teach English 101, if not the grad students? What will sponsors/funders think? How will the university handle the potential hit to their reputation for cancelling the program (people are very upset with Florida for doing the same thing earlier in the process, and UNR's program is relatively new)? Getting a teaching position as a CW professor is something that many, many people want to do, and is also something that people regularly migrate across the country for. Undoubtedly there are tons of candidates hoping to fill the position--it's just up to UNevada. 

The faculty seems amazing and I have no doubt they'll be trying their best to keep things working. 

I know. I was skeptical at first, but one of my English professors (still trying to wrap up my senior year here) was super enthusiastic about the UNR program -- he didn't beat around the bush at all, quite literally said it was a good one -- and the city seemed like a good fit for me, and my parents were hyped that I got the whole waiver package; and as soon as I was starting to feel good about my future like for the FirSt TIMe since HIgH SCHooL they had to hit me with that email hahahaha. Worst way to hurt someone: get their hopes up before sending out the bad news. Ugh.

I'm certainly keeping my fingers crossed, but with my bad luck I'm feeling very doubtful. :))))))))

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6 minutes ago, CorneliusBreadicus said:

I haven't heard anything about an 80 person waitlist. My rejection email said there were "over 104 applications." That's the only number I think anyone knows for sure.

And congratulations on your waitlist!!! I hope it turns into an acceptance. 

Someone commented on draft (likely exaggerating a bit): "UTk only has 5 seats and is known for waitlisting tons of people. I heard last time they waitlisted 80 like people pleasers who have trouble turning people down"

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10 minutes ago, mr. specific said:

OMG GUYS. I just saw a missed call from 212. NYU called w full funding!! This may be the most exciting week of my life.

CONGRATS!! That’s huge! 

1 minute ago, jadedoptimist said:

someone in the draft spreadsheet reported a michener rejection for poetry in the student portal. has anybody else gotten a rejection?

I applied for fiction and haven’t heard from them yet but based on Draft + the spreadsheet. I’m assuming a rejection. Bummer. I also applied to New Writers Project though! Fingers crossed for all of us

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17 minutes ago, decayingballads21 said:

Hey sunny! I just got a waitlist notification for Oregon State for nonfiction as well. Curious if yours was specific about how high up on the list you were because mine was vague. I applied to 12 schools and have had 4 rejections so far so this is my only good news. Oregon is my number one program. I’m trying really hard to stay positive but I don’t see any hope of moving off the waitlist 😭 it’s amazing that you have so many waitlist offers. I know it’s a difficult time but I would maybe wait a little bit longer to see if there’s movement. What’s your top program? Also- the offer from Miami sounds amazing so congrats. At this point I would be so glad to go anywhere. I  can’t stop crying myself to sleep lol. Fingers crossed for us both to get some more clarity soon!

Did you tell the program they're your top choice? People in Draft said it's a smart thing to do (as long as it's true)! I'm waitlisted for fiction, and I sent a thank-you email. They're not my top choice (UDub please notice me)  but they're high up on my list, so I told them I would be thrilled to go there.

I hope you are able to sleep better soon. 

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34 minutes ago, CorneliusBreadicus said:

I haven't heard anything about an 80 person waitlist. My rejection email said there were "over 104 applications." That's the only number I think anyone knows for sure.

And congratulations on your waitlist!!! I hope it turns into an acceptance. 

Me too. And thanks. I’m probably confusing a bunch of shit I read in different places and about different things. 
the waitlist was remarkably specific and included details about funding, classes, and teaching. And yet, they never mentioned the school. I actually wound up calling because I thought I was being scammed. 

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2 hours ago, epr said:

any news on UC Riverside for fiction? or should I count it as another unofficial rejection 😅

i’m heading towards another year of 0 offers, so I’m trying to manage my expectations lol

Quoting this because I'm curious too. Please answer us.

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Omg congrats to those newly waitlisted and accepted to programs! Unfortunately I’ve been vigilant about checking my spam folder too, haha. At this point I’ve taken to just assuming that I probably won’t get into a program and setting myself up for pleasant surprise or  expected disappointment, which has been working better for me. I barely felt the Michigan rejection (though this is partly down to how nice the email was, lol).

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