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Radford University Design Thinking MFA or Clark University/other Low-Residency Fine Art MFA?


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I'm looking at low residency and fully remote MFA programs. A full residency program is not in the cards, nor are the low-residency programs like Bard that require multi-month long in person commitments every year. Radford's Design Thinking program and Clark's new Fine Art MFA programs both piqued my interest and I am drawn to them for different reasons.

Radford Design Thinking

  • Aligns better with my current role and industry career trajectory (advertising)
  • More academic/research and writing based
  • Established program that is well enough known 
  • Design Thinking is hot right now
  • Fully remote - no in person at all

Clark Low Residency MFA

  • More aligned with the direction I want to go (full time arts position)
  • Interdisciplinary creative program
  • Highly individualized
  • It's a new program
  • Faculty I wanted to work with at Lesley moved to start this one
  • 2x 10 day residencies per year which is super doable
  • Thesis exhibition is at Mass MoCA

edit: forgot to add. I’ve looked at other programs as well, like the Media Design MFA at Full Sail, but Full Sail feels questionable to me.

Edited by Squirrel8296
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