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I know this is going to seem like a really silly question, but do you really need to write your SOP in the format of a letter?

Is it truly necessary to write, "Dear Professor So-and-So" or "Dear Admissions Committee" and then sign off with your, "Best Regards/Sincerely/Please Pick Me" conclusion? It just seems so much more reasonable to me to attach a statement written in essay format stating what your purpose in applying is, your research interests, future goals, why this school in particular, and why this school would also benefit from you - But without any of the awkward salutations or introductions. Is a letter format really necessary for a statement of intent, or in the case of what I am writing today, a "Candidate Statement," or can I just jump right in with what I want to say?

I'm applying for an MA.

Thanks for any guidance.

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I would actually recommend writing it in an essay format. I've never come across one that was written in a letter format, and I definitely agree that it would be awkward.

Good luck with your writing! :)

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Agreed with arkel. An essay format is the most common. A few people use headings, so that their SoP has headings with a paragraph or two under each, but I don't think I've seen a letter format - I wouldn't advise that at all.

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Agreed. When my current profs reviewed my statement, they said it should be in essay format. It shouldn't be like a cover letter. You'll want to put some type of heading at the top with your name, contact info and the program to which you're applying. That way it can be easily identified if POIs are reading it separately.

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Oh thank god. I'd already submitted two SOP's and certainly didn't write them in letter format but I keep worrying about it all in retrospect. Thanks so much for confirming I did it correctly.

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