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The dreaded wait-list


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I've been placed on the wait list at one of my top choices, but I've also been admitted to another program (my other top choice). Should I let the program that wait-listed me know that I've been admitted elsewhere? I'm hoping that doing so would make me a more attractive candidate, but I could see it backfiring. Any advice?

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Congrats on your acceptance! Perhaps you could ask to see where you fall on the wait-list. Sometimes they rank wait-listed applicants and then give out acceptances by rank, once people who had originally received acceptances decline the offer. You could also ask how many applicants tend to get accepted off the wait-list - so you would have a better idea of your chance of ultimately getting an acceptance. As you said though, you have a couple months to wait for someone to decline - I hope they do and you get accepted off the wait-list at your dream school!

Edited by newms
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Personally, I've only heard of this tactic working towards the end of the application cycle, and usually only if you're already in touch with your POI. At that point, it's easier to say something like, "Dream School is my first choice, but unfortunately I must decide whether to accept an offer from Second Place U within the next two weeks" without sounding like a jerk.

If you haven't already, it couldn't hurt to respond to your POI and emphasize how enthusiastic you are about this program, and that you would definitely attend if accepted (if that's true, of course!).

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I've heard that the best thing you can do when you're waitlisted is to keep in regular contact with the program that waitlisted you. Ask your POI how often it's okay to contact them to check up on the status of your application, and continue to express your strong interest in the program. I've heard mentioning you have another offer can also make you look more desirable. The key is to not sound pushy about it; you want to communicate your enthusiasm about the program without coming off like you're trying to bully/pester them into accepting you.

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What do you think, is there still a chance of getting fully funded if one's accepted from the wait-list? Or will these offers be more or less halfhearted?

I would assume that if you got off the waitlist then someone who was admitted (with full funded) declined. I would guess that you would get that person's full funding.

Maybe that is why they can't always rank people on the waitlist especially if they are trying to match people with labs or POIs. I assume the waitlist contains candidates with a mix of research interests depending on which admitted student decides to decline.

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