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Congratulations to you! Do you know, just out of curiosity, how many medieval spots were available? I'm still hanging on to hope by a thread. . . .

Sorry, I really don't know... it's such a strange situation, what with the medieval studies PhD overlapping so closely, that I can't even guess how they allocate slots.

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Judging from the results board, there are at least three people on Notre Dame's waiting list for the English PhD (myself included). Anyone (accepted/ wait list) have a better offer elsewhere? I have another offer from a similarly-ranked school with a similar fit on the table, but I'm still interested in ND for the high stipend and its proximity to my significant other and her family.

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Judging from the results board, there are at least three people on Notre Dame's waiting list for the English PhD (myself included). Anyone (accepted/ wait list) have a better offer elsewhere? I have another offer from a similarly-ranked school with a similar fit on the table, but I'm still interested in ND for the high stipend and its proximity to my significant other and her family.

Notre Dame and Duke were my top two choices, and I'm on the wait list at both. However, I'm visiting Northwestern next weekend, and their hefty funding package and proximity to Chicago will probably tip the balance in their favor. Unless, of course, I discover that the faculty I'd be working with are terrible people or something.

Edited by swilson
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Judging from the results board, there are at least three people on Notre Dame's waiting list for the English PhD (myself included). Anyone (accepted/ wait list) have a better offer elsewhere? I have another offer from a similarly-ranked school with a similar fit on the table, but I'm still interested in ND for the high stipend and its proximity to my significant other and her family.

I suspect based on other people's acceptances that I've been rejected at Harvard and Columbia, which were my top choices, which means I'll probably be accepting ND over Fordham. I'll give the others a chance to get back to me, but unless something unexpected happens, I'll be taking ND.

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So there's one medievalist on their way. Would any of the other accepted applicants mind sharing their fields? I'd also be curious to hear your thoughts on the admissions weekend, when the time comes.

Actually just got more info--out of 12 admits, only two of us are medievalists. 'Course, that doesn't say much of anything for what anyone else is--will let you guys know what admissions weekend looks like, once that happens.

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Actually just got more info--out of 12 admits, only two of us are medievalists. 'Course, that doesn't say much of anything for what anyone else is--will let you guys know what admissions weekend looks like, once that happens.

Was just wondering how the weekend went. I'm a medievalist, waitlisted at Notre Dame, with an offer from another program. I'm trying to decide how long to wait on ND before just accepting the other offer.

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Would anyone care to clarify ND's funding package? I found the following on the Graduate School's website:

"Of our doctoral students, 94 percent receive multi-year assistantships or fellowships that provide stipends. For the 2011–2012 academic year, Notre Dame’s standard stipend for doctoral students is $17,500 on a nine-month basis for humanities and social science students, and $18,000 to $21,000, according to program, on a nine-month basis for engineering and science students. Note that our Notre Dame/South Bend community has a very low cost-of-living index. The University offers a number of select fellowships that provide higher levels of support—up to $35,000/year—and full health care coverage."

Is this information accurate? Does the service-free first year carry a $17,500 stipend as well?

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Would anyone care to clarify ND's funding package? I found the following on the Graduate School's website:

"Of our doctoral students, 94 percent receive multi-year assistantships or fellowships that provide stipends. For the 2011–2012 academic year, Notre Dame’s standard stipend for doctoral students is $17,500 on a nine-month basis for humanities and social science students, and $18,000 to $21,000, according to program, on a nine-month basis for engineering and science students. Note that our Notre Dame/South Bend community has a very low cost-of-living index. The University offers a number of select fellowships that provide higher levels of support—up to $35,000/year—and full health care coverage."

Is this information accurate? Does the service-free first year carry a $17,500 stipend as well?

It's accurate. $17,500 is the standard stipend, regardless of whether or not you are TAing that year. Most programs offer additional money if you stay and take a class (in South Bend) in the summer. Health insurance...the school pays for about 75% of the premium as part of the basic package. The last 25% is not that much. (My health insurance funding situation is...complicated, so I don't have an exact number, sorry). Tuition is entirely covered.

And South Bend/Mishawaka is really, really cheap to live in. About the only thing with eye-gouging prices here is, oddly, the movie theater (Laudete Netflix...).

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Thanks for the feedback. One last question: Is the teaching load typically 1:1 for graduate students?

Edit: N/M I found my answer on the "Career Preparation & Placement" tab on the English Department's website.

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I posted the move from the wait list. My area is in late Victorian and modernist literature. I have a visit scheduled for next Tuesday and will hopefully reach a decision around April 1st. From my phone conversation, I got the impression that the DGS was interested in filling spots for every line of funding they have. So if you are still in the hunt, don't give up hope.

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  • 4 weeks later...

If anyone is still waiting on Notre Dame, I got an unexpected waitlist e-mail from there this morning. They didn't BCC (classy!), so it looks like there are ten people in the running. I'm already going to Tufts, so I'll be taking myself out of consideration. I'm a little annoyed to find this out the day before the 15th, but Tufts is a better fit for me, so it's okay (though my Catholic grandma may be sad I'm not going!). Hope this helps someone!

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