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The University of Maryland- College Park


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The University of Maryland-College Park has a priority deadline of 12/1 and a final deadline of 2/15 (today). What exactly is the priority deadline? Is there a perk to meeting that date? Also, now that the final deadline has passed, when do acceptances go out? I could be patient and find out, but instead I'm going to give in to my anxiety and see what everyone else knows about this school and admission!

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The University of Maryland-College Park has a priority deadline of 12/1 and a final deadline of 2/15 (today). What exactly is the priority deadline? Is there a perk to meeting that date? Also, now that the final deadline has passed, when do acceptances go out? I could be patient and find out, but instead I'm going to give in to my anxiety and see what everyone else knows about this school and admission!

January 4 was the deadline to be considered for fellowship or assistantships. I applied in late December and haven't heard anything yet...

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January 4 was the deadline to be considered for fellowship or assistantships. I applied in late December and haven't heard anything yet...

Does applying before the priority deadline give you any boost in getting accepted, or it's just for funding?

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Hey buba,

I applied there too. In some cases, applying by the "priority deadline" will help you in the ranking system, but mostly it's to ensure that if you DO get accepted, you will be funded. The majority of people who apply do so in early January. The process of admission seems to be a hybrid: on the one hand, they say they have rolling admission, but they also use a competitive ranking system. From what I gleaned, if they REALLY want you, they'll decide to admit you automatically, otherwise you get thrown into the ranking pile, which isn't finalized until after the deadline passes. You should expect to get something in the mail by the first week of March, the latest. Try to relax, I know what it's like, and I'm freaking out too. But also don't get hung up on the "12 to 15" number. Remember, that they will always tend to admit around 40 people (max), assuming that some of the people they admit will accept offers elsewhere. Hang in there, and good luck.

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Hey bari,

You know, I just found out about the Testudo access recently, of course by obsessively reading posts in these fora. The usual story, however, seems to be that people were notified either directly on the phone, or by an e-mail directing them to check their application status via Testudo. This is all very odd, since anyone who has applied to UMCP knows that the application makes due mention of the fact that decisions are ONLY given by mail. Nonetheless, it's largely up to the GD to decide how to manage final admits. I would add that there is a new GD this year (Dr. Falk), so he may decide to follow decorum, but when I spoke to him last year about the program, he wasn't shy about asking me for stats and whatnot. So, I'd say check your e-mail often...

(P.S.: If last year is taken to be any barometer of what this year's timeline will be: we should find out this week. Anyone else about ready to explode?)

Everyone always talks about checking the Testudo system for admission status. Does anyone know if people admitted in the past found out first on Testudo or by some other means?

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Hi Everyone -

FYI, UMDCP SOCY started calling first round candidates for admissions extensions Valentines day weekend. I dont think they had finished reviewing all applications by that time though, so some more acceptances may be coming down the pipeline. Good Luck, its a great program!

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Hi Everyone -

FYI, UMDCP SOCY started calling first round candidates for admissions extensions Valentines day weekend. I dont think they had finished reviewing all applications by that time though, so some more acceptances may be coming down the pipeline. Good Luck, its a great program!


Thanks for the info. I hadn't heard that, but there also don't seem to be many rejections coming down right now either, so the calls were probably to the top-tiered candidates. It seems unlikely that they will fill the slots from that first round though. UMCP averages 25-35 admits before they get a fully enrolled cohort. And I wasn't expecting to be in the first round of acceptances either, but I've been in contact with one of the professors there who said my chances looked good, so I'm hoping for at least a waitlist. (REALLY hoping... plus we're getting a snowstorm here that'll probably delay things a bit, and I feel like my head is going to explode). But anyway, to everyone who is in the same boat as me, just keep holding out... no news is good news. And realistically, acceptances could come up until March 1st or so.

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It's what Dr. Falk said when he called me. But my memory might be playing tricks on me; he might have said "about 15" instead. Either way there are still slots left (although I have no idea how good the remaining chances of funding are, if any.)

About 15 sounds right. I think they only enrolled 10 last year, which is about 2 or 3 less than usual, so they might accept a few more this year. The professor I've been in touch with also mentioned that funding might be more difficult, so I'm hoping at least that I'm in the second round. By the way, it sounds like you're saying you were offered admission, congratulations! It's honestly taking EVERYTHING I have to not call and check, but I don't want to be obnoxious. Anyone have any idea of how long it takes in between rounds of calls?


Waiting to exhale...

By the way, anyone have any advice on calling? I feel like it would probably just bother them, but the waiting is just driving me crazy...

Edited by cjveneziano
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Well now I feel totally bummed out. I didn't realize they had accepted anyone. I sent in my application ages ago, late November I believe. Maybe December 1st. Now I feel like I probably got rejected...


Try to hang in there. I know how you feel. But just remember that most graduate students apply to A LOT of schools, so it is highly unlikely that the first round of admissions are all people who hold UMD as their top choice. More admits are almost certain to come...

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Ok, cool good to know. Were you offered admissions? If so any funding?

Five years'.

By the way, anyone have any advice on calling? I feel like it would probably just bother them, but the waiting is just driving me crazy...

My belief is that you should always email the graduate coordinator to ensure that they've received your supplementary materials; all sorts of things can go wrong with anything that relies on third parties, including the post office or FedEx. Asking "when will I hear back?" is just a nuisance, but you might be able to include the question with a legitimate check-in.

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Five years'.

My belief is that you should always email the graduate coordinator to ensure that they've received your supplementary materials; all sorts of things can go wrong with anything that relies on third parties, including the post office or FedEx. Asking "when will I hear back?" is just a nuisance, but you might be able to include the question with a legitimate check-in.

That is sound advice. But I submitted everything electronically, and the ASF confirms that, so I think I'm going to take a deep breath and just let the process run its course. Sincerest congratulations on your admit and funding. I think I missed the funding deadline (by a few days), but I'm local, so I'd still take an admit w/o funding. By the way, I LOVED your post on calculating chances.

Edited by cjveneziano
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Wow, if you look at the results page, it's all rejections and waitlists! Is Maryland just slow getting out respsonses? I feel like the whole world has already heard from every other school!

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Anyone have any updates on UMD? Did all the decisions somehow go to people who don't post on theGradCafe?

There has been a couple acceptance post on the results page, which seemed like they got in mid-February. I still haven't heard anything, but I don't care either way at this point. Best of luck to you though!

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I still havent heard anything from UMD. No acceptance, wait list, or rejection. Does anyone have any information about the time table they are working on. Its pretty late in the season and and Im just looking for any new info anyone may have.

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