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University of Michigan


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Nah, Michigan is outside both the traditional "tornado alley" and the secondary major tornado zone in the Ohio Valley known colloquially as "Hoosier Alley", named for the relative frequency of violent, long-tracked tornadoes in Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, etc. given the relatively lower number of tornadoes they have to the traditional tornado alley. Michigan has only had two F5 tornadoes in its history, and none since 1956.

http://www.tornadohi...m/custom/289287 <-- There's a map of every tornado that's occurred in Michigan since formal record-keeping started in 1950.

Yeah, in another life, I might be applying to meteorology grad school instead of history grad school. This is relevant to me too, since I'll also likely be moving to Michigan in the fall.

Nice. Thanks for that info. So getting a place with a basement or shelter would be a good idea then? Or is that not necessary since tornadoes aren't that frequent in Ann Arbor?

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Nice. Thanks for that info. So getting a place with a basement or shelter would be a good idea then? Or is that not necessary since tornadoes aren't that frequent in Ann Arbor?

In lieu of a basement/cellar, an interior room (anything with no windows) will suffice. Even better: interior bathroom with a tub. The only real goal is to be away from glass (because the windows will blow from the change in pressure) and possibly the roof/debris (hence years of mindless duck and cover drills in primary school). I imagine that in cases of tornado warnings, any downstairs apartment neighbor would let you in :).

I wouldn't put it too high on your list of housing priorities. :P

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One of my acceptances is Michigan and it's my top choice. I was invited by my program to attend Graduate Recruitment Weekend March 17-March 19. I wasn't sure if it was just for my department (Anthropology) or if all grad programs are doing this. Anyone else heard of this and is planning on going?

The History department is March 20-22nd. You'll have to let us know any tips after your stay.

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I'm going toward the end of March, so I'm curious to hear everyone's impressions. I've never been to Ann Arbor, but according to Wikipedia ( lol ) it is known as The People's Republic of Ann Arbor.

It seems like every college town is called "The People's Republic of XXXX". I've heard it about Chapel Hill, Ann Arbor, Madison, and the originator Berkeley. I just got back from visiting Ann Arbor. I lived in Berkeley for many years, and Ann Arbor had about .0001% of the liberal qualities of Berkeley. Ann Arbor was exactly what I expected it to be: a very lovely, somewhat small, midwest town filled with midwest college kids.

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In lieu of a basement/cellar, an interior room (anything with no windows) will suffice. Even better: interior bathroom with a tub. The only real goal is to be away from glass (because the windows will blow from the change in pressure) and possibly the roof/debris (hence years of mindless duck and cover drills in primary school). I imagine that in cases of tornado warnings, any downstairs apartment neighbor would let you in :).

I wouldn't put it too high on your list of housing priorities. :P

Thanks for the advice. I just hadn't thought about the possibility of tornadoes until it was mentioned earlier in the thread, so it wasn't something I was mentally prepared for. I can handle living with the threat of hurricanes and earthquakes, so I think I can adjust to having to deal with the threat of tornadoes.

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I am considering Michigan as well. My department's campus visit day is in mid-March as well. I have also heard nothing, but positive things about AA and about the university. I also like that the university is strong in many fields, they are deliberate about bringing grad students together in different programs, and there is a lot of exciting interdisciplinary research on campus.

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Tornado warnings??blink.gif Ok. I know I can handle the snow, but tornadoes? Please tell me they're not frequent.

After spending 5 years in Lawrence I can guarantee that there are few things as fun, exciting and, in a way, beautiful as tornado weather.

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After spending 5 years in Lawrence I can guarantee that there are few things as fun, exciting and, in a way, beautiful as tornado weather.

Not when it's your first day alone in your apartment, and you don't have any kind of TV/radio/internet to figure out what the hell is going on...

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I checked this thread out for the hell of it and wanted to make two comments. I tracked every storm as it was happening last summer, and every time the storm would split and go around Ann Arbor. My guess is because of the urban heat island effect, but I'm not a meteorologist. Either way, it never was a problem. Only issue is that Michigan drivers freak out and the most dangerous thing in that weather is someone going 40 mph and deciding to cut off 3 cars to make a right turn out of the middle lane. I was the second person that got cut off. I live on the top floor in my complex and just tracked each storm online, saw that it's going around the city and kept watching whatever DVD I had -- not a huge deal. There are also tornado shelters at school -- awesome for studying.

About the raucous grad programs. If you're going to be in the student section at the big house, at least half the people will be drunk there. The tailgating for a noon game starts at 8-9 am and for a 3 pm game, around 11-noon. There are grad students there and some people in some programs like to drink for the games. Does that mean everyone in your program is an alcoholic? No. It also doesn't mean that you have to go or if you go have to drink or if people in your department go out on weekends, you have to get drunk as well. Basically... it's personal choice and I would not let that be one of the deciding factors.

I guess if anyone has some questions about the city, you can PM me. I'll try to get back to you.

Congratulations on the acceptances!

Edited by timuralp
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How is the housing offcampus? Is it advisable to lookout something nearby the campus or the city has a good shuttle service to cater even long distance?

The bus system is okay -- it doesn't run late at night and can be crowded at rush hour -- but housing will absolutely be cheaper outside of central campus and even cheaper outside of A2. You trade convenience for cost, like anywhere. We live in Ypsi, have commuted to A2 for years, and it's fine.

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How is the housing offcampus? Is it advisable to lookout something nearby the campus or the city has a good shuttle service to cater even long distance?

The University arranged for free and cheaper transportation after buses stop. Here's the whole description: http://pts.umich.edu/taking_the_bus/special_services.php#night_ride So even if the buses stop running, if you live in Ann Arbor, it's not that bad to get home.

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I just got my acceptance to the Ford School, luckily while I am visiting my parents from where I normally live in Haiti. Our accepted students weekend is April 8-9, but I was thinking of visiting on Tuesday since I have never been to Ann Arbor (AND I AM EXCITED). Anything going on I should know about? Is it leather-jacket weather cold or poofy-coat cold?

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I have an acceptance to UM, too, and am just waiting on financial packages from everywhere else to come in so I can make a decision...

Tornadoes sound exciting--I've never seen one, and would like to.

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Just sent the official e-mail--I'm Michigan-bound!

Anyone else? Anyone else in the EEB department?



I accepted my offer from UMich today too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello fellow UMich comrades. It wasn't easy debating and analysing which school to choose. Anyone headed for MSE Aerospace? Any advice on accomodation (on-campus vs. off-campus) pros and cons? PS: I'm an international student, getting used to the new environment may take some time. And yes, i love cold weather!!!!!!!!!

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Hi xrsng,

From what I've seen, the only on-campus housing for graduate students is at Northwood apartments which tend to be more expensive than off-campus housing. Have you seen UMich's offcampus housing website here: http://www.offcampus...du/lt/index.cfm ?

I'm guessing that you're going to be on North Campus? If so you might be interested in housing near North Campus. I have a list of apartment complexes near North Campus that I got at visit weekend that I could send you. Alternatively you could find somewhere else that may not be close to North Campus, but is located in a bus line. UMich students can ride the bus for free and if you find a place near a U-M bus line, then it could take you straight to campus.

Edited by newms
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Hello newms,

Thanks a million for the resourceful tips. Yes, I have come across the off-campus housing, but I was unsure whether it was more expensive than on-campus. Thanks for the clarification. (The housing exploration is quite complicated from a couple '000 miles away) Lemme look them up right now!!!

Yep, North Campus is the location to be... I'd appreciate the list of apartments that you got during the visit weekend... Good to hear about the Bus, which makes a place further from North Campus another option.

Edited by xrsng
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Thanks a million for the resourceful tips. Yes, I have come across the off-campus housing, but I was unsure whether it was more expensive than on-campus. Thanks for the clarification. (The housing exploration is quite complicated from a couple '000 miles away) Lemme look them up right now!!!

Hi xrsng,

If you're looking for really cheap, shared housing, then you might check out the co-ops. I've had good experiences with them before (but during undergrad). I'm also doing a housing search from several thousand miles away, and co-ops are my bet because you know that nobody in the co-op has a vested interest in implying that the living situation is better than it is (which I've heard of happening when you're looking for apartments and stuff). In any case, hooray UM, and maybe I'll see you around (although I'll be on Central Campus most of the time).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow, smallest co-hort ever?

Thought I'd bump the thread and see if that helps...

It seems most UMich people here were on this thread earlier. I was thinking maybe we could organize a meetup for UMich admitted students from Gradcafe, but it seems there aren't many people here on this thread anymore.

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