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Yo mama so...


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Fun thread! Here are a few of my own.

Yo mama so dumb, she thought grad school was short for gradual school, and so at the recruitment weekend she did everything in slow motion. Yeeeeeeeeesss IIIIIIII Woooooouuuuuulllld liiiiiikeeeee aaaaaa broooochuuureeeee.

Yo mama so dumb, she studied 8 months to pass the GRE mouse tutorial by trying to teach her pet mouse math.

Yo mama so hideous, she’s doing her ethology dissertation on all the snakes in her hair.

Yo mama so round, grad students outline her body with a giant pencil to draw perfect circles.

Edited by A. sesquipedale
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One of the best threads on GradCafe indeed!!!

Yo momma so dumb she consulted Rosetta Stone for her translation of Heidegger's Sein und Zeit.

Yo momma so fat she learned French in a Cajun restaurant in NOLA

Yo momma so fat she learned Spanish in a taquita.

(and so forth for languages)

Yo momma so old she wrote her dissertation on the American family life using one source: HER.

Yo mama so old she cited an interview with President Woodrow Wilson on the Fourteen Points.

Yo momma so short she had to ask one of her own undergrads to reach for that ass heavy book on the top shelf.... and so dumb she gave that bloke an A!

Ahh... good stuff for history folks :)

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Yo momma so dumb, her undergraduate institution refused to send her transcripts due to pure embarrassment.

Yo momma so dumb AND so fat, she checked that she "gets" Japanese on her applications because she orders it for delivery at least twice a day.

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