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University of Arizona and UCSC


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So I applied to University of Arizona and UC Santa Cruz, but have yet to hear back from either one. I have a BA in anthro with a focus in cultural and some cross training in archaeology. 3.98 GPA, summa cum laude, honors thesis project, numerous conference presentations,etc....GRE scores only totaling 1120 and a 4 on the writing. Im a horrible test taker! Haha! In either case, I saw that some people had been contacted by University of Arizona for interviews. If you werent contacted by this department does this mean youre most likely not in? Arizona is a shot in the dark but would be awesome to get in there. Also I have yet to hear anything from UCSC, but there were a bunch of rejections posted here on the 23rd of Feb. Does anyone know if that means Im still in the running, or is it simply because there are so many people that have been rejected that it takes them a while to send out all of the reject letters? I read this on a forum and it freaked me out! Also, does anyone know when either of the decisions for these departments will go out?

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I also applied to U Arizona and UCSC - no news or interview from U Arizona and rejected by UCSC. I'm not sure if more decisions are coming from UCSC and I don't know if not having an interview with U Arizona means anything. Sorry I can't be much help! I did hear from someone on this forum that decisions from U Arizona were expected soon.

Good luck mate.

So I applied to University of Arizona and UC Santa Cruz, but have yet to hear back from either one. I have a BA in anthro with a focus in cultural and some cross training in archaeology. 3.98 GPA, summa cum laude, honors thesis project, numerous conference presentations,etc....GRE scores only totaling 1120 and a 4 on the writing. Im a horrible test taker! Haha! In either case, I saw that some people had been contacted by University of Arizona for interviews. If you werent contacted by this department does this mean youre most likely not in? Arizona is a shot in the dark but would be awesome to get in there. Also I have yet to hear anything from UCSC, but there were a bunch of rejections posted here on the 23rd of Feb. Does anyone know if that means Im still in the running, or is it simply because there are so many people that have been rejected that it takes them a while to send out all of the reject letters? I read this on a forum and it freaked me out! Also, does anyone know when either of the decisions for these departments will go out?

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I just got a call yesterday from my POI congratulating me on acceptance. She seemed to think that I'd already been contacted and that wasn't the case, so if you've applied, I'd contact your POI. FYI, I wasn't asked for an interview.

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This happened to me as well! (although through email) I just figured I hadn't gotten my letter yet since I live in the UK.

Have you heard anything on funding? (beyond the generic email to fill out the Access Fellowships form.)

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No news on funding yet, my POI left a voice message and said we could discuss funding options over the phone.

This happened to me as well! (although through email) I just figured I hadn't gotten my letter yet since I live in the UK.

Have you heard anything on funding? (beyond the generic email to fill out the Access Fellowships form.)

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Are you talking about UA or UCSC? I heard from yesterday UA that i got in too....no news from UCSC

No news on funding yet, my POI left a voice message and said we could discuss funding options over the phone.

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Sorry, should have clarified that - I was referring to U of A. I got a rejection letter from UCSC just a week or so ago.

Are you talking about UA or UCSC? I heard from yesterday UA that i got in too....no news from UCSC

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I too am waiting to hear from UCSC. I am tempted to write to the grad coordinator and ask where they are in their decision process, but the website says "Please wait for Grad Admissions to contact you". Seems like a firm "be patient!".

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Congrats on your acceptance! Do you mind me asking what your focus is?

For the original poster, I interviewed at Arizona on the phone and in person, and just checked the website cause I was getting impatient and it said I was rejected. So...apparently an interview doesn't matter ;) It may depend on the focus.

Good luck to you all!

I just got a call yesterday from my POI congratulating me on acceptance. She seemed to think that I'd already been contacted and that wasn't the case, so if you've applied, I'd contact your POI. FYI, I wasn't asked for an interview.

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Sorry, I was talking about Arizona as well, I didn't apply to UCSC. My focus is archaeology. Oh, and I had no interview.

Are you talking about UA or UCSC? I heard from yesterday UA that i got in too....no news from UCSC

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Hey LoloMarie,

that sucks... :( Where on the website did you check?

Congrats on your acceptance! Do you mind me asking what your focus is?

For the original poster, I interviewed at Arizona on the phone and in person, and just checked the website cause I was getting impatient and it said I was rejected. So...apparently an interview doesn't matter ;) It may depend on the focus.

Good luck to you all!

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Thanks a lot! I was happily surprised. I was accepted into the BARA group with Marcela Leon Vasquez as a supervisor. My research focus is quinoa cooperatives and intermediaries in Southern Bolivia.

Good luck!

Congrats on your acceptance! Do you mind me asking what your focus is?

For the original poster, I interviewed at Arizona on the phone and in person, and just checked the website cause I was getting impatient and it said I was rejected. So...apparently an interview doesn't matter ;) It may depend on the focus.

Good luck to you all!

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So is anyone on here culturally focused? This is my focus for both UCSC and for U of A. I saw that a bunch of archaeology candidates were accepted or rejected over the past few days, but I have yet to hear anything about cultural. I logged in to the application website through the department, where you initially submit the anthro application, and it says updated March 9th. Before this it hadnt been updated since January 10th, however nothing had changed. My status was still the same, Submitted, received... Also they spelled received wrong; "recieved"! HAHAHAHA! Thought that was kind of funny. Anyways, is this where you would go to check the status?

As far as UCSC I have yet to her anything from them either. I emailed Tsing a few days ago about Bruno Latour and her work concerning ANT, and she responded fairly quickly, but I negelected to ask her about the process since she is on leave. I did email the graduate college at UCSC and inquired about the time frame and process, but all I got in return was a rather generic email explaining that departments were currently making decisions and I should hear back from them in the next few weeks. I also decided against emailing the department based on the "dont email the department" bolded section under the application portion of their website. I wont lie though, I was tempted! Hahhah!

By the way... congrats to those who have been accepted and I hope everyone else out there gets in somewhere. One opportunity lost means another one gained, right? Ill keep you guys posted on whatever I can find out, if/when I do.

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By the way UNCanthro. You sound like a total badass dude. What an awesome research focus! For future reference, my name is Robert Finch and I study spatial praxis and movement, though I have a background in political ecology and ethnobotanical studies, as well as being cross-trained in archaeology. Hope I get to hear about your research someday man. Good luck with everything brother!

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for U of A, you have to log into the general grad school app, not the anthro-specific app to see.

So is anyone on here culturally focused? This is my focus for both UCSC and for U of A. I saw that a bunch of archaeology candidates were accepted or rejected over the past few days, but I have yet to hear anything about cultural. I logged in to the application website through the department, where you initially submit the anthro application, and it says updated March 9th. Before this it hadnt been updated since January 10th, however nothing had changed. My status was still the same, Submitted, received... Also they spelled received wrong; "recieved"! HAHAHAHA! Thought that was kind of funny. Anyways, is this where you would go to check the status?

As far as UCSC I have yet to her anything from them either. I emailed Tsing a few days ago about Bruno Latour and her work concerning ANT, and she responded fairly quickly, but I negelected to ask her about the process since she is on leave. I did email the graduate college at UCSC and inquired about the time frame and process, but all I got in return was a rather generic email explaining that departments were currently making decisions and I should hear back from them in the next few weeks. I also decided against emailing the department based on the "dont email the department" bolded section under the application portion of their website. I wont lie though, I was tempted! Hahhah!

By the way... congrats to those who have been accepted and I hope everyone else out there gets in somewhere. One opportunity lost means another one gained, right? Ill keep you guys posted on whatever I can find out, if/when I do.

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Very cool! Congrats! I was just curious, I'm bio and I know there was about 3 people they considered...or that my poi considered, I should say. Sorry to Papertiger! We can commiserate together :)

Thanks a lot! I was happily surprised. I was accepted into the BARA group with Marcela Leon Vasquez as a supervisor. My research focus is quinoa cooperatives and intermediaries in Southern Bolivia.

Good luck!

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Yeah, it's too bad. Have you gotten better news from anywhere else?

Very cool! Congrats! I was just curious, I'm bio and I know there was about 3 people they considered...or that my poi considered, I should say. Sorry to Papertiger! We can commiserate together :)

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Awesome. Thanks for the tips. Checked the status and no acceptance! Oh well, not the end of the world. I was already accepted to Riverside and Im waiting on UCSC still. If anyone hears anything on UCSC be sure to post. Thanks again and congrats to everyone who got in to Arizona.

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Thought I would pass the time waiting for a response from UCSC by owning up to being a cultural anthropologist. I'm a fan of Anna Tsing's work, but I'm also interested in working with Mark Anderson or Andrew Matthews. My interest is in indigenous mobilization related to conservation and development projects, primarily in Latin America.

Good luck to everyone still waiting on admissions decisions. Sounds like some of you have some nice offers already--well done!

So is anyone on here culturally focused? This is my focus for both UCSC and for U of A. I saw that a bunch of archaeology candidates were accepted or rejected over the past few days, but I have yet to hear anything about cultural. I logged in to the application website through the department, where you initially submit the anthro application, and it says updated March 9th. Before this it hadnt been updated since January 10th, however nothing had changed. My status was still the same, Submitted, received... Also they spelled received wrong; "recieved"! HAHAHAHA! Thought that was kind of funny. Anyways, is this where you would go to check the status?

As far as UCSC I have yet to her anything from them either. I emailed Tsing a few days ago about Bruno Latour and her work concerning ANT, and she responded fairly quickly, but I negelected to ask her about the process since she is on leave. I did email the graduate college at UCSC and inquired about the time frame and process, but all I got in return was a rather generic email explaining that departments were currently making decisions and I should hear back from them in the next few weeks. I also decided against emailing the department based on the "dont email the department" bolded section under the application portion of their website. I wont lie though, I was tempted! Hahhah!

By the way... congrats to those who have been accepted and I hope everyone else out there gets in somewhere. One opportunity lost means another one gained, right? Ill keep you guys posted on whatever I can find out, if/when I do.

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no. Unfortunately not. Got rejects from UMass, Penn State and AZ. Waiting to hear ifficially from Duke. And also Southern Illinois. But it's looking like I'll be hitting the job market for a year. What about you?

Yeah, it's too bad. Have you gotten better news from anywhere else?

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Got news i was waitlisted at UCSC - anyone else heard anything?

no. Unfortunately not. Got rejects from UMass, Penn State and AZ. Waiting to hear ifficially from Duke. And also Southern Illinois. But it's looking like I'll be hitting the job market for a year. What about you?

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No news back from UCSC yet for me... Suppose thats probably not a good thing! HAHAHA! When did you hear from them? Well, I got an acceptance to UC Riverside and Im pretty happy about that, though UCSC would be a freaking dream come true. To be quite honest at this point I just want to hear back one way or another. Im not really hung up on getting accepted at UCSC, though Id like to. Perhaps after a month and a half since my first acceptance Ive just gone through such an emotional rollercoaster that it tired me out to the point that I just gave up on waiting! Anyways, thanks for the heads up about the status update from UCSC. Ill keep an eye on my email today.

Got news i was waitlisted at UCSC - anyone else heard anything?

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