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Funding: Not guaranteed for first year, but for second?

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Is anyone in this quandary? One of my acceptances did not admit me with funding, and it is my understanding that I am on a bizarre "limbo" list for funding, or that I can possibly get funding for the second year. Do you think it's worth it to consider such an offer? I had a fully funded MA so no debt there--but I do have some loans from undergrad, and I'm not sure I want to add even more money to them. This program is my only acceptance--I am waitlisted at two other schools. I am worried that if I turn this program down, I might not get into one of the waitlisted programs, and then will have missed the opportunity all together. Any one else in this position? Thoughts? Opinions?

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Is anyone in this quandary? One of my acceptances did not admit me with funding, and it is my understanding that I am on a bizarre "limbo" list for funding, or that I can possibly get funding for the second year. Do you think it's worth it to consider such an offer? I had a fully funded MA so no debt there--but I do have some loans from undergrad, and I'm not sure I want to add even more money to them. This program is my only acceptance--I am waitlisted at two other schools. I am worried that if I turn this program down, I might not get into one of the waitlisted programs, and then will have missed the opportunity all together. Any one else in this position? Thoughts? Opinions?

3 of the dumbest things a human being can do:

1) Turn a hard right on the freeway while going 90 mph.

2) Swallow a poison dart frog.

3) Spend money on a humanities PhD.

If you're guaranteed funding beyond the first year, then it's worth it. But if the department is being iffy on funding altogether, I'd say roll the dice again next year.

Edited by RockDenali
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