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Standard minimum TOEFL speaking score for TA's


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I just retook the TOEFL test, both because my previous scores expire in November and because I wasn't happy with my speaking section score. I improved my score from 20 to 24 in this section. The question is whether this would be enough to allow me to work as a teaching assistant.

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some schools i know of emphasize more on the depth of your knowledge on the subject you will be TAing for, compared to your TOEFL score. but i am sure that it certainly has a role to play in the whole process. i recommend going through their websites, or contacting the school where you are planning on applying. if they declare that XX is the bare minimum speaking score they require from an international student, then it's easy to check off that school from your list.

good luck! - they had no speaking section when i took my TOEFL - but again, that was quite some years ago.

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The requirement actually varies from one school to another. I believe some universities require an additional test once you arrive there even if you reached the minimum required score for the speaking section. I suggest you check the websites of your target universities to be able to get a better answer. Good luck!

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