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Although I was relieved to get my final decision notice and have made my choice, I have been having nightmares every night for about the last week. I was wondering if anyone else is having this problem. I looked up what medical professionals have to say and that is that stress and major life changes can trigger nightmares. Would anyone like to share any similar experiences? It would give me much relief to know that I am not the only one. Thanks!

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Oh geez me too.

I JUST made my decision, but prior to making it I was having terrible nightmares on a regular basis ( and I haven't had nightmares in ages). One morning I woke up gasping for air thought I was dying. :rolleyes:

I thought I was crazy to be having nightmares when one of my top 2 choices said yes and I was scared out of my mind. Neverthless, now that I have made my decision I am most likely going to have even worse nightmares about relocating and all that jazz..

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No nightmares, but every aspect of my life has become consumed by my decision. Every waking hour and also in those brief moments of lucidity when I am sleeping, I think about the decision. You are not alone :). I think this type of thing is completely normal.

Try and relax. At least you have made your decision!


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I definitely recognize this! My dreams have had one theme: disastrous travel. It's probably because I'm moving to the other side of the world...

I keep dreaming about losing my luggage. Last night I dreamt I landed in a state adjacent to the one I am going to, and hitchhiked to my university. When I was almost there I realized I had left my bag at the airport! Earlier I dreamt I got lost at the airport and arrived at some underground rat-infested apartment area where I was forced to become a resident. They're not really nightmares, but I've definitely noticed this theme in my dreams.

So you're not the only one, and I'm sure it'll pass! :)

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I had a nightmare the morning that I found out I was accepted. In the dream, I was contacted by the department assistant, who informed me that there were some problems with my application. Specifically, there were some "inconsistencies" on my record that apparently I needed to explain. I wasn't rejected, I was told, but in order to be considered for acceptance I would have to write a letter to the committee justifying my past mistakes. In the dream, I was frantically writing the letter to justify my final attempt to get into grad school. I woke up feeling pretty discouraged. I knew the dream was just a dream, but perhaps it had some relevance to reality. At some unconscious level, I was truly terrified that I would be rejected.

Then I checked my email and found out I was accepted. Haha, I guess in a way, the dream made it even more satisfying.

Edited by Arcadian
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Well my nightmares have found their way into reality as I have gotten two rejections today! I think I have started clenching my jaw in my sleep as the left side now clicks a bit and I've had headaches a lot recently.

Omg please let this be over!

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Although I was relieved to get my final decision notice and have made my choice, I have been having nightmares every night for about the last week. I was wondering if anyone else is having this problem. I looked up what medical professionals have to say and that is that stress and major life changes can trigger nightmares. Would anyone like to share any similar experiences? It would give me much relief to know that I am not the only one. Thanks!

You are DEFINITELY not the only one! I've been having nightmares ever since I applied. Nightmares about rejection, about traveling, embarassment from rejection.... :(

This very last night I had a funny dream. I dreamed I got an acceptance e-mail from my top choice. However, the language of the e-mail was vague and the tone was not so exciting and happy. Like, not my idea of an acceptance letter. No congratulations no nothing. It started the same way as the rejection letters I already received. I even had to carefully read the e-mail searching for an "acceptance word." When I found out it was an acceptance, I went to tell my parents, friends, and professors. Then, when I read the e-mail again, it said that there will be a "kite flying competition" in the school and that I had to participate to be truly accepted. Eh? Kites? My dad told me to accept the competition right away. Then I woke up!

I woke up feeling weird. Will I get accepted into that school? And what's with the kites? :D :D :D

I had and interview with this school about 10 days ago. And it's Monday, so I'm waiting for an e-mail. Hope it will bring good news!

Edited by PhD Pharmacist
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No nightmares (yet?), but my anxiety level is certainly pretty high. I'm not hungry. I don't want to do anything except sleep. I'm annoyed by everyone.

I'm just worried that I won't be able to adjust to grad school life and that everyone will think I'm dumb and I won't find any friends in my new city. I'm also feeling a bit sad about leaving behind the friends I have here. :(

Don't get me wrong - I'm super excited that this is actually happening. I just have difficulties with transitions.

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Yeah, no nightmares, but I haven't been sleeping well at all. I'm tense and all I can think about is grad school. I'm still waiting to hear back from one more school and it's important enough for me that I can't make any decisions until I hear from them. So I'm just restless all the time. My brain won't settle down.

Looking forward to some kind of resolution and being stressed from excitement, rather than from being in limbo.

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I am glad others are having nightmares as well. The strangest thing is that my nightmares have nothing to do with anything that is stressing me in my real life! I just have gruesome, bloody, and ghost-filled dreams that have nothing to do with grad school, a new city, or anything. Hopefully I will feel better as things settle down.

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My nightmares have stopped since I've quit my job to move home for a while. However, before that I was so stressed they were pretty much nightly and repetitive. One was about my dream school rescinding its rejection after I had sent in my acceptance to the only program I've heard positive from and I panicked. Then I started having dreams that right after I sent in my acceptance to the program I've been accepted to the one I'm still waiting on sent me the dream package, I've had this one several times and I'm still holding out for the department even though I have heard literally nothing from them... in the next few days though I'm prepared to step down from waiting on this school.

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