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To blog or not to blog?


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I've been accepted to a summer intern program this year and have been wondering if it would be appropriate for me to blog about my experiences, or if this looks bad to grad schools you apply to. I know, understand, and would definitely follow some basic "rules" out of courtesy: not mentioning the institution (although it may become obvious), full names, or personal info like where I am living etc, or publishing research material that isn't mine to disseminate (dur). Still, I'd like to document what I'm doing each day or week so that my friends and family can see it, and also use it as a more informal exercise in writing about a research project. I do NOT intend to use it to post inflammatory rants when I have a bad day or disagree with a lab employee- even I get that's one of the dumbest things you can do in a public forum with your name permanently attached. But still, even while trying to be as anonymous and courteous as possible, I wasn't sure if that would still appear too "gossipy" or unprofessional to graduate schools that I'll be applying to this fall. Any extra opinions or viewpoints are very welcome!

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I've been accepted to a summer intern program this year and have been wondering if it would be appropriate for me to blog about my experiences, or if this looks bad to grad schools you apply to. I know, understand, and would definitely follow some basic "rules" out of courtesy: not mentioning the institution (although it may become obvious), full names, or personal info like where I am living etc, or publishing research material that isn't mine to disseminate (dur). Still, I'd like to document what I'm doing each day or week so that my friends and family can see it, and also use it as a more informal exercise in writing about a research project. I do NOT intend to use it to post inflammatory rants when I have a bad day or disagree with a lab employee- even I get that's one of the dumbest things you can do in a public forum with your name permanently attached. But still, even while trying to be as anonymous and courteous as possible, I wasn't sure if that would still appear too "gossipy" or unprofessional to graduate schools that I'll be applying to this fall. Any extra opinions or viewpoints are very welcome!

If you just want your friends and family to know about your experiences, why don't you just email them your "blog" instead of setting up a public website?

Edited by neuropsych76
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blogging about research is becoming popular in academia, from what I hear. I think it would be good to have professional-related results if they search for your name, provided your blog is appropriately professional.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Go for it. I have a blog, and it's only ever helped me. I don't think it really factors much into the application process, but the one comment I got about mine from a PI was very positive.

Also, blogs are fun if you like writing ;-)

Edited by Azazel
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