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Ford Foundation Fellowship 2011


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So, should I still hold out hope, or are all HM's on a "list of alternates?"

Dear Ford Foundation Fellowship Dissertation Applicant:

Your application in the 2011 competition of the Ford Foundation Fellowships Program at the dissertation

level has been carefully evaluated, and your name has been placed on a list of alternates whose applications

will be considered for an award in the event that an awardee declines a fellowship offer. We expect to make

such decisions approximately one month from now. Unless you have previously requested otherwise, your

name will appear on the Honorable Mention List, which will be posted on the Fellowships Office web page

of the National Academies website once the final award list is confirmed. If we do not contact you again,

unfortunately we are unable to offer you a fellowship this year.

Approximately 500 dissertation applications were reviewed by panels composed of highly qualified scientists,

engineers, and humanities scholars from across the nation. Since only 35 dissertation awards are available,

many deserving candidates could not be selected.

Application materials for the 2012 competition will become available in September 2011. If you are eligible

to apply in this program next year, visit the Fellowships Office Web Page: www.national-

academies.org/fellowships for information and materials

On behalf of the Ford Foundation and the National Research Council of the National Academies, I thank

you for your participation in this competition and hope that you will successfully find funding for the

continuation of your graduate education.

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So, should I still hold out hope, or are all HM's on a "list of alternates?"

No, not all HMs are on a list of alternates -- congrats! Definitely still hold out hope.

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No, not all HMs are on a list of alternates -- congrats! Definitely still hold out hope.


This makes me feel like I accomplished more than all the other times I've gotten HM in a competition.

Now all I want to know is how many are on this list...

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Does anyone have an idea what the chances are that someone in the humanities will turn down a Ford? I know science and engineering folks also have that big NSF competition for which there are usually cross-winners, but what about in the humanities? I'm sure it happens but maybe not as often... I'm definitely mentioning the "alternate" status on my CV and hey, this is certainly motivation for me to apply again next year... Who knows what could happen! But maybe I'm jumping the gun here b/c... I could still win!! Ahhhh... Wish me luck!! Good luck to those still awaiting notification!

Pre-doc alternate in the humanities as well!! Congrats to the alternates and HMs so far! I'd like to bump the above question. Anyone have a clue?

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This makes me feel like I accomplished more than all the other times I've gotten HM in a competition.

Now all I want to know is how many are on this list...

When I was alternate for the pre-doc, I called and was told I was #2. So I needed two people to decline it, but decline it in my field. They have different lists according to fields, I was told.

It turned out only one person declined it, so I got only HM.

Also, I've heard that other people have tried finding out where on the list they were but to no avail. Maybe I got the receptionist on a good day.

Edited by quiqui
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When I was alternate for the pre-doc, I called and was told I was #2. So I needed two people to decline it, but decline it in my field. They have different lists according to fields, I was told.

It turned out only one person declined it, so I got only HM.

Also, I've heard that other people have tried finding out where on the list they were but to no avail. Maybe I got the receptionist on a good day.

Aw, gee, I don't know if i want to try to find out now. By "field" do you think its something like "social sciences" or more specific, like "sociology," "politics", "economics," etc.

Also, I just noticed that its past closing time in DC. Sneaky sneaky.

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Thanks for all of the posts. This is an entirely new process for me - first generation graduate student - whoo hoo! - so all of these posts help.

The noticias/news: alternate for Pre-Doctoral Fellowship

Field: Human Geography

I too wonder how many alternates there are.

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I called and asked about the alternates list. I didn't get the same receptionist with whom I had spoken earlier this week, lol. This one was very nice, too, but she said it's against their policy to disclose specifics about the alternates list... Maybe I'll try calling again tomorrow... and I *might* get the really nice lady from a few days ago, hahaha!! If so, I hope she can reveal a bit more info!!

She did confirm, though, that someone in your general field needs to turn it down for you to have a chance (and of course that depends on your position on the list).

Here's the list of fields, for the record: http://nrc58.nas.edu/FordFellowDirect/Main/Directory.aspx?Report=4 Education; EMP Sciences (Engineering, Math and Physics); History/Philosophy; Lang/Lit/Humanities; Life sciences; Psychology; and Social Sciences. She also mentioned that each of these fields has separate panels of reviewers (which makes sense)...

I'll bet there might be some EMP folks who decline the Ford in favor of the NSF... I was told on the phone that Lang/Lit/Humanities offers are indeed declined; not as often, but it does happen! I didn't apply for a Javits fellowship because I hadn't taken my GRE in time for the competition (and if I don't win the Ford I'll apply for both the Javits and the Ford next year) but the Javits might be a possible competitor for Ford awardees... and since humanities folks win Javits awards, there might be hope for us humanities Ford alternates after all!

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I found out that I am an alternate for the dissertation award. In other words, I am essentially getting an Honorable Mention. I am on the list for psychology, apparently, and it is highly unlikely that someone who got an offer in psychology would turn it down. Like others of you have pointed out, it would be extremely helpful to know where I am on the list.

The information posted so far has been tremendously helpful. Sorry to those of you who did not get it, and congrats to all who get HM, alternate, or who got the award (mythical creatures that you are...:P).

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Aw, gee, I don't know if i want to try to find out now. By "field" do you think its something like "social sciences" or more specific, like "sociology," "politics", "economics," etc.

Also, I just noticed that its past closing time in DC. Sneaky sneaky.

I was told that it would be psychology for me, as opposed to social sciences. There is a specific review panel for psychology. I am assuming it would be the same for you, depending on your field of study.

Edited by PsychOut
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I got my email today. I got an Honorable Mention for the Pre-doctoral fellowship. First time applying. I'll probably apply for the Dissertation fellowship in about a year or so.

Congratulations to those of you who got it!!!

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Have the acceptances gone out? Congrats to those who are/will be accepted! I found out yesterday that I'm an alternate so although I'm disappointed I'll hold on to the sliver of hope that someone will decline in psychology.

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I got my pre-doc acceptance notification today at around 12:30pm. It seems like yesterday they sent out the rejects/HMs/Alternates and ran out of time to send the acceptances as well. Since I got an NSF fellowship and a fellowship from the university I currently plan to attend I'll probably decline this one, so if there are any alternates in computer science on here, you have some hope :).

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I got my pre-doc acceptance notification today at around 12:30pm. It seems like yesterday they sent out the rejects/HMs/Alternates and ran out of time to send the acceptances as well. Since I got an NSF fellowship and a fellowship from the university I currently plan to attend I'll probably decline this one, so if there are any alternates in computer science on here, you have some hope :).

Congrats! Sounds like this was your year for fellowships! When is the deadline to accept or decline the Ford?

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Congrats! Sounds like this was your year for fellowships! When is the deadline to accept or decline the Ford?

Haha I guess it was! I'm not sure about the deadlines. The email I got didn't say much other than that I would be getting a packet by next week with all of the details.

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I got the Predoc!!!!! (And this time it's not an April Fools Day joke) Yay!! I'm a humanist. The e-mail didn't mention deadlines... I bet it'll be in the packet we get in the mail. But judging from what the alternates on here have said, alternates will be finding out in approximately a month, so we might have around that much time to make up our minds! Congrats to everyone else who won and, honestly, to EVERYONE for the hard work I know we all put into these applications, regardless of the outcomes. :) Best of luck to all with your studies!

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Congrats to those who got the fellowships! I just received word that I was placed on a List of Alternates and was an Honorable Mention....(Humanities and Native American Studies). Is there any way to find out what place we are on the list?

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One way to tell when you receive the email is by looking at the subject line. I was rejected last year and the subject line was "NRC No reply" as someone indicated in this forum earlier. This year the award email had a subject line of "Ford Applications Ford Foundation Fellowships Program 2011 Predoctoral Competition Notification". That is one clue when you receive the email

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Hmmm. Forum is very quiet considering people should have been notified by now. People are either too busy celebrating or have moved on after hearing bad news. Either way good luck to all. It would be nice to hear updates on applicants. Does anyone plan to ask NRC for feedback?

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Congratulations to all the awardees this year!

I applied last year and got an honorable mention, but I received the NSF fellowship, so all was well. I would like to apply again for a Ford Fellowship because I've heard great things about the networks available to awardees. I was hoping someone might have some thought about whether I should be applying for the predoctoral or wait for the dissertation. I'll still have at least three years left by the time I apply next year, so I'm still eligible.

Has anyone else had this dilemma? What made you decide to apply for one or the other?

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