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History Admissions 2009


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i haven't heard from michigan yet either. 2 or 3 people have posted that they were contacted, but that was back at the end of february (oh so long ago). i don't know if that means all the admits have been contacted already or just some of them. their website says they notify people from march 3-7, so i think after march 7 it's reasonable to give the department a ring. otherwise just sweat it out and hope for good news. :)

as for NYU, 6 people have posted acceptances and 1 posted a waitlist notification. since NYU is only taking 15 people this year (i think... i remember someone saying that in this thread), i think that's it for yes's from them. it's reasonable to think that just over 1/3 of the people accepted this year know about this website and posted their results.

i'm still hoping to hear something positive from pittsburgh but i'm expecting no's across the board from everyone else.

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Rejected from Columbia (via link to website) and I don't care...three years ago I never would have been caught dead saying something like that. But times have changed, and there are better places for me. My field is South Asia btw, for anyone else waiting.

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Rejected from Columbia (via link to website) and I don't care...three years ago I never would have been caught dead saying something like that. But times have changed, and there are better places for me. My field is South Asia btw, for anyone else waiting.

My god, I'm not good enough to accept or reject!? Wtf.

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Tell me about it. Thanks to these boards I knew I was rejected from Columbia weeks ago, but now they're delaying the actual rejection e-mail and it's a bit annoying. I tried checking the website, too, and found nothing new.

Speaking of website statuses, are there any other UCLA admits here who still have a decision status page saying "to date, no decision has been made on your application"?

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Tell me about it. Thanks to these boards I knew I was rejected from Columbia weeks ago

sra08: why are you assuming that you have been rejected? is it because some acceptances went out around then? is it possible that they are taking more time to make up their minds about your file?

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Well, I noted several Columbia acceptances posted a while back. I don't know how many offers they're making this year, but given that these boards only represent about 10-25% of applicants at most, the situation didn't seem optimistic. Unscientific, but that's how I knew I was out at Berkeley and Harvard. I probably should have said that I'm "about 97% sure" that I'm rejected from Columbia, for accuracy's sake. I'd be quite happy to be proved wrong.

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just got my rejection letter from cornell. a nice letter. application was among the best they received, in another year i probably would've been admitted, they're sure i'll get into another top grad program somewhere. not surprising that i got the boot since my prospective adviser is moving to another school, but now i will begin that horrible dance of "what could have been."

oh well.

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@IronDuke: I was also wait-listed at Stanford (my field is US history). Do you have any news from them as far as how the alternate list works?


For UCLA:I was also admitted (no funding) and my status still says "To date no decision blablah" so nothing to worry about I guess...

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@strangelight: yes, I got that nice letter too. i am treating it just as any other standard-cold-hearted reject notification. frankly, a lot of people seem to have gotten that letter.

Haha, I got that letter too.

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@IronDuke: I was also wait-listed at Stanford (my field is US history). Do you have any news from them as far as how the alternate list works?


I don't know about US history but in the case of my field (I applied under Modern Britain for Stanford) I was told that they took zero applicants...which means there is no chance I will get in unless some magical decision happens. I am taking my name off the waitlist.

For other fields the situation might be different, and you should probably just wait. I would contact the professor you're in touch with and ask them honestly what the list is like and if you have a shot.

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From talking to Michigan and Columbia:

Michigan is sending out official acceptance letters and funding details in the next couple of days. My impression is that they count on prospective advisers to call/email accepted students to tell them as soon as decisions are taken - and at least some of them did that last week. also, there are 18 people in this year's cohort (as far as I know).

Columbia is having its accepted students' weekend starting on sunday. From communications with the director of history graduate admissions it seems like things are a bit of a mess there. I think they're trying really hard to figure out the implications of the financial meltdown on their incoming cohort (of 20 students). Now, I don't know if that means they have sent out all their acceptances - but I have heard from three people who got in.

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I don't know about US history but in the case of my field (I applied under Modern Britain for Stanford) I was told that they took zero applicants...which means there is no chance I will get in unless some magical decision happens. I am taking my name off the waitlist.

I was pretty sure this would be the case. I don't think they have any active, tenured faculty in Modern Britain at the moment--that is, no one available to advise new students in the field. Glad I didn't apply.

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hey ironduke, i applied for south asian history as well. and from the look of things, we both applied to similar places. so far, i've been waitlisted at emory and at cornell, with rejections from everywhere else. sadly, i only have harvard and nyu left to hear back from, and it seems like they've already sent out their acceptances. could i ask as to what your field is within south asia?

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Michigan is sending out official acceptance letters and funding details in the next couple of days. My impression is that they count on prospective advisers to call/email accepted students to tell them as soon as decisions are taken - and at least some of them did that last week. also, there are 18 people in this year's cohort (as far as I know).

18? Shiiiiiiiiiiiit. Haven't heard, so I'm probably out. Mega-long-shot anyway.

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18? Shiiiiiiiiiiiit. Haven't heard, so I'm probably out. Mega-long-shot anyway.

Yeah, I haven't heard either, and if I don't hear anything this week I'm going to guess I'm out. Oh well, it was quite a long shot.

Question for anyone who has heard a decision from Temple:

It looks like they mostly notify by phone and e-mail. Has anyone found out a decision from Temple's Apply Yourself website?

Also, has anyone heard from Rutgers latley? The last results post was on the 25th.

On the off chance that anyone is waiting to hear from Claremont Graduate University, I have heard from the department that they are slow on making decisions this year. It seems that the admissions committee has not met yet.

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i got into pitt! the director of grad studies emailed me. a first year arts & sciences fellowship with no teaching requirements, a fourth year social science doctoral dissertation fellowship with no teaching requirements, and three years of a teaching fellowship (2nd, 3rd, and 5th years).

i am really excited. pitt was one of my top choices and definitely the best "fit" out of any school that i applied to. i'mma go do a happy dance now. :D

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Yeah, I haven't heard either, and if I don't hear anything this week I'm going to guess I'm out. Oh well, it was quite a long shot.

Question for anyone who has heard a decision from Temple:

It looks like they mostly notify by phone and e-mail. Has anyone found out a decision from Temple's Apply Yourself website?

Also, has anyone heard from Rutgers latley? The last results post was on the 25th.

On the off chance that anyone is waiting to hear from Claremont Graduate University, I have heard from the department that they are slow on making decisions this year. It seems that the admissions committee has not met yet.

Haven't heard anything from Temple. Last time I got my acceptance on the TUPortal.

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