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History Admissions 2009


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Has anyone received news from Cornell, Pittsburgh, UNC-CH, or Vanderbilt? :?:

For Cornell, I am guessing it is not time to freak out yet. For the past couple of years, they don't notify acceptances until after mid-February. Rejections come later than that.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

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Shall us Americanists who applied to Wisconsin and still have our status as "pending" start to freak out?

I am guessing there's time yet? Judging by the time it took for them to notify the people applying to their sociology program, it took about a week from the first notification posted on gradcafe to the last posted admission.

Hang in there!

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This comes a little late, but congrats to the Wisconsin and Minnesota admits! :)

I'm really starting to wish I'd applied to one of those schools, just so I'd have possibly heard something by now. Congrats to the European History admit at Wisconsin who just posted.

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For anyone else waiting on UCSB:

In an e-mail from the graduate secretary, she said applications are currently being reviewed and that decisions will be available in the first two weeks of february. So, you at least have a solid week where you don't have to check the website. :P

Day 3 of 10 (only counting business days) in the above-described two week period. Come on UCSB!

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Day 3 of 10 (only counting business days) in the above-described two week period. Come on UCSB!

I just looked at that e-mail again, and it said that the first two weeks of feb are when they are being made, not available. But I can't imagine there being much delay before they're up on the site or sent out.

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I just looked at that e-mail again, and it said that the first two weeks of feb are when they are being made, not available. But I can't imagine there being much delay before they're up on the site or sent out.

Given that the result is essentially the same, I'm hard pressed to explain why your clarification has slightly reduced my obsession about checking for UCSB results, but it has. Thank you for that. If work wasn't so slow right now, I'm sure I'd be in a better mental state.

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So someone just posted that they are invited to 'prospective students weekend' at NYU History. As a NYU history applicant who didn't receive such an invite I guess I should read that as a negative sign? Although whoever posted it seems to have similar insecurities as being invited means that they haven't been accepted or rejected apparently.

Any other NYU applicants out there with news or different interpretations of this?

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Wow, looks like JHU has started notifying people. I guess it's time to start worrying. Sorry about your rejection, whoever posted that! What were you applying for?

I applied for early modern history. I was informed unofficially by a prof who asked where else I'd applied, saying that he supported my application to the ad com, but it was mighty tough and they decided to go another way. I doubt you should start worrying, given the response dates in the past, although my JHU rejection from last year was also dated 5 Feb. What are you applying for? Thanks for the sentiment. It's honestly a relief to know (and I didn't really expect to get in anyway). I can move forward with other plans now.

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So someone just posted that they are invited to 'prospective students weekend' at NYU History. As a NYU history applicant who didn't receive such an invite I guess I should read that as a negative sign? Although whoever posted it seems to have similar insecurities as being invited means that they haven't been accepted or rejected apparently.

Any other NYU applicants out there with news or different interpretations of this?

There was a lot of debate over this last year, so if you check there you'll find some info about it. Essentially, it's sort of a "this is who we're thinking about taking but we're not really ready to commit yet" kind of weekend, if I remember correctly.

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Second that. Yale's application was only due a month ago...?

A friend who applied was told early next week by a prof in the dept. It's secondhand info, hence "word on the street," but it does match up w/ last year's notification dates, which also hovered around Feb. 11-13.

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I applied for early modern history. I was informed unofficially by a prof who asked where else I'd applied, saying that he supported my application to the ad com, but it was mighty tough and they decided to go another way. I doubt you should start worrying, given the response dates in the past, although my JHU rejection from last year was also dated 5 Feb. What are you applying for? Thanks for the sentiment. It's honestly a relief to know (and I didn't really expect to get in anyway). I can move forward with other plans now.

I'm applying for early modern and Imperial Russia, so I might have been your competitor. I've honestly got no clue if I even stand a chance, though. Did you get a sense of what their accepted/rejected numbers were? (Probably 8 out of 200, like Duke. Crazy.)

I'm also applying to Princeton (top choice), Stanford, Harvard, Indiana, UCLA, and Georgetown. I'll post in this thread if I hear anything, but I suspect it might be a slaughter.

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Yeah I was one of the UCSD rejects posted today. Not at all surprised because there was not a good fit with faculty interests (at all), but there are only so many west coast schools to which to apply. Still one of the lower ranked schools I applied to, so worrisome. That was my first notification obviously so just hoping it gets better from here. :wink:

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Sounds like the flood gates are about to open. Good luck to all.......personally I feel like I'm about to vomit.


Congratulations to everyone who has positive news, and good luck to the rest of us. Keep posting to keep us updated!

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