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Should I be worried about my offer getting rescinded?


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I'm taking a upper level science class that I don't need to graduate. I took anyway under the advisement of my mentor, because she convinced me it would be really beneficial. About two weeks ago, I had the option to drop it, but I decided against it when my mentor/advisor said to keep it because it doesn't effect graduating. At best, getting an A on the final I'm looking at a 68% or so. The class average is in the mid - to upper 70s so I'm not expecting any sort of curve.

I'm extremely worried that my offer for graduate school is going to get rescinded. When I received my offer, the acceptance letter said "In order to officially matriculate, your degree must be posted." They never mentioned anything about a GPA requirement, or something similar. But I'm still stressing out about it.

I don't know what to do. I already have a low GPA because I've had to spend a lot of time working so i wouldn't be drowning in student loans. I am going to be completely devastated if I can't go to this program next year because of a bad mark.

Am I making mountains out of molehills or should I be concerned?

Edited by 123infinity
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I'd say you're probably jumping at shadows, but I'm not your graduate institution.

If you're really worried, you could try using your worst case scenario grade from that course and projected grades from your other courses to estimate the difference it would make in your overall GPA.

If you're super duper really worried, why don't you contact your department and explain to them that although you're not in danger of failing (you aren't, right?) any imperative classes, you're worried about what impact a slightly lower GPA could have on your acceptance? I'm sure you could phrase it in a way that doesn't make it sound like "OH NO I AM FAILING WILL YOU HATE ME?" and more like "Hi I'm a reasonable and quite earnest person who could use a dab of reassurance" type thing.

But I think you're fine.

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Generally, "In order to officially matriculate, your degree must be posted," means that you only have to graduate. If they did not give you a specific minimum target-GPA, then I wouldn't worry about it at all. I've seen some on here who have received "conditional offers" from British schools which hinged on finishing with a minimum GPA. But this is always specified when the applicant was originally notified of acceptance, if I am not mistaken.

If it were me, I wouldn't even contact the department. As long as you're going to graduate, you're good to go.

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