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Any and all advice is helpful.

I got into USC and Emerson for the Communication Mangagement Program. I toured both campuses and I like them equally. For what I want to do, being in Los Angeles will be helpful, but I recieved a fellowship for Emerson, which makes USC almost 2x as much money. Also, Boston is near my home.

I guess what it all boils down to is if the ties, connections, and the program at USC is enough to justify going there. I love the school, I'm just worried about the money, and I really only want to go there if going to USC will help give me a leg-up in the industry as I want to go into Entertainment Mangagement?

Thank You!

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It's a Master's. That's a different, more career-based degree; I'd go Emerson for the funding. Even IF you plan on going on for the Ph.D., I think you'll get enough experience to create a competitive profile, but you'll have a lot less debt. However, that's an outsider's perspective, so you should really analyze the social and personal components for each program to weigh them against each other and what YOU want for a program. Best of luck!!

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  • 11 months later...

First, you should probably not take on more debt than is equal to your career's expected starting salary -- this is especially true if your career path is a competative one (I have no idea what the job market for Entertainment Management is).

If the debt from USC still seems manageable, then you've got to move on to level 2 of decision making.

This is going to depend a lot more on you, of course, but here's where you've got to consider where you'd like to end up (geographically) eventually. If you need to be in LA for your career, you might be well served by getting your degree there and utilizing the connections that USC provides.

If you don't NEED to be in LA, then staying by your family and making connections in that part of the country could be a pretty good bet.

Good luck with your decision -- I'm trying to puzzle out a similar one myself!

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