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Making decision re: summer research


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I've been in contact with two of my POIs about the possibility of working as a volunteer in their labs over the summer. Both responded.

POI A: No positions open, but likes my research interests and CV and wants to meet me (he'll be in my area in late May). Said he'd have his lab coordinator get in contact with me about maybe finding an opening this summer, but I never heard anything from her.

POI B: Responded favorably to my initial email and said there were positions open, but I haven't heard from him since I sent my CV. Sent a follow-up email a few days ago, no response. (Note: I have a lot of research experience in his area and go to a good school, so right now I'm not thinking the problem is that my CV was disappointing and more that it's a him-being-busy thing. He's pretty famous and it's around exam time, plus he took a long time to respond to me the first time -- though he's exceeded the previous delay by two weeks now. So maybe it's just a matter of waiting it out.)

I also have the option of staying in my area and working at my home lab over the summer preparing my honor's thesis, or working in my home lab as well as doing work in a different lab that is only tangentially related to my interests but pays well.

I can also write to POI C, D, or E about whether they have openings in their labs this summer.

So right now what I'm trying to decide is:

Do I wait to hear back from POI B before writing to C, D, or E? Do I wait until after meeting with A in hopes that he might make an exception for me for the summer? Or do I go ahead and contact one of my other POIs before it gets too late in the semester?

Just to make things MORE complicated, there are also a couple of houses I was interested in renting for next year, but the leases start in the summer and I expect them to go quickly, so if I'm going to be in the area I'd want to decide as soon as possible so that I could sign a lease. I'm a little worried about finding cheap, convenient, decent housing the closer it gets to summer. But I'd hate to sign the lease prematurely, especially if I'd have the opportunity to do summer research in the lab of one of my grad school POIs.


Edited by gellert
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hey, another clinical psych/neuro person! :)

contact as many people as you can. People will forget about you, positions fall through, etc. If someone's jumping through a lot of hoops to find funding for you and you turn it down, that is an issue. However, if you get vague interest from more than one POI, pursue all the leads you have, see what pans out, and let the others know you found another opportunity, are grateful for their interest, etc.

have you tried contacting the RA from lab A? She/he may have forgotten too.

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hey, another clinical psych/neuro person! :)

contact as many people as you can. People will forget about you, positions fall through, etc. If someone's jumping through a lot of hoops to find funding for you and you turn it down, that is an issue. However, if you get vague interest from more than one POI, pursue all the leads you have, see what pans out, and let the others know you found another opportunity, are grateful for their interest, etc.

have you tried contacting the RA from lab A? She/he may have forgotten too.

I agree with nessa. You have to be persistent with the people you contacted and keep your options open.

Last summer I was in a similar position. I ended up having 3 offers (one was an REU) but it was great to have options looking back (even though it was a tough call at the time!).

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