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Statement of Purpose length

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I want to begin preparing my SOP early on and have been looking at the admissions websites of some of the universities I want to apply to. Some of them list a fixed number of words that they want the SOP to be and others don't. Is there a standard rule? How long is too long for these applications that don't list a required length?

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All of mine were either 500 or 800 word requirements. I wrote the 800 one first, then chiseled it down and changed things depending on the school. One didn't declare how many words they wanted, so I just emailed them and asked what was preferred. Just remember the Adcoms have to read hundreds of these things, so be concise and to the point = not too long.

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Yea I guess it depends on the program. Two of mine explicitly said multiple times any SOPs over the limit won't be considered.

I applied to 20 engineering schools, and I did not abide by the word requirements in a stringent way. As long as you don't go more than 200% of what theyve asked, I think you are fine. What they are trying to get you to do with the word requirement is make sure you are speaking cogently. (And also so that they have enough time to read everyones application.)

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Actually I will suggest you abide by the length suggested by the schools you are applying to and if you have to go over the length, always use the 5% to 10% rule (i.e. If you have an 800 word essay, don't go over more than 80 words) although I will suggest you stick to the page length or word count because adhering to instructions and having a cogent/precise SOP is viewed favorably. My rule is put yourself in the Admissions committee's shoes. Do you want to read a 500 word essay that goes over by 50 words from 100 applicants? That is an extra 5000 words you have to read when you could be napping, reviewing other applicant's materials, watching TV or reading a book. So keep it short and stick to the guidelines. Also watch out for these words: you are required vs we recommend, when you are reading the instructions concerning the length of your SOP. The former gives you no wiggle room while the latter gives a little chance to play around with the length! Goodluck!

I applied to 20 engineering schools, and I did not abide by the word requirements in a stringent way. As long as you don't go more than 200% of what theyve asked, I think you are fine. What they are trying to get you to do with the word requirement is make sure you are speaking cogently. (And also so that they have enough time to read everyones application.)

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