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CS majors - design a betting pool website and report back when finished.

Yeah, get on that!

Also, are we guessing at the time that the awards list will be available online, or at the time that we'll receive the notification email?

I predict that I will receive an email on Friday, April 10th at 10:24am EST.

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It'd be awesome if I could find out now whether or not my proposal is going to be funded. This way I could go to bed early and sleep well despite knowing that I'm not fully prepared for my exam tomorrow.

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I wonder how many phone calls a day the NSF office gets....hahahaha

For my next shot at the NSF, I shall propose a method of diverting the energy produced by each phone call the NSF receives into running their establishment.

I'm willing to share the proceeds with an engineer student willing to write the technical essay.

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That seems to be new/recent... earlier today I could access the review login page, just not actually log in.

Let the speculating begin!

I can confirm. Now, even the login page is gone.

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I can confirm. Now, even the login page is gone.

Maybe I shouldn't have written that robot to automatically refresh, re-log in and analyze evaluations every 1 second. /sarcasm

But I wouldn't put it past someone ;)

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I can confirm. Now, even the login page is gone.

Somehow I tend to believe this has more to do with them being sick of OCD grads/soon-to-be-grads incessantly trying to log on even though they knew they couldn't. I'll be honest and say I've tried ~10 times. Anyone else want to fess up? lol

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I can confirm. Now, even the login page is gone.

I wonder if they have made a new rating sheet page (like the multiple 2008 awardees pages) but have not fixed the link. It seems strange that they would just take the page down (unless someone figured out how to hack in there but did not tell us).

Anyone want to play a new game: Name the number of pages that this thread will have when we first get a list of awardees (logging in to get award status on fastlane or other NSF screw up is sufficient).

My entry: 118 pages

Anyone else have a guess?

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I wonder if they have made a new rating sheet page (like the multiple 2008 awardees pages) but have not fixed the link. It seems strange that they would just take the page down (unless someone figured out how to hack in there but did not tell us).

Anyone want to play a new game: Name the number of pages that this thread will have when we first get a list of awardees (logging in to get award status on fastlane or other NSF screw up is sufficient).

My entry: 118 pages

Anyone else have a guess?

76 pages. (I'm being optimistic.)

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