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"end fellow stats" just refers to the column of information about you on the right-hand side of the page. everyone will have it, because it refers to the "end" of that column of stats about you. it means nothing.

ok... but I'm just curious why it says "fellow". if you do the same thing before loggin in, it refers to the applicant as an applicant, but after loggin and the HTML says fellow. I'm just wondering, Do we know for sure that it says fellow even for people who have already recieved their rejection letter? I know everyone is already agreed that it doesn't mean anything, and I know I'm like 2 weeks late on this but I would just like to know if anyone knows for sure that everyone's page says this.

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i imagine only some of the 2000 are being considered for more awards. some of us will get HMs, but are probably not being considered. there are too many unknowns, i guess-- we don't know where we are in the ranking, we don't know how many additional awards will go out, we don't know if the additional awards will go to our field or others.

I wonder why then they didn't do a first installment of HMs - if they already have an idea of where people will fall. People definitely at the bottom - the bottom 1,000, let's say - would definitely get HMs in this scenario. In this 'ranked situation', then only 1000 are truly in limbo.

Using this logic - I don't think they have a rank order of people. Which I think gives more of us hope. I don't have any info. I just have a feeling there will be more than 50, or even 100, awards. If the number were truly that small, they could have easily done a first batch of HMs.

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They took my e-mail when I called and just got back to me over e-mail:

Hello ,

This is a follow up on the call made earlier today. We have checked your status and you are still in the running for becoming a potential Graduate Research Fellow.

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As promised here is the response I got on the status of people who were informed they were not selected "for a fellowship this year" (the people that got the so-called rejection letters already)

"Dear _____,

Thank you for your interest in the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP).

We regret that applicants who have been notified that they were not offered an award will not be considered for honorable mention either.

If you have any further questions, please contact this office toll-free at (866) 673-4737, via postal mail at the address below, or via email at info@nsfgrfp.org


GRF Operations Center "

So basically the people that have not heard yet will get either an award, HM, or a reject (I think). The people that NSF knew for sure would not get an award or HM have already been notified. Which is bascially what we have been assuming all along.

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It looks like the NSF got an additional $18,900,000 for the GRFP. IT was not as much as they asked for, but it's still something. This was also dated from February 4th and the stimulus bill wasn't passed until Feb 13th. And then I thought they got another 3bilion from the stimulus package.

their original budget request was enough to support 3,075 fellows. and they've only awarded 950, and there are like 2000 of us?

I don't believe that we'll ALL get funded but i find it really hard to belive all this holdup is for 10 or 15 extra fellowships when there's all that money to be accounted for.

http://sefora.org/2008/12/17/house-appr ... f-request/

The Senate would provide the Administration

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having been a lurker until now, i can't hold it in any longer. ARGH! This is driving me nuts. And I don't really care anymore, I figure I didn't get an award but I just want this to be OVER. jeesh. anyone else want to indulge in throwing something very forcefully at the nearest wall?

i suppose i'd better reconcile myself to feeling strung along for another week and rather more powerless than one might wish.

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Who do you email? I am scared now too. How is the response time?

I emailed info@nsfgradfellows.org. Don't expect a response tonight. But after having it looming in my mind all weekend (i can't believe it's only been that long), I want to rule out NSF's inconsistent emails....

It's a tough question as to how many of the HM's are being considered for fellowships.

Some posters seem to think that there is a definitive line between honorable mention and funded. In particular, the amusing post about how funding honorable mentions is bad for the US economy because these are not viable graduate students. Glad to know all the real science is done only by the very top group of scientists as determined by highly random groups of panelists.

The point is, however blurred that line is between honorable mention and award, factored in with available funds, will determine the amt of additional awards.

That would make it far worse for them to release a partial honorable mention list. If you arent on that list, and you don't get a fellowship but a second round HM, think of how close you would have been! Additionally, it shows how many of their honorable mentions were seriously considered for funding.

"based on field of study and other factors." Oh those other factors...

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I emailed info@nsfgradfellows.org. Don't expect a response tonight. But after having it looming in my mind all weekend (i can't believe it's only been that long), I want to rule out NSF's inconsistent emails....

It's a tough question as to how many of the HM's are being considered for fellowships.

Some posters seem to think that there is a definitive line between honorable mention and funded. In particular, the amusing post about how funding honorable mentions is bad for the US economy because these are not viable graduate students. Glad to know all the real science is done only by the very top group of scientists as determined by highly random groups of panelists.

The point is, however blurred that line is between honorable mention and award, factored in with available funds, will determine the amt of additional awards.

That would make it far worse for them to release a partial honorable mention list. If you arent on that list, and you don't get a fellowship but a second round HM, think of how close you would have been! Additionally, it shows how many of their honorable mentions were seriously considered for funding.

"based on field of study and other factors." Oh those other factors...

Thanks! I'm really hoping there wasn't an email issue in my case. I guess we'll see. I really wonder how much longer the wait will be until everything is decided....

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thanks for the links...

also, i suggest folks call the 866 number, just to ease your minds. the recording has changed (i guess i called too late to talk to a person), but they have cleared up the language, and the make clear that all rejections have been sent out, and that the people left are HMs or awards.

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thanks for the links...

also, i suggest folks call the 866 number, just to ease your minds. the recording has changed (i guess i called to late to talk to a person), but they have cleared up the language, and the make clear that all rejections have been sent out, and that the people left are HMs or awards.

Hot damn, well that's some sort-of-good news! At least all the limbo people now know that we're EITHER HM or awarded!! Although she sounds discouraging when she says additional awards MAY be made haha.

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Hot damn, well that's some sort-of-good news! At least all the limbo people now know that we're EITHER HM or awarded!! Although she sounds discouraging when she says additional awards MAY be made haha.

She does sound very discouraging. I'll be amused if they don't make any additional awards after this hahah.

Time frame? I guess early May. (oh please don't be early May).

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i didn't read it as particularly discouraging. They emphasize the word "may" because they don't want to make any promises. but i think it's clear (from the links posted above) that some more awards will be made. If they requested funds for 3000 awards (and there are about 1000 already awarded, and 2000 of us), they clearly want to fund all of us. the house cut the budget significantly, so we won't all get funded, but there is a significant increase in the grfp budget. we'll see what that turns into.

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So, does anybody think that this budget approval is in addition to the 3 bil from the stimulus package?.... I mean... I think it is. I know that we don't know exactly how much of the stimulus will go to the grfp, but we do know that some of it will, and we know that they had already had a good budget increase from the previous year becasue pretty much the entire budget increase was approved- congress actually suggested areas where they should have asked for MORE money, (not the GRFP but still...) it just seems to me as though if their entire budget was increased and they got an additional 50% bump from the stimulus package, there isn't really a shortage of money flotaing around this year. And if we know that even prior to the stimulus package they were hoping to fund 3,075 fellows.... well... I know people will jump all over me for counting my chickens. But I think things don't look too terrible here to be honest.

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It looks like the NSF got an additional $18,900,000 for the GRFP. IT was not as much as they asked for, but it's still something. This was also dated from February 4th and the stimulus bill wasn't passed until Feb 13th. And then I thought they got another 3bilion from the stimulus package.

their original budget request was enough to support 3,075 fellows. and they've only awarded 950, and there are like 2000 of us?

I don't believe that we'll ALL get funded but i find it really hard to belive all this holdup is for 10 or 15 extra fellowships when there's all that money to be accounted for.

http://sefora.org/2008/12/17/house-appr ... f-request/

The Senate would provide the Administration

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Well, using these numbers, and the fact that 913 people won last year (with a budget of 107M-18.9M) , the total number of winners should be about 1109. With 950 already awarded, that'd leave 159 to go. Assuming there are about 2000 people left, I'd say that's about an 8% chance. Not bad?

is this including the money the GRFP is getting from the stimulus package? where on earth did you find that? I remember a statement from the director saying that a large portion of the 3bil would "go directly into the hands of students and researchers" or something like that but I haven't been able to find any estimate of exactly how much would go into GRFP- I'm actually pretty sure that that is what we're waiting on. The numbers you see above are how much they gave the NSF just for it's annual budget- well before the stimulus package was approved so I'm pretty sure they don't include any of the extra 3bil. - I mean, they couldn't because the stimulus package wasn't even voted on until 3 weeks later.


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