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The nonsense is if none of the additional funding is going to the GRFP why are they dragging this out?

If it's a trivial number of additional awards, why not just award them and work it out later?

Because that would make sense?

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Is it the whole federal government budget that needs to be passed before we hear anything? I'm afraid it may be... Though, if so, the end may be in sight!

http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/ ... 00233.aspx

nope. that budget is for FY10. we're waiting on the results of the FY09 competition. what's holding it up is approval for how they will spend ARRA funds (see post above).

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seriously dudes and dudettes, i may be all for the ostrich routine but this was posted 7 hours ago... fake disinterest is so last year.

# @blahger156 The only public pronouncement is here: http://is.gd/tV8n Congress has not yet given final approval for the detailed plan. ...about 7 hours ago from web in reply to blahger156

follow the twitter

and on a side note, this has been amusing

# Happy Earth Day! However note: Students Least Informed about Environmental Science Are Most Optimistic - http://is.gd/tTMwabout 9 hours ago from web

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"At this time we do not have an approximate timeframe for additional announcements. We will update this page as soon as we have a likely timeframe."


OMG :!:

Saw that, and am really disappointed. Seriously, folks? Not a clue when this will be announced?

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This is amazing - from NSF's twitter feed. I don't think the implications can possibly be overstated. NSF knows all, and judges harshly - with smiting and pestilence. Remember the book of Job.

"# RT @NSF: @schar Thank you for notifying us. We will consider, and notify you. Remember, the internet is omniscient.1 minute ago from TwitterFon"

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This is amazing - from NSF's twitter feed. I don't think the implications can possibly be overstated. NSF knows all, and judges harshly - with smiting and pestilence. Remember the book of Job.

"# RT @NSF: @schar Thank you for notifying us. We will consider, and notify you. Remember, the internet is omniscient.1 minute ago from TwitterFon"

Do I believe this is really the NSF on twitter? No. Why? One of their previous posts includes this: "(warning, crappy search engine)" Do I think the NSF would post that? Nope.

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Do I believe this is really the NSF on twitter? No. Why? One of their previous posts includes this: "(warning, crappy search engine)" Do I think the NSF would post that? Nope.

NSF seems to have tested your faith, and it is wanting. Perhaps you represent Job's crappy wife, or Bildad in this fantasy.

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An additional haiku by Higgins_the_Brave

I made an account

Just to tweet at NSF.

"tw- GIVE ME MONEY -eet :twisted: "

I might have to print this one out too. I'll tape it next to the other one on my cubicle wall! :)

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So it's been two weeks... I've been telling everybody I'm one or the other for two weeks now, and I would really like to find out. Doesn't anyone out there have a connection? I'd love to know so I know if I need to write a really good 1st year project, or I can just be like "Screw you, I RULE!" Huh, anyone with me?

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So it's been two weeks... I've been telling everybody I'm one or the other for two weeks now, and I would really like to find out. Doesn't anyone out there have a connection? I'd love to know so I know if I need to write a really good 1st year project, or I can just be like "Screw you, I RULE!" Huh, anyone with me?

It's going to be at least a couple more weeks. First, congress has to approve the spending plan, then it's back to GRFP HQ to finalize a number and pick from the ranks of HMs, and then at least a day at fastlane to get the results posted. Sorry man. I'm suffering too - my entire future in graduate school is in peril and getting worse by the day. I really wish they could move but I just don't think there'll be anything for a while. Meanwhile I look for waitressing jobs and accept the possibility of having to drop out or transfer.

As for step one in the above process, I tweeted at NSF today asking them (1) is congress voting on the spending plan, or is a subcommittee passing it? (2) when is voting/passing scheduled for? NSF twitter has been responding to others but didn't respond to me. Boo.

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So it's been two weeks... I've been telling everybody I'm one or the other for two weeks now, and I would really like to find out. Doesn't anyone out there have a connection? I'd love to know so I know if I need to write a really good 1st year project, or I can just be like "Screw you, I RULE!" Huh, anyone with me?

That's brave of you. I've just been keeping my head down and not telling anyone anything.

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So hey, here's a question for ya. If the NSF does bestow a glittering GRF on some stupendously meritorious/miserable wankers like us, does that mean we should write additional thank you notes or give booze to our recommenders? I sent 'em some thanks and homemade cookies at Xmas after my letters of rec were in. Anyone think another round of thanks is in order if you get an award? Is that just crossing the line into suck-up land? Seems like the letters are a huge part of the award process.

What about HM's? Do you plan to publicize it if that's what you get?


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Hey all, just discovered this discussion a couple nights ago and its been really helpful- I'm also on that limbo list, bla.

I'm kind of late with this but just to confirm, I got this reply from an email to the NSF media person: "Yes, there will be ARRA funds for NSF's GRF program. Please keep checking http://www.nsf.gov/recovery, where we will update our plans for the ARRA funds as soon as we can." which was comforting in a vague way.

I've been told the HM status is considered a notable accomplishment and people do include it on their CVs. I decided to only send thank you cards/cookies at the end of this whole process- I feel bad now! I don't think doing it twice would be over the top though, you might just have to ask again in the future..

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Hey all, just discovered this discussion a couple nights ago and its been really helpful- I'm also on that limbo list, bla.

Oh no limbo-victim, you're doomed now. You've entered the forum and there is no escape - now you will become a tweeting refreshing emailing call-center bothering zombie hopelessly repeating the same futile actions day after day, the months of monotony broken only by the few seconds of fellowship-receiving fantasy that burst into your head occasionally before you squelch them to avoid disappointment. Soon you may even be as bad as me, sitting on this forum until the most ungodly hours of the morning, with your final project for your Hurricanes seminar consisting of a Powerpoint with one slide containing a picture* of a cloud.

*stolen off google images and uncited

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