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I just called the operations center- the lady was VERY nice. She said that they're still working within the "1 week" timeframe. She said they can't release any specfic information right now but when I asked if there was ANY chance it would be released today she hesititated for a long time before she said it's unlikely but not impossible- and then I asked if it's not released today, will we definitely have to wait until monday and she said that due to the big delay, they are really going to try to release it as soon as they get it. And that if that happens over the weekend, and they can get it up on fastlane, then it could be released over the weekend. I also got the impression that for whatever reason, it seems as though fastlane can't just pop the results up- they need to do something with the system. So I imagine that all of our supposition regarding the "scheduled maintenance", actually has been related to them adding info (maybe not for the GRFP, but probably for something)

So anyway, there's that. For what it's worth. It could be today, but if it's not today, that doesn't necessarily mean it will be another 2 days of nothing.

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I just called the operations center- the lady was VERY nice. She said that they're still working within the "1 week" timeframe. She said they can't release any specfic information right now but when I asked if there was ANY chance it would be released today she hesititated for a long time before she said it's unlikely but not impossible- and then I asked if it's not released today, will we definitely have to wait until monday and she said that due to the big delay, they are really going to try to release it as soon as they get it. And that if that happens over the weekend, and they can get it up on fastlane, then it could be released over the weekend. I also got the impression that for whatever reason, it seems as though fastlane can't just pop the results up- they need to do something with the system. So I imagine that all of our supposition regarding the "scheduled maintenance", actually has been related to them adding info (maybe not for the GRFP, but probably for something)

So anyway, there's that. For what it's worth. It could be today, but if it's not today, that doesn't necessarily mean it will be another 2 days of nothing.

Why can't they all be this nice and helpful? Sounds like they're trying to get it up ASAP (if for no other reason than to probably end all of our annoying calls). Glad to hear this useful information and thanks for posting.

To be honest, I think every time that they actually are patient and give a useful, honest response, they probably cut their number of calls by 25% just because people check this forum instead.

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So anyway, there's that. For what it's worth. It could be today, but if it's not today, that doesn't necessarily mean it will be another 2 days of nothing.

Oh gosh, don't get my hopes up. So sick of waiting.

(man, keep saying the same thing over and over again. I swear I'm not some kind of robot, guys.)

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FWIW, I'm pretty sure the site goes down for 1-5 minutes every night (morning?) at 4:30am EST, independent of any announcements of "regularly scheduled maintenance".

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I just called the operations center ... So anyway, there's that. For what it's worth. It could be today, but if it's not today, that doesn't necessarily mean it will be another 2 days of nothing.

Thanks for the updates!

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The Anxio-tron 3000 continuously monitors your status on any one of a number of pending data points such as grant applications, admissions decisions, qualifying exam results, and paper submissions, constantly refreshing its knowledge of concrete measures of your value to the Academy at large, so you don't have to.

Worst robotics invention *ever*

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I wonder if the GRFP operations folks have firmer answers on the number of additional awards now that the announcement appears to be imminent... Anyone wanna do a little sweet-talking?

Yeah, I asked but she said exactly what weve been told; that the number will fall within 900-1600 range, and tehy can't give an exact amount, they don't think it will be 1600, and it will probably fall somewhere in the middle of that range.

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Yeah, I asked but she said exactly what weve been told; that the number will fall within 900-1600 range, and tehy can't give an exact amount, they don't think it will be 1600, and it will probably fall somewhere in the middle of that range.

Remind me again--was that additional or total?

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What is a URM????? I have no clue, but I am curious to know.

Re broader impacts: since I volunteered in another country and then taught science in the inner city for 3 years, I think it is important to do things because your heart is in them....NOT because that's what NSF wants. I already know two other recipients from past years...I read their applications and about their volunteer work and promises...as far as I can tell, both were just saying what reviewers wanted to hear...I never noticed them to care too much about "broader impact" type causes. So, it makes me angry to know that people do volunteer work just for a fellowship. It's a bit insulting for those of us who give years of our lives to help others simply because we want to do good.

Yeah, I had nightmares about academia last night.

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checking this forum is a hit from the academicrack pipe.

forgive me if this was posted previously, but 190+ pgs is a bit much to dblchk. was this (citation below) the impetus behind the purported award # increases?


Supporting "The Best and Brightest" in Science and Engineering: NSF Graduate Research Fellowships

Richard B. Freeman, Tanwin Chang, Hanley Chiang

NBER Working Paper No. 11623

Issued in September 2005

Discussion in Science regarding Freeman et al.

http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/f ... /5869/1477

NSF Fellowships Called Powerful Tool for Building the Pipeline

Jeffrey Mervis

Science 14 March 2008:

Vol. 319. no. 5869, p. 1477

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total :x

so, maybe an additional 350 awards? (a 17.5% chance... not too shabby I guess?)

I dunno... seems like a pretty low number to me... most of us had ~10% odds to begin with. Of course, this reflects my opinion that an HM isn't all that H. Has anyone looked closely at the .xls award list for the first 950 and computed discipline representation? I only saw about 2/3 of the number of awards given in my discipline compared to the last 2-3 years.

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What is a URM????? I have no clue, but I am curious to know.

Re broader impacts: since I volunteered in another country and then taught science in the inner city for 3 years, I think it is important to do things because your heart is in them....NOT because that's what NSF wants. I already know two other recipients from past years...I read their applications and about their volunteer work and promises...as far as I can tell, both were just saying what reviewers wanted to hear...I never noticed them to care too much about "broader impact" type causes. So, it makes me angry to know that people do volunteer work just for a fellowship. It's a bit insulting for those of us who give years of our lives to help others simply because we want to do good.

Yeah, I had nightmares about academia last night.

URM - Under Represented Minorities. I think that is what the person meant.

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My discipline had a nearly identical number of awards given so far this year as compared to last year. But somebody did call a couple weeks ago, and the rep said that additional awards were being given across all disciplines.

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Just doing my part to get us to 200. I'm not even caffeinated yet. Disappointing.

In any case, I hope my prediction of June 1st will be beaten - but I'm still skeptical.

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