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wow, i can't believe you would talk to them like this. you sound like a smarmy, self-entitled prick.

FYI. i was actually incredibly polite and sounded nothing like a "smarmy, self-entitled prick"

if you want to insult people please pick another forum/website/etc. we are all stressed, tired, and upset about waiting for results. no one needs nasty messages posted here.

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FYI. i was actually incredibly polite and sounded nothing like a "smarmy, self-entitled prick"

if you want to insult people please pick another forum/website/etc. we are all stressed, tired, and upset about waiting for results. no one needs nasty messages posted here.

I agree!

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Look, we're all posting on a 1300+ comment FORUM, on the INTERNET. We're ALL smarmy, self-entitled pricks.

Yohoho mateys! Thar be a character here who do be a true lubbardly swab. I'll rip out yer heart an' dance to the beat, ye lice-infested swine... Prepare for yer doom! I'm off ta drink me a bottle o' rum shipmates, and then ta send aughraseye ta Davy Jones' Locker!

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FYI. i was actually incredibly polite and sounded nothing like a "smarmy, self-entitled prick"

if you want to insult people please pick another forum/website/etc. we are all stressed, tired, and upset about waiting for results. no one needs nasty messages posted here.

Protip: The "smarmy self-entitled prick" thing is a reference to an absurd exchange that occurred on this thread a couple days ago. Nobody thinks you are a self-entitled prick. You might be smarmy, but thats only becuase I'm not entirely clear on what that word means.

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Yohoho mateys! Thar be a character here who do be a true lubbardly swab. I'll rip out yer heart an' dance to the beat, ye lice-infested swine... Prepare for yer doom! I'm off ta drink me a bottle o' rum shipmates, and then ta send aughraseye ta Davy Jones' Locker!

Alright, I challenge you to a battle to the death, then. Winner gets the NSF fellowship!

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Protip: The "smarmy self-entitled prick" thing is a reference to an absurd exchange that occurred on this thread a couple days ago. Nobody thinks you are a self-entitled prick. You might be smarmy, but thats only becuase I'm not entirely clear on what that word means.

yeah i remember!

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Protip: The "smarmy self-entitled prick" thing is a reference to an absurd exchange that occurred on this thread a couple days ago. Nobody thinks you are a self-entitled prick. You might be smarmy, but thats only becuase I'm not entirely clear on what that word means.

An' ye, scum of the seven seas, I'll cut out yer tongue an' feed it to the sharks, ye scurvy-addled bucko... ARRRRR! Me mateys do be wishing to do ye a mischief, an' if ye be no' careful, ye may find yerself short several digits an' missin' yer head! Yo ho ho an' a bottle o' rum!

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The calls feel helpful, but I don't think they are. Lets face it, no one is getting any actual information. I'd like to point out (although it was pointed out before) that if you read the 2008 forum, people were calling the NSF and being told it would be "a few days" because they had to finalize the list -- while other people could log in and accept their award. The same calls/convos were still going on after someone posted the correct list of winners on this forum. Therefore, calling really does nothing (and yes I'm not even close to being the first person to say this).

Instead lets keep posting funny videos and submitting to PhD comics the idea of using the humor of this waiting process for a cartoon.

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Well, on the bright side today I received $100 for a grant proposal I wrote a couple of weeks ago. Of course, I asked for $250. (Yes, funding is to the point where I have to write extremely small grant requests for glassware, plastic tubing, etc.) Let's hope the streak continues.

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I just wanted to say that I exactly understand the running away screaming when the hot date rings the doorbell feeling. Whenever I am execting news like this, I refresh about, oh say, roughly, a bazillion times per nanosecond, then when it finally arives, I have to leave before I can read it. Then myabe calm down, come back, double click to open it, leave again, then come back to finally read it :-P If its swimming, I will jump in all at once, get it over with, with this kinda thing.....not so much.

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Hurray! I was just having some fun. I do appreciate the informative updates for other folks. Personally, I'm just here to leech up info and make smartass comments.

Fie upon thee! Thou art of the same wycked nature as CuriousD and superchuchubu! Thou shalt come to thine end at the behest of mine quarterstaff!

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Then ye be here for yer doom, lubber! Shiver me timbers if ye think that ye can do what ye want. Avast bucko! ARRRRRRRR!

Thou hast no right to be doing mine sacred duty. Verily, thou shalt meet the same fate of CuriousD, math123, and superchuchubu if thou dosnt desist from thy commentary. Mine quarterstaff dost quake with the rage of righteousness when thy foolish words and imbecilic tomfoolery art seen by mine eyes. Thou wilt burn for two, nay, three eternities in the fires of hell if thou speaketh more. Forsooth! Thou art verily the greatest of the fools who doth live here!

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Level 12 fighter ninja rolls 1D20 w/ THACO 15 against pirate with AC 5 and hits with a roll of 10 or better.

Arrr, me cutlass do say that yer head already be severed by its blow. Cower in defeat, ye headless fool! May yer body be eaten by the sea lice of Timbuktu, which be reknowned for the'r viciousness. Arrrrrrr!

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Arrr, me cutlass do say that yer head already be severed by its blow. Cower in defeat, ye headless fool! May yer body be eaten by the sea lice of Timbuktu, which be reknowned for the'r viciousness. Arrrrrrr!

The hour do draw nigh, fool, when thou wilt be carried down to hell, for thou didst ignore mine warning. Thy foolish actions do merit thee yet another eternity in hell.

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