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If it wert not for the fact that nary a blackman mayst be found in Sherwood forest, I wouldst call this skullduggery racist.

Ye be a sentimental fool, who art too easily offended. If ye do no' stop yer silliness, then shiver me timbers, for ye be in fer a rough storm. ARRRRRRRRRR!

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The hour do draw nigh, fool, when thou wilt be carried down to hell, for thou didst ignore mine warning. Thy foolish actions do merit thee yet another eternity in hell.

Nice...4 eternities in hell is rough.

blackbeard and friar.tuck are about to go at it.

now i've actually got something great to look forward to everytime i f5 :lol:

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I have a question for everyone who is waiting on the results: If you get it, how many of you are planning on using the award for a Master's as opposed to a Ph.D. program?


I plan to use it on a trip to Disney World!

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I'm gonna use it to take your mom on a date!

ARRR, this be fine with me, bucko, but ye be needin' ta dig 'er up first, an' ta take her shrunken head from me cabin. An' I do no' like me cabin's decorations ta be plundered by so lousy a lubber as yerself, sharkbait. ARRRRRRRRR!!!

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I go to class for three hours and there's 10 more pages when I return! I started hyperventilating for a second

Also, I didn't think my smarmy self-entitled prick comment would have such a lasting impact!

The whole conversation the guy posted had this "brilliant intellectual NSF applicant vs. lowly call-center swine" feel to it. At least one other person confirmed this.. therefore it's definitely true.

I'm a nice dood though :( Maybe I just jumped the gun, but my panties totally get in a jumble when people talk down to call center employees--a clear indicator of how nice of a dude I am!!

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IT'S UP!!!!!!

Actually, it's like last year. Got my "Accept Fellowship" button when I logged in.

I'm non-stop drinking tonight!!!!

I'm dubious of a one time poster. I'll believe it when someone who has been on here longer confirms.

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