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Thank you to everyone for calling. If that information about no more rejections going out is reliable, that makes me pretty happy. If.

Also, as far as blind dumb speculation goes: 2100 honorables is about 500 more than they usually give out. But thats a ton of extra awards.

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All I have to say is, good luck to all of you still in limbo, and may your grants be funded! I got flat-out rejected, no chance of HM :D

I'm just waiting to get my comments back so I can haul my ass in gear...Z's comments (who didn't get funded last year, but did this year) really helped and I really want to pore those over not just for NSF, but in general to see where my grant writing needs improvement.

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Um, who the hell compares their genitalia in the schoolyard?

Really though -- no one likes a penis joke? I don't understand why everyone is so uptight (I'm going to go ahead and say this this was sarcasm before you guys jump down my throat).

My original comment was intended to confront the poster who felt it necessary to tell us he has gotten everything that he has ever wanted. I rarely (if ever) get what I want, but I (my penis being an intrinsic part of me) still couldn't be happier.

I offer my apologies to both of you who were so deeply offended.

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This forum is so funny that I can't stay away even though I am already done thinking about NSF. Seems like people who don't get NSF should consider careers as comedians. I wonder how long it takes for Friar.Tuck to write his comments.

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I got into every college and grad school I applied to and ended up marrying the first girl I ever seriously considered having a long term relationship with. This whole rejection thing is new for me :(

All I can say is get used to it. The NSF is like a pretty girl/guy that turns you down but hints that if you ask enough times you might get a date. I've had a "F the NSF" drinking night with my previous PI.

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He probably just plugs his comments into a victorian age babblefish

Fie upon thee! If thou thinkest that mine words art of origin Victoria, thou art sadly mistaken. But in thy greatest folly, thou art not half the fool which NSF***inA doth be. A great doom shalt soon befall him, and it shall be as if the moon and the sun hath fallen upon his foolish and knavely head!

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Ok let me first just say; I know this is pathetic, I know it's probably not indicative of anything real but I have a question for anyone who has already recieved their "no" letter... or really anyone at all.

If you view your fastlane homepage (the one where it shows "applicant data")- if you view that page in the HTML version and look at "applicant data"... at the end of it, mine says "" after my data.

again, I know it's probably nothing... but can anyone else confirm that their page says or does not say this??

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Ok let me first just say; I know this is pathetic, I know it's probably not indicative of anything real but I have a question for anyone who has already recieved their "no" letter... or really anyone at all.

If you view your fastlane homepage (the one where it shows "applicant data")- if you view that page in the HTML version and look at "applicant data"... at the end of it, mine says "" after my data.

again, I know it's probably nothing... but can anyone else confirm that their page says or does not say this??

Mine says "fellow stats" also. I am in limbo also. I don't think it means anything.

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yeah... I'm studying for an exam that I had not been able to focus on PRIOR to the announcements becasue... well the entire path of my career would be drastically changed if I were to be one of the lucky few... and now I'm in Limbo which really is nice but the stress of waiting may actually kill me. soooo... needless to say, the exam studying is still suffering.

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I don't see this "Follow Stats" thing... Is that bad? I wonder if they have even looked at it. Did any of the in-Limbo-ers get an email or anything saying they were still reviewing your application?

Ok, if you are using internet explorer, go to the NSF GRFP homepage and log in. When you're logged in, go to the top of your browser and on the top righ hand side it says "page". If you click on "page" and then select "view source" it will display the HTML (sorry for re-explaining if you already knew how to do it, I just want to be sure we're looking at the same thing:-)

and then the HTML should pop up in a new window, if you scroll down that window to the very bottom you should see "" written on a line of its own.

do you see it?

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Did any of the in-Limbo-ers get an email or anything saying they were still reviewing your application?

sorry, I forgot to say; I called them and they said my application was still being considered for funding but I never got an email at all saying "yes", or "no" or "limbo"

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"end fellow stats" just refers to the column of information about you on the right-hand side of the page. everyone will have it, because it refers to the "end" of that column of stats about you. it means nothing.

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So my question is if they are really reviewing everyone's app for funding or just a select few with everyone else relegated to HM status. I don't think anyone knows however.

i imagine only some of the 2000 are being considered for more awards. some of us will get HMs, but are probably not being considered. there are too many unkowns, i guess-- we don't know where we are in the ranking, we don't know how many additional awards will go out, we don't know if the additional awards will go to our field or others.

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