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Funding for GRF in FY 2009 increases by $28.6 million (nearly 30 percent) to $124.8 million. This will support an estimated 3,075 fellows, an increase of 700 over the FY 2008 level

Assuming that none o the extra 3 billion goes to GRFP, an additional 700 fellows is a nice number.

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$64.8mil/1600 = $40,500

$36.45mil/900 = $40,500

($40,500 is the cost of each fellow per year)

That is funding for new fellows only. The 3075 number gives $124.8 million for *all* fellows, not just first-year. That would imply that there are 3075-(913+950+920)=292 new ones to be funded this year. (# of fellows each year taken from fastlane). That is assuming that everyone the previous three years accepted the award. I assume that some people didn't, which is where the 700 number comes from

So, I'm expecting somewhere between 292 and 700 will get funded out of the people currently in purgatory.

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also, the $125 million figure comes from the proposed budget. i have no idea what the final number is, if it even exists yet. also, stimulus money could change things. so there is a large unknown error in my estimate.

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So I got in contact with the director. Good news, everyone is at least HM (we all knew that). But more importantly, they are definitely deciding how much of the 3 billion stimulus is to be used for NSF GRFP. Good luck folks.

are you kidding?? you talked to the DIRECTOR of the the NSF GRFP!!

wow... go you!!

that's awesome. and your results are awesome and the outcome of all of this could, eventually... at some point... be awesome too.

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also, the $125 million figure comes from the proposed budget.

no dude... I'm pretty sure it doesn't. I think I posted the link on a previous page but unless "congress approves NSF budget" is ambiguous in a way I don't understand, I'm pretty sure they actually received 125mil. Unless there can be some taking back of money afterward... I don't know.

also, stimulus money could change things. so there is a large unknown error in my estimate.

I was trying to say that same thing. I'm sorry... I've literally never looked at a government budget request before. I better not go into accounting or anything.

and to blah; yeah, well the director of the GRFP is pretty much the director of the world to me right now. so still, way to go!

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no dude... I'm pretty sure it doesn't. I think I posted the link on a previous page but unless "congress approves NSF budget" is ambiguous in a way I don't understand, I'm pretty sure they actually received 125mil. Unless there can be some taking back of money afterward... I don't know.

and to blah; yeah, well the director of the GRFP is pretty much the director of the world to me right now. so still, way to go!

your link is about the budget request, which was $6.85 billion. the actual budget awarded was $6.45 billion: http://www.nsf.gov/about/congress/111/h ... 9_0310.jsp

So, if the $125 million decreased by the same amount, we would only be expecting 6.45/6.85*125000000/40500-(913+950+920) = 123 extra fellowships. But that is without stimulus money, I believe.

Want to start a pool? If we get enough people, then the winner will be funded :)

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This makes alot of sense... There had been some previous speculation that the review committees would be re-reviewing applications to determine who would receive additional awards. I doubt this could happen, as my research indicates that the review process is so involved and requires so much administrative support that it's unlikely they could have put anything together between the announcement of stimulus funds and the notification of awards. Further, as the post above mentions, all of the applications should already have a numeric score, and thus it should be quite easy to determine who will receive additional awards - given a funding level. If this is the case, it would seem to indicate that there exists a real possibility that a significant number of the remaining ~2000 applicants will actually receive an award, and the cause of the delay is truly a funding level question in which a large portion of the remaining applications receiving an award is a viable option. Otherwise one would expect that they would have applied a numeric cut-off at some value and kicked a chunk of the limbo folks an HM.

My understanding of the award process (based on the PDF I and others posted a few days ago), is that they select a few just based on merit/quality of app ~7-8% of applicants and then they pull from the HM's to even out some of the demographics (location, gender, subject, etc) so I'd imagine that selecting even 50-100 apps this way would be a long process. But you're right, I don't believe they were ever going to re-read and score our essays.

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What is the 800 number people have been calling? I haven't gotten an e-mail response and it's been a few days.

And just wondering - what are other limbo people seeing when they log into fastlane? I still just see "Welcome Applicant" with no tasks in the task list.

Mine shows up as "Welcome Limboer"

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I'm pretty sure the $125 came from omnibus bill, which was an addendum to the FY09 budget. The Obama budget proposal currently being debated is for 2010.

which means that additional money is already going to the grfp, so that is a baseline for any increases. stimulus money would be on top of that.

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So the reason why they are probably not cutting half of the HM based on numerical score is due to the fact that they are considering a myriad of factors. I bet gender, high school locale, major, numerical score, and other factors in addition to funding will determine who and how many get funded.

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Just wondering - what are other limbo people seeing when they log into fastlane? I still just see "Welcome Applicant" with no tasks in the task list.

If i recall correctly, there hasn't been anything on the task list since the application was submitted.

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Ok. Good to know others have the same Fastlane stuff. Thanks for the replies.

I called the 866 # and got the response that my app was still pending. No additional info on timing, etc.

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yea, this nsf page estimates 2 more weeksof waiting: http://www.nsfgrfp.org/

i also got confirmation of pending status, almost immediately after i sent the request via email here is a copy of the email:

Dear XXX,

Thank you for your interest in the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP).

At this time, your application status is still pending. All applicants whose status is currently pending will receive either an honorable mention, or if additional awards are available, may receive one of the additional awards.

Unfortunately, we regret that we do not have a specific timeframe for the final decisions about how many awards can be made. We will, however, notify applicants as soon as possible when a decision has been made. We sincerely appreciate your patience.

If you have any further questions, please contact this office toll-free at (866) 673-4737, via postal mail at the address below, or via email at info@nsfgrfp.org


GRF Operations Center

1818 N Street NW

Suite T-50

Washington, DC 20036-2479




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