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NSF's spending plan is divided into six categories, and GRFP falls under the category "Education and Human Resources."

don't think this is correct. pretty sure grfp is in the research category (which just got a $2b boost, out of a total $3b for NSF, between the omnibus and the ARRA).

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On second thought, it definitely sounds like the NSF GRFP, for this cycle, is being treated as research with submitted proposals, based on how the exception was stated directly after clarifying new proposal policies. Otherwise, there is absolutely no money going into GRFP as the none of the 100 million left remaining for human resources has been earmarked for fellowship programs (but rather on teaching and other programs to improve science learning among youth).

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Thank you for your interest in the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP).

As of the morning of April 21, the GRF Operations Center has still received absolutely no information regarding the number of additional awards that will be made, nor have we received any updates about a notification timeframe.

When we do receive any updated information, we will post it on the main page of www.nsfgrfp.org so that applicants can have the latest information. We will update our website within a few minutes of receiving any official information; as long as the message on www.nsfgrfp.org remains the same, please assume that no new information is available. Thank you.

If you have any further questions, please contact this office toll-free at (866) 673-4737, via postal mail at the address below, or via email at info@nsfgrfp.org


GRF Operations Center


gah FINE

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HI guys,

I hate to say it but I think that PDF is a little old. I hope more than anything that it's correct, but when your use the google advanced search and restrict the results to only come up if they're under a week or a month old, it doesn't come up, but If you set the search results to find things up to a year old then it does come up. So it's not brand new I don't think but all I think this means is that it's between a month and a year old.

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it's from March 24th, 2009- so still quite current!

I think this is probably bad news. If NSF knew they had all that money and were going to spend it on GRF wouldn't they have done it all at once? I sure hope not...

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I think this is probably bad news. If NSF knew they had all that money and were going to spend it on GRF wouldn't they have done it all at once? I sure hope not...

well... I don't think they had the money for SURE until everything is officially approved which I thought just happened yesterday. I think it's good becasue it shows that their intention was to treat the GRFP as a priority. Regardless of if the numbers are exactly right, I think at least this shows that it's not like they were intending of cutting the GRFP in favor of something else etc. etc.

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well... I don't think they had the money for SURE until everything is officially approved which I thought just happened yesterday. I think it's good becasue it shows that their intention was to treat the GRFP as a priority. Regardless of if the numbers are exactly right, I think at least this shows that it's not like they were intending of cutting the GRFP in favor of something else etc. etc.

I like your take better, so let's go with it!

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Okay, so maybe this isn't so bad (lunch has fueled optimism). No NEW information about the time frame means that the old "within 2 weeks" posted on the 10th of April still holds. That is this Friday. So someone still thinks that we can be notified by Friday, or else they'd make an announcement that the expected time frame has changed. That is not to say that they can't decide on Thursday evening that Friday is an impossible deadline to meet and change the timeframe (maybe I should have had a bigger lunch).

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I had a bowl of homemade pasta with amazing meat ragu followed by six homemade chocolate mini-cupcakes with whipped cream frosting and raspberries on top...

and I am still so nervous :(

Dang! Who's cooking for you?! I'll probably have a peanut butter and banana sandwich because I'm out of food and don't have time to cook.

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