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Obamacare Health Insurance


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Since you mentioned it: a grad student stipend disqualifies not just a student but even a student supporting a family of 4 him/herself from receiving food stamps in NYS. Even someone working a minimum-wage job can't qualify. So I would reject the idea of these government social programs supporting the "hardworking". It was my experience that most of the support went to those who were entrenched in a culture of entitlement in which literally generations of family members were not gainfully employed, by choice.

Your experience in NYS can't be used to make blanket generalizations about everyone who is on food stamps...you are in fact stereotyping. And also, I was referring to graduate students not receiving stipends...I know of several Master students who applied and received food-stamps. These students were going to school and working. These students were also paying taxes that went toward things you probably use: public transportation, highways, etc...I could go on and on. Do you not have right to use these things because you have paid your taxes? This assumption that those in need do not contribute to society is, again, incorrect and misinformed.

It often does take walking in someone else's shoes to really understand his/her situation. I also think its strange that you don't bring up the structural issues that have put some populations in a cycle of poverty...I highly doubt this cycle was of their own doing. Let's examine the roots. It's easy to blame those who are in need because no one really wants to discuss the history of exploitation and greed in this country nor the disastrous effects of the capitalism being practiced today.

Edited by ZeeMore21
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As the original poster, I would ask that members stop using this forum to argue about the merits/shortcomings on the new healthcare law. This is obviously not the website for it (thegradcafe.com). Additionally, the way that you are arguing about it is not intellectual - its personal.

Moderators, please close this topic!

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As the original poster, I would ask that members stop using this forum to argue about the merits/shortcomings on the new healthcare law. This is obviously not the website for it (thegradcafe.com). Additionally, the way that you are arguing about it is not intellectual - its personal.

Moderators, please close this topic!

Perhaps using "obamacare" led to this, it has a negative connotation. But I too call for the thread to be closed.

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