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Military history

Lord Mani

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Hello, friends!

My name is Mani and I'm a journalist from India. I'm interested in pursuing a course (doctoral or other) in military history. In India, we don't have any such course and it's been a while since I did my MA (History). I'm interested in studying in either the UK or USA, but don't know much about the universities or the courses. My quest for information has brought me here, and I hope I will get some sound advice.

I will admit that the idea is still hazy, but I would love to study a course that would teach me about war, battle tactics, strategic affairs and weapons. I would like to know about the good universities and the different study programmes they offer in this discipline. Can anybody help?

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Hi there!

You should know that the type of military history you are describing is very unpopular right now. Honestly, the best place in the US to actually study tactics, etc exclusively is in a military college like West Point or Ft. Leavenworth, but obviously you would have to join the military to do that (and they would probably tell you to study something else). There's a new-ish military historian at Wisconsin, John Hall, who studies "ethnohistorical examination of military conflict and cooperation between the Native peoples of North America and European colonial powers", but that doesn't really sound like what you want to study. TheUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill does offer a degree in military history, but I'm not sure what that includes. I would contact some of those faculty and ask them to describe the field, see if their program offers the kind of history you want or if they have suggestions. Best of luck!

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  • 2 months later...
I would like to know about the good universities and the different study programmes they offer in this discipline. Can anybody help?

The place to be in military history is the Ohio State University. Then, in addition to North Carolina, consider Duke, Kansas, Kansas State, Yale, Texas A&M, and the University of Texas at Austin.


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