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Old GRE vs New GRE


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Hi all,

I am going to reapply to PhD programs this fall...but I just realized that there is a new GRE format as of this fall. I took the GRE last October, and for obvious reasons, would prefer to not have to take a whole new test. According to the ETS, the old scores will be valid for five years, and therefore, should be ok for this admissions cycle and for several cycles after. Do you guys think some schools will stop accepting the old GRE, i.e., we'll have to take the new version of the test before being able to apply this fall for 2012 admission? Are some schools, like the Ivies, more likely to not take the old test?

Any thoughts are welcome! I'd love to know the answer sooner than later if I need to actually sign up for the new test. I am not going to be very happy if I spent all the time and money prepping for the last one and it was only good for one cycle.

Happy summer,


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I think it's definitely alright to submit the old GRE scores. In fact, I would almost discourage taking the new one if you can avoid it simply because it's a new system that the admissions committees may not know how to interpret as well as the old one. Of course, a couple of years down the road, I would say the opposite... but you're fine for now!

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