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SOP exchange?


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Would someone be interested in or willing to exchange statements of purpose and feedback? PM me and we can email each other.

I've been trying to write one for weeks and finally was able to put a draft together! I have no idea why I was so stuck (that usually doesn't happen to me with writing).


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not sure why it sounds like a bad idea...especially if we aren't applying for the same schools and areas.

It's not like I'm looking to copy someone, I already had mine written and was looking to exchange feedback/proofreading with someone (as my first post says). Geesh, all the SOP advising sites say to have someone look it over. Methinks people here are paranoid.

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Try livejournal. There's a community there (http://community.livejournal.com/review_my_sop/) specifically dedicated for SOP review. Not sure how active it is. People also post in applyingtograd (http://community.livejournal.com/applyingtograd) for advice on their SOP. You have to create an account on livejournal.com, which is free. Then join the community. Then you can post to the community and make your post viewable only to its members.

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well, since I'm done applying I traded mine :)

Besides, I don't think the CS SOP would be of any help, in terms of copying and pasting and it talks about specific research I did with particular professors. So, ask other grad students, not the competitive undergrad jerks ;)

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t_ruth, I've decided not to app this year so I don't have anything to "exchange," but if you want someone to critique your SOP, I'm happy to. You don't have to worry about me copying you since, as I just pmed, it sounds like we have very different career goals. Just let me know if I can help.

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