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question about online applications and online LORs


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seems like a lot of schools use a similar online application service.

would anyone happen to know if its ok to submit the application even if a professor who you've signed up as a LOR writer hasn't yet actually submitted their letter, but you have them entered in as a writer for you and they're going to do it?

in other words, i have one professor who has agreed to write a LOR for me and he's already submitted his letter electronically for the first half of my schools. i'm just waiting for the second half but i know he's gonna take a bit longer cause of thanksgiving coming up and everything. but I'd like to go ahead and electronically submit my application and pay for it so they can match it up with all my other documents that are already in the mail. and so i can finish all of this and be done with it.

that's fine, right? i can submit it, but the online app will still accept his letter correct?

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Indeed, you can submit your applications, and your recommenders can submit their recommendation letters later on. I submitted all of my applications before any of my recommenders had submitted their letters. My recommenders have been successfully entering their letters, and I have had no problems with the two online recommendation systems used by the schools to which I am applying.

Good luck.


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If I recall correctly, the UT-Austin system won't email your recommenders until after you submit your application online... But I think they're an exception, not a rule. Either way, you can access the referee portion after you submit your application.

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