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Undergraduate GPA


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Hi all,

I am confused about the undergraduate GPA that graduate application ask. So when they want your cumulative undergraduate GPA, does they mean all undergraduate coursework even from different schools combined together. My situation is that I went to UC Davis and after my bachelor degree, I went to take more undergraduate courses at a community college to improve my GPA. Can I considered the grades for those courses at a community college to calculate my overall undergraduate GPA?

My overall academics

UC Davis cumulative GPA : 2.92

DeANza college: 3.33

San Jose State: 2.80

Graduate GPA : 3.46

The first three school were all undergraduate courses, so do I average the GPA from all 3 schools that I taken undergraduate courses?

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Yes I believe you include all of your undergraduate coursework, even if it's from different schools.

I remember some applications actually had spots to put different GPA's from different schools attended.

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No, don't average them out. Like neuro said above, most application forms have fields for entering GPAs from multiple colleges. If any form lacks that, you can enter GPA from your latest institution. But do send transcripts from all institutions to your grad school.

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From what I gathered, they will want transcipts from all of the schools that you went to, but won't necessarily average them all together, it depends on the school/program. I would suggest asking each program that you are looking at to see how they are going to look at all of the records. Also, I don't think that you yourself really have to do the average yourself. Each school probably has a different method of how they would want to look at the three different records together. You might also want to find out if they will weight your graduate GPA more, since it was harder work, and it shows you potential to do more advanced work. But like I said, it really depends on the program.

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