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Fall 2012 Applicant Chit Chat


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Goldie, I noticed that you added Hogwarts, I just hadn't had a chance to comment! I love the humor! :) I would love to know about Penn, I did apply there... I am trying not to be obsessive about hearing from schools, but I am failing miserably... At least I go back into the classroom tomorrow, that will distract me three days a week. Fingers crossed for a better crop of students this semester!

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Goldie, I noticed that you added Hogwarts, I just hadn't had a chance to comment! I love the humor! :) I would love to know about Penn, I did apply there... I am trying not to be obsessive about hearing from schools, but I am failing miserably... At least I go back into the classroom tomorrow, that will distract me three days a week. Fingers crossed for a better crop of students this semester!

Haha, thanks. I am hoping you have a less stressful semester this time around, too. At least with applications out of the way, you won't have that on your plate. I am still just feeling more curious about decisions than anything. I'm not feeling terribly stressed right now. I know it's out of my hands. But still, I wish I knew when the adcoms were meeting so I could just forget about it until then.

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This is obviously going to be different for different schools, but last night in a moment of panic I looked at the academic calendars of each of the schools I've applied to. I don't have the exact numbers (would an Excel spreadsheet/graph have been too neurotic? probably), but most hadn't had their first day of class yet. There were a few that started last week, and then of course the schools on quarters (Chicago, UCLA, Northwestern, etc) started eons ago. So...I'd say it's unlikely that most adcoms have looked at our files. At least that's what I'm telling myself! (And it's working...kind of...most of the time!)

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Durmstrang is way better, but I missed their application deadline.
I myself would prefer to be a Slytherin grad student just to show everyone that not all amoral scumbags are pure evil ... either that or go beauxbatons ... I saw the veela girls ... can't go wrong there Edited by oseirus
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Is anyone else suffering from Wikipedia withdrawal? This sucks. I've already called my congressman (only to learn, to my embarrassment, that he's a co-sponsor of this legislation). I need to know about the Tong Wars of the early 20th century. Anybody?

I support the blackout so it hasn't been bad for me. I think it is funny, though, that there is a twitter feed that someone started in order to collect all of the complaints about Wikipedia being down (i.e. students not being able to do HW): https://twitter.com/#!/herpderpedia It is an amusing, if slightly scary, read. :D

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hi, i have just completed my application to washington university in st. louis. in the online application system, it is written it is strongly encouraged to apply earlier. I have some quess. But what does this mean to you? Bad sign?

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I support the blackout so it hasn't been bad for me. I think it is funny, though, that there is a twitter feed that someone started in order to collect all of the complaints about Wikipedia being down (i.e. students not being able to do HW): https://twitter.com/...#!/herpderpedia It is an amusing, if slightly scary, read. :D

Well the cached pages are still up and the mobie variants are also available

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hi, i have just completed my application to washington university in st. louis. in the online application system, it is written it is strongly encouraged to apply earlier. I have some quess. But what does this mean to you? Bad sign?

Hi Orient,

I can't say for sure since I know nothing about this department, but one big reason to get applications in early is that some departments read the applications as they come in - meaning that the earlier the applications go in the more time the professors have to read them over, and the more closely they can read the fewest early ones rather than the giant pile they get right before the deadline.

That said - not every department reads applications this way, many do not look at a single one until after the deadline date, and I have heard some statistic that the vast majority (something like 90% I think) of applicants apply only within the last ten days before the deadline (and I certainly did on all of my applications), so don't stress it over too much.

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So, I hate to be the negative nelly on this thread, but just wondering what you guys think about Yale. Do you think it's done? I know we've only seen one posting on the results page for an interview. But, if they are not doing too many interviews, then I guess we wouldn't expect to see many postings about it. And, wouldn't all the interview invitations go out at the same time?

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Crater, I'd say take that single posting with a grain of salt, especially since there were no details on the board or in the forum. This place tends to be credible, but you can never be 100%. Don't count yourself out yet!

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Crater, I was wondering the same thing. I know that Yale is usually pretty efficient in getting their decisions out, so I wouldn't be surprised if they were doing interviews, I guess. But it still seems a tad early. I'm not much help, I know. Just wanted to commiserate.

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Relax, guys! I think it's a bit silly to think Yale is done this early, when most schools have only been open for two weeks since the holidays. The application was due on December 15th, and it appears the graduate school closed for the holidays on the 23rd. We all got the email when the graduate school made applications available to departments for review (Jan. 11th), so I think it's highly unlikely the history department has gone through all the applications in a week. My guess is that next week and the week after is when successful applicants will be contacted for interviews - assuming that Yale is sticking to the same timeline as previous years, rather than pushing back decisions later in the month to accommodate interviews.

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