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Fall 2012 Applicant Chit Chat


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I dunno, I think that one can flow without rhyming. More broadly, I have serious doubts that anything has been recorded since 1980 that comes close to

56 seconds. Moby ruined it, perhaps more of a slaughter than what Puffy&Page did to Kashmir, but they just don't make 'em like this anymore. Or like this. See? I'm already old and crotchety? (Or I'm just a cultural Luddite. But

@ Goldie,

That really sucks. I was scared of flying like the first 30 times, and I'm still kinda scared, but your fear will diminish with time. I second the recommendations for a $12 Bloody Mary........

Edited by crazedandinfused
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That really sucks. I was scared of flying like the first 30 times, and I'm still kinda scared, but your fear will diminish with time. I second the recommendations for a $12 Bloody Mary........

One time I looked terrified on a plane and ordered a little $7 jack daniels bottle and they handed me three for the price of one. He said "You look like you need these." Success.

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A drink doesn't hurt, but then the trick is to strike up a conversation with the person sitting next to you on the plane. It'll distract you from take off. If the convo lasts into the plane ride, awesome! If the other person is...well, either boring or not your cup of tea, politely excuse yourself to partake in some headphones listening, and zone out for the rest of the flight. Falling asleep is great, especially if you can last through touchdown. If not, distract self with SkyMall. There is some neat yet useless (and also useful but odd) stuff in there! Good luck from a frequent flyer!

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Sorry to interrupt here, but I'm hoping to solicit some advice. I'm flying out tomorrow to visit a program. Here's the thing: I'm an absolutely terrible flyer. And this will be the first time I've flown on my own. I feel like a total baby, but can anyone share advice? I should be sleeping right now but I am too nervous. :/

I usually indulge in lots of ridiculous magazines. I otherwise would never buy magazines, but they're bright, colorful, and designed to distract you. You can either get one with lots of articles to read (salacious, intellectual, whatever), or lots of pictures to look at (I go with fashion magazines and spend at least an hour of the flight analyzing advertisements). Plus, they're not too heavy and don't take up much space in your carry-on.

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I will also say that Jay Z is a fine producer and one of the better marketers of my generation...I'd much rather be him than me...all I can do that he cant is rhyme at will

...i also think that most rap fans (especially the younger generation) have little or no idea of the inherent connection between rap and rhyme and the history of rap (and hip-hop, which is not the same thing) on the streets of NYC, it may be different these days, but from the late '70s through well, Jay Z, rapping and rhyming were necessarily conjoined, they absolutely defined each other...

any way, reasonable minds can differ...gotta go nite-nite- feel free to rip me in abstentia, I'll read about in the morning...

I was about to say "I guess we'll have to agree to disagree, friend" -- then I remembered the

on South Park :lol:
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Sorry to interrupt here, but I'm hoping to solicit some advice. I'm flying out tomorrow to visit a program. Here's the thing: I'm an absolutely terrible flyer. And this will be the first time I've flown on my own. I feel like a total baby, but can anyone share advice? I should be sleeping right now but I am too nervous. :/

It might be too late, but is there a book you're in the middle of? My favorite thing about flying is the excuse to just read without stress for a few hours (usually one of those less-academic books I never get around to otherwise). If you're in the middle of a good one, focus on losing yourself in the narrative instead of worrying about the flight. Good luck, I'm sure all will be fine!

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Oh and I forgot, but a glorious Leap Day to you scholars all. May the day bring joy & good news. Finally, let me settle the Jay-Z debate, great rapper ok lyricist. How can I say that? Ether (by Nas) & Renegade (featuring Eminem) exposed his lyrical shortcomings after 10+ years of being a successful rapper

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I will also say that Jay Z is a fine producer and one of the better marketers of my generation...I'd much rather be him than me...all I can do that he cant is rhyme at will

...i also think that most rap fans (especially the younger generation) have little or no idea of the inherent connection between rap and rhyme and the history of rap (and hip-hop, which is not the same thing) on the streets of NYC, it may be different these days, but from the late '70s through well, Jay Z, rapping and rhyming were necessarily conjoined, they absolutely defined each other...

any way, reasonable minds can differ...gotta go nite-nite- feel free to rip me in abstentia, I'll read about in the morning...

I like Jay Z well enough, but regardless of his merits as an artist, we have him to thank for the absolutely brilliant Kanye West. That's more than enough in my book.

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I like Jay Z well enough, but regardless of his merits as an artist, we have him to thank for the absolutely brilliant Kanye West. That's more than enough in my book.

Oooo now there's a controversial figure

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Happy Wednesday and Leap Year! It's the last day of February, I wish these schools would just finish making their decisions... Good luck today everyone, congrats to those new acceptances and my condolences for the declines.

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