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Fall 2012 Applicant Chit Chat


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That was my worst nightmare leading up the deadlines. Especially with the few schools that need things mailed.

The only school that hasn't replied to one of my emails is UT Dallas. Their online status check is pretty much rubbish. I suppose I should email someone again, but I'm not really worried since I know they should have everything.

I think the worst paper for you, AFB, was the rudeness. :( I hate when people are rude like that for no reason. It wasn't your fault you got married!

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Who else is around tonight, being neurotic and wondering what the week will hold? I've been keeping myself very busy this weekend, but now my mind has wandered back to what I may or may not find out this week.

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Who else is around tonight, being neurotic and wondering what the week will hold? I've been keeping myself very busy this weekend, but now my mind has wandered back to what I may or may not find out this week.

Being neurotic? Right here, me! I have to say, though, my apartment is spotless as a result of all this worrying. Although isn't this week kind of early to be hearing given the pattern from last year?

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Hey everyone,

Long-time lurker of these forums, and upon reading some of y'alls wonder at the Yale interviews, thought I'd help. I'm one of the posters for the interviews and had a phone conversation today with my POI after receiving an email from him last week. I was told that I'm on a short-list and the interviews are now part of the official process (for the first time, this year). If anyone wants more information, feel free to ask.


Edited by owls
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Owls, thanks so much for the info! I'm taking it you're an Americanist then? If you'd rather me PM you, please just let me know. I'm a Europeanist, and trying to figure out if I should count myself out yet.

Yep, an Americanist.

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Congrats owls, and thanks for sharing the info! Like goldielocks, I'm also a bit unclear about what this means for the rest of us -- is it fair to assume that all shortlisted applicants have already been contacted? Is the role of the adcomm then to whittle down the interviewed applicants to a final list for offers?

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Yup........ I feel like this is gonna be a big week.

I suspect the same thing. And it's giving me mixed emotions — a combination of excitement and dread. Sometimes I chicken out and think it'd have been better if I didn't apply to work with some of these people whose work I've been married to for the past two years, during my research. Because then I wouldn't feel that awful sting if/when they (or the adcom) say(s) "no."

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Congrats on those who have gotten contacted by programs! I also feel like this is going to be a big week. Several of my schools have histories of contacting those who have been accepted before February 1...

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I suspect the same thing. And it's giving me mixed emotions — a combination of excitement and dread. Sometimes I chicken out and think it'd have been better if I didn't apply to work with some of these people whose work I've been married to for the past two years, during my research. Because then I wouldn't feel that awful sting if/when they (or the adcom) say(s) "no."

If/when that "no" does come (maybe you'll be the one person to bat 1000 this year!) just chalk it up to all the other factors which come in to play in making these brutal decisions. Don't take it as a comment on the quality of your work.

But let's not talk about rejections! Positivity.

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Totally awake here Goldielocks...and trying to prepare myself for rejection. :(


It's part of the process, I know. And part of this career path, in general. I think the anticipation is probably worse than the rejection itself, though.

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Congrats on those who have gotten contacted by programs! I also feel like this is going to be a big week. Several of my schools have histories of contacting those who have been accepted before February 1...

Hoping you get good news this week, Sandy!

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Don't count yourselves out just yet, folks! I think this is just the beginning of a process, and knowing that Yale's adcomm is meeting tomorrow I think it's pretty clear that it isn't over. For all we know this shortlist could be for the specific POI, could be a subfield shortlist, the shortlist could have several gradations and they've only reached out to the top candidates at this point... who knows! Just sit tight and wait, they have a process to complete and they will get to you. Good luck :)

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